I miss being us

I know how you feel, we had so many plans for our retirement and my husband couldn’t wait to claim his state pension as he had worked and paid in for 50 years, sadly he died 12 weeks before his 66th birthday. It’s not fair that I don’t get any of it.
We were looking forward to travelling, going out on day trips, visiting friends and visits to museums, galleries etc. it upsets me when friends and family talk about their plans and holidays as I don’t have plans and don’t know what to do.
Take care xx

Hi Mandy 28
Sorry that you are in the same unfair position it does not seem right does it that we do not get any of there pension as you say we had lots plans and know nothing it’s hard road that we are travelling I wish I could end the journey only know a life with my husband
Take care thanks for your message so sorry for your loss xxx

I just read about transferring your husbands state pension a couple of weeks ago. When I looked into it found out the rules had changed and your husband had to be retirement age before April 2016 mark was retirement age in may 2016 so just miss out. I am 10 years younger than him so don’t get my pension for another 6 years. It would have been a big help to get a bit extra. It’s so unfair xx

HI Barbara
i got a portion of my husbands state pension he was 71 when he passed i am now 71 you dont get all of it its all according how long he had been retired for when he died its not a lot you get i get £75 per month off his pension but it helps and pension credit it took the dwp 3 months to sort it but did get it back dated fom the dy he died
look into getting widows pension or tax credit your too young to get pension credit phone up the CAB and ask them what your entitled to
even if your still working you should be entitled to something


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I am getting bereavement support allowance £100 a month for 18 months. I am drawing on my husbands private pension pot to live but I’m going to use a lot of it before I get my state pension. I suppose I’m lucky I’ve got that but it’s not what I thought things would be like being careful with money. I think if I enquired about benefits they would suggest job seekers allowance and I am in no state to be job hunting.
Life’s not fair but we just have to try and get on with it don’t we xx

Hi Lonely
Yes I think you are exactly right. There must be so many people who have paid all their lives and die before getting their pension. Their partners should get something from it.
Just not fair and very sad xx

Morning my new friends so sad even down to us not getting any our husbands pensions on here you are in this horrible position so know how we are feeling and having to cope with out it is theft and make you so angry we are experiencing so much on our own it tough going you all on here know how some times we just want to be with our loved one and give up but have to try to get through
Hope you all have got family or friends to see today helps a little for a few hours then it kicks in when you back at home just telling your love one what you been doing and they not there to answer and tell you what they been doing not that we did much separate take care sending love hugs xxx

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Hi Barbera61, it is so unfair, isn’t it? My Derek died in 2021 aged 68, and he had paid his taxes all his life from aged 15. He worked a year longer than he needed to and retired age 66 to draw his pension. I am slightly younger so had to work until aged 66 but by then he had died 5 months earlier. I too received bereavement support of £100 per month but just for those 5 months. If you receive that support they deem you don’t need it once you get your pension. Why?
All of his pension contributions disappeared and were swallowed up by the state because I had enough contributions in my own right apparently to get the maximum pension of £711. It broke my heart, his were just gone. I’ve had to stay on at work, although I am so tired just so I can get by. I am also a WASPI Woman so I feel doubly cheated

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Morning my husband passed November 11th 2020 I was not entitled to my state pension till April 2021 lived on small amount of savings got the £100 a month widows allowance it’s a bloody struggle along with grieving it’s just not right lv annie x x

i know it is really hard to cope financialy when your left on your own your not only having to cope with just being on your own but money wise too the mony they give you is rubbish when you think about what you pay out after you lose your husbant isnt much different only food wise and for me i dont drive so no car expences but when you add evry thing up you lose more than you gain and pay out nearly the same you can understand why people on their own getting state pension sit freezing and hardly eating because they are scared of spending the money
it took me 3 months to get my pension credit off them and had to go to the CABfor help toget it must think because we are older and on our own we shouldnt need too much to live on


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I get my husbands private pension but none of his state pension. Is it means tested because I have a little savings. The government will make sure that they keep it all

Hiya nel got part of my husband private pension £193 a month and I have my state pension know and I’m lucky got no mortgage but it’s bloody annoying john worked for nhs 27 years as a paramedic and took me 5months to get things sorted sorry for ranting lv annie x x

It’s not much to live on when you add up all the bills. Gas and electric going up. Poll tax huge. Once all bills are paid people are lucky to feed themselves x

I hope you got a lump sum to go with the £193. It does not seem much for 27 years work

A didn’t nel that was it lv x x

That’s outrageous. I worked for nhs for 31 years but we were only allowed to pay private pension at a certain point. I paid for thirteen years. I got 17k and 222 per month. I do am lucky as I don’t pay mortgage x

Are you sure they have given you the correct amount Annie x

Hiya nel my daughter said I should query it lv annie x x x

It is so wrong my husband worked for nhs paid into private pension but even that I only get half does not seem right and no government pension which he paid all the years he died 5 months before he was due to get it we was really looking forward to getting some thing back I got mine 4 months after it is a struggle paying the bills luckily I don’t have a mortgage but it’s hard going with all bills that go with it

You should Annie. How long did he pay into pension. I got more than that for 13 years and a lump sum. If NHS pension you should be entitled to more. get out your paperwork and look into it. They will have to back pay