Is anyone else completely alone?

@Keith68 hi can I ask where you got this information from please? I’m being given conflicting information about this situation. I looked at the tenancy agreement and it says you need written permission. When I asked I was told no but no reason given . Then the email went on to say I could care for the cat for a few days in an emergency! This is all contradictory isn’t it and doesn’t make sense . I’m really not sure now about what to do . The housing association might watch me to check if I do keep a cat ! I mean she’s 10 years old and just sleeps on the bed all day - who on earth is going to know if this is more than a few days ?

I’ve just done some web research. The renters reform Act will probably come into force in Oct 2024 but will only be for new tenancies for the first 12 months.
If you have any problems you could say that look the government is changing the law, they recognise that pets help with loneliness and isolation. My cat doesn’t disturb anyone.
If they took you to court there’s also the possibility that you could claim that it was an unreasonable term in your contract. That is law at present.
Good luck

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I just googled it, I think it’s new legislation about to come in

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@Keith68 yes I know thank you . Nothing is straightforward is it . I’m just going to take my cat hope for the best and try not to worry x

Good luck with your cat, stupid law anyway. I would begrudge anyone having a animal for company especially if they are on their own. I’m struggling to look after myself

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@Keith68 yes I know what you mean . I been struggling for 14 months now x

Hi Denise
What they really mean is move on. We don’t want to move on do we?
We have to move forward though because time does that to us as one day follows another.
Move on though seems to imply we leave them behind.
None of us on here can do that or want to and why should we
Thinking of you x

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If we not struggling emotionally then we struggling financially or both.


@Keith68 i struggle with both really . Life is full of uncertainty and sadness :broken_heart::broken_heart:

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I have to admit someone saying ‘move on’ to me gets a very stern look that re-educates them pretty damn quickly not to say that. I then reflect that until you’ve lost your loved one you don’t really get the pain so they don’t get completely disowned, well unless they say it again!


Am I fortunate in that no one has ever said to me to “move on”. Having said that I feel I have moved on, not from but with my wife. She is with me, she is part of me and I feel her presents guiding through life and what I need to do to help myself.

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Reading your note has promped me to reply. My wife, also Anne, passed away 18 months ago, and litterally we have just intered her ashes in a natural buial ground in a beautiful spot last week. I am looking forward to visit and sit with her and have a cuppa and a chat also , we meant so much to each other in life and shall never be apart, now or never. Now I have this focus ,I have found a quite calming feeling after all the sadness of loss ang grief over the last 18 months.
God bless


It does help. My Anne was buried so there is also a place for me to go, tend the ground above, sit, chat, cry and reflect. And there is space for me too so one day I will be with her and within the present I am comforted for then the cycle of my life will have turned and be complete. And thus we will become everlasting, part of the infinite, ashes to ashes. And perhaps a glimmer, a grain of sense, a dawn of understanding can be discerned and a piece of the jigsaw, the puzzle of it all made that much clearer.

How insensitive is that ? Move on ? As though it’s just another bump in life’s road.
We have to move forward because time does that for us unasked as one day follows another
Move on of course doesn’t mean that it’s effectively saying get over it. As though it’s a bad cold.
Thinking of you and so sorry you have to hear insensitive comments from people that have had an empathy and sympathy by pass

I recall in the last dark days of my Annes life when someone who, i considered a good friend came to visit and said to me ’ you know , you must keep a stiff upper lip ’ and went away. Never ever forgot that. That has resounded with me ever since as being the ultimate statement of total lack of understanding.


Hi ball78 I agree total absence of sympathy. Perhaps it was the first cliché that sprang to mind. On the other hand it may be they have no body of importance in their life and we should feel sorry for them because they are missing so much. I hope you have much better friends now.

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Always hated that saying move on, we all different and heal at different levels and different times.

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Hi all i joined today which is the very day my Girlfriend of 20 years together passed away. i like so many others have noone else, just our 2 dogs, although im at the start of this hard journey i know its going to be a drag. i miss her so much she kept this house running, i have no parents or siblings to speak of so the idea of being completly alone terrifies me.


So very sorry.

You will find others without relatives on this site. Plus people with dogs.

You will also find supportive people on this site.

Take care, Rose

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thank you may i ask did you find it hard to talk to people after your loss.? just seems every time i open my mouth to talk i start crying i just dont know how im suppose to act or behave.