Is anyone else completely alone?

I wish I had an answer for the final comment @Tuppy21 that shone light, but sadly I don’t and I’m of a similar mind at the time of writing.

I also watch music videos on you tube , Next doors cat come round and see me some times


I no longer have a dog but I always thought that having a dog was one of the easiest ways to meet other dog owners. I have found that most dog walkers are more than happy to to talk about their dog even if you do not have a dog yourself. I guess that is not the case for you. That seems a real shame. After all friendly dogs are able to sniff out another friendly dog in no time at all. Not that I suggest you go about it in the same way😊

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@Hopefully Unfortunately our rescue dog is not a fan of other dogs so conversation with others is not an easy option. However I agree about leaving out the sniffing as a way of connecting by me :smiley:

I thought if I could at least raise a smile I will have achieved my good deed for the day

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You’ve made me laugh! Thank you. I was down a rabbit hole tonight …

Hi Tupp21
I am going through the same things as everybody else but I think one be sad and still have fun at the same time. I make ice-cream and give most of it away. It makes me happy and hopefully makes others happy too, win - win situation.


@KMCG my husband died just over 2 years ago and my dog has helped me so much. Like you say you have to go out for walks but the benefit that gave me was immense even when I just didn’t want to do it. I remember walking through my village twice a day feeing as though all eyes were on me and deep breathing the whole walk as I was so anxious. I would invariably get back home and feel better within myself which would carry me through a few more hours of the day. It’s an incredibly difficult thing to endure losing your partner and the early days for me were just torture but having as much structure as I could manage, including dog walking, helped me. My life looks a lot more positive now, I’ve just started the process of moving house and am even thinking of joining a jogging club. Hold on tight, it’s baby steps in the very beginning and very slowly allow life to grow alongside your grief. Keep dog walking


Hi Bryher
Good for you, it sounds like you are doing really well, congratulations.
I agree it is very hard to start with but one just have to be brave and do what you have to do. I am sure your words will be an inspiration to others.

We all thinking about our future and what it holds for us ? I had a tarot done on FB but I’m not wiser.

Thank you for your reply ,Take care

How interesting - I wonder what the cards said. I hope they were helpful.

I think you can read a lot of stuff, but at that time they don’t seem to connect at all. It’s almost feels like a fantasy, yes the cards might say this about you. But forces in light are holding you back and there’s nothing you can do about it.

I’m the same only my little Jack Russell lily to talk to. Lost my darling Janet in January to secondary breast cancer. We’d hardly been apart in the 32 years together


I only have my cat to spend time with, and not sure if I want to really be around others even though I feel lonely and alone. It feels as if I am done with this world. Anyone also feel this way ? It has been over two years now.


Personally I believe you can only move forward yourself when you are ready I talk to myself and tell myself what to do and how to solve my own problems Take responsibility for yourself if you are alone and no one is there for U any more If you have lost that special person accept it If you feel lonely and want company then seek it Go to groups that interest or inspire you If you do you will definitely find people you share interests with Look after yourself you matter


@LolaA i too have my cat for company and I am now about to move to a different housing association flat ( temporarily) where they say no cats . Apart from if you’re looking after them “ sometimes “ . Work that one out . As it’s :crossed_fingers: temporary I’m going to sneak her in . And “ look after her sometimes “ .
I’m also done with this world - which you can possibly tell from my attitude towards the temporary home.
I’m hoping to move back to the rental I shared with my love - it’s been renovated and isn’t quite ready but the landlord has agreed for me to go back . I’m relying on this . Yes I feel a total sense of despair all the time xxx

I thought law is being changed on private renting. You might want to look into it first.


@Keith68 do you mean about the cat ? I’m talking about the housing association flat that only says I can look after a cat “ sometimes “ ! Im winging it because in all probability it will be a temporary move . I’m staying with my dad presently. He says I can stay here ( with my cat !!) . The thing is I’m exchanging flats so I don’t necessarily want to give up my tenancy until I find out about the house . The house is ready apparently in April , so rather annoyingly I’ll need to move twice . I’m not going to unpack but I’m going to put my furniture in , stay with my dad for a few weeks then I should know about the house . All very complicated. At least my poor cat doesn’t understand what’s going on . If I end up staying in the new flat I’ll need to gag her to keep her quiet !!!

Landlords will no longer be able to issue a blanket ban on tenants living with animals. Under the new rules, tenants will have the right to ask the landlord for permission to live with pets at the property. The landlord must consider your request to live with pets and cannot “unreasonably” refuse.5 Jan 2024

Hope this might help ? I would get more information, maybe cab.

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