Is there an afterlife? Signs

@Sally-Anne63 @Dottie72

Yes, my Bry would be heartbroken knowing I’m
So lost & heartbroken he would do anything for me to make me smile and I know if he can see me he would be sad , so I’m interested about this too xxx


@Sally-Anne63 thank you for your reply… do you think he can hear and see me at home? I often talk to him x


Hope they can I’m constantly talking to Bry. :pray::heart: xxx

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I have no idea how I’m going to feel if my OH comes through either but I’m almost certain it will be a positive feeling. I know it’s forever now. I know there’s nothing I can do to change what’s happened. He’s gone, I’m never going to see him in this life again but there’s still hope I can see him when I die. That’s the best I can hope for now so just to have it confirmed that he’s still here and that he knows how much I love him and that I’m so sorry for all the times I took him for granted or had a strop with him over something completely trivial. I’ll feel much better knowing that he’s not just gone forever.

His personality was awesome and I’m really hoping he’s still the same way now :slight_smile:

I’ve got my main reading Wednesday, a second cheaper reading Thursday then my deep house clean on Friday. I’m sure I’ll be able to keep ontop of everything after it’s all sorted out initially. I’m coping a lot better now. I’ve actually cooked for myself twice this week :rofl:

I’ve basically lived off sandwiches since he’s died unless someone else has been cooking :rofl:



Hi I’m a great believer in synchronicity, if it feels right go with it . spirit communicate to us with our gut feel is my personal opinion.

I had a day job until yesterday :frowning:!!

Mediumship has been my hobby for about 7 years now but mainly been done free of charge, I have done the odd paid private reading , but no more than a handful
of times in all those years.

I did set up a fb page events company as a hobby a few weeks ago now , with a view to wanting to arrange psychic supper type events and a group of really good mediums I work with offered to help me .

The plan was to give people an enjoyable night of food , spiritual awareness and messages , with a view to hopefully igniting that little spark that make
People consider , starting their own personal spiritual journey.

If they walked through the church doors, super !!

If they don’t , well it’s still super , because it is the beginning of a change in their lives and I love that😊

It doesn’t matter to me what religion , colour or creed anyone is . I respect everyone’s beliefs, we are all the same , all part of the brotherhood of man.



Food and spiritual messages, sounds like the perfect evening, maybe throw some wine in there too :rofl:
It’s a shame I don’t live near Yorkshire because I’d be there :shallow_pan_of_food:

I know Sue Ryder removed the name of the medium I booked from my post. They basically thought I was endorsing and promoting her. I did send them the screenshot of the payment for £750 to prove that I had actually booked a reading with her and that I wasn’t just trying to plug her services. Before that I’d named a couple of other mediums so I’m careful not to name any more now.

I’ll have a look at your Facebook now :slight_smile:

I absolutely believe in an afterlife. I have had a few personal experiences to remove any doubt. However I believe that after a farewell visit to say goodbye not many hang about. First was after my father in law passed. His favourite wild flower was the poppy. Three weeks after he died we woke up to a garden full of poppies. Our landlord, we lived in Greece at the time, was amazed as he had never seen poppies there before. I put it down to coincidence, A few years later a friend died very suddenly, an aneurysm. I was seeing his wife off at the airport and we were having a coffee in the taverna whilst waiting for the plane. She lit a cigarette, she had given up months before and so had Peter. Suddenly Peter was in front of me smiling and said ‘tell her to have one for me’. I was shell shocked and didn’t know what to say, Eventually I plucked up the courage and told her what had happened. She went white as a sheet and didn’t say a word. Eventually I found out that that was what they said to each other if one of them gave in to the odd ciggy. When my hubby came home from hospital I knew he had three days at the most as they had removed the intravenous fluids before he left. He had caught covid in hospital and his organs were shutting down. I insisted he came home so that the family could see him before he went as there was no hospital visiting allowed at that time. He had a horrendous couple of days and couldn’t speak, He didn’t know where he was and the Cheyne Stokes was horrendous. I lay next to him praying to his parents, his friends anyone to take him, he was suffering so much, or I was. Suddenly the loud breathing stopped, he opened his eyes wide. There was a total look of amazement on his face and he said clearly Wow! Then he was gone. So yes I believe there is an afterlife.


OH MY Goodness… I cannot believe you paid that!!


At Church you could get a message for a donation of a couple of pound!!

There are some really good spiritualist mediums at the SNU churches , absolutely no need to be paying that sort of money .:open_mouth::open_mouth:

I think the difference here, is that we all use our gifts in different ways , but the main point of our mediumship is to help grieving people heal, not to make them take out a second mortgage ha ha!!

Yes of course we have to live and pay bills , so unfortunately we do have to charge , but it has to be sensible in my opinion.

Your £750 medium sound me to me they are more materialistic than spiritual but only my opinion .

As I said my motivation was different for this platform i just wanted to help :two_hearts:


Yes it’s a lot of money but the desperation I feel to know one way or another is beyond anything I’ve ever felt before. Hopefully I won’t regret it later :rofl:
I’m from South Wales, not far from Cardiff so if you ever do one near Cardiff or the surrounding areas then definitely let me know. How many people usually attend these events to make it viable for you?

Your post I’m sorry to say is totally inappropriate on here. If people want to book a medium then that is their choice to do so but not through a bereavement site and as such I have raised this with Sue Ryder


Are you in north Yorkshire at all .

I thought it was just me that became obsessed with the afterlife . I spent hours on YouTube after my partner Chris passed away , and 2 years in and I’m still constantly thinking about it . I’ve not seen any signs or reassurance that there is anything which disappoints me . It’s comforting to know others are the same though and are interested to know if there is more


I think we all do. I’d never given it any thought before I lost my partner. The day he died all I could think about is what happened to him. Had he really gone forever with no knowledge he ever existed or had his physical body just given up and he’d moved on? Would I ever see him again? I’m not sure we’ll ever truly know the answer though :disappointed:

I find it fascinating and have so many questions.

I went for a walk in the early days and was in such a state and so needed some help and walked into the local church to hopefully get to talk to someone but it was closed apart from the toilet , which is accessible for people visiting the graves.

Our spiritualist church has closed down so nothing near me, otherwise I would be very tempted although I believe my partner would not come through.

I believed in the afterlife before he died but now I don’t and he was adamant that there was nothing after. I’ve asked for signs and if he could, he would, he would find a way. Although I think I’ve had signs they are not solid signs and could be questionable lol.

Sorry going on now lol.
Thank you for your reply.

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When you say they are “energy” what does that actually mean? Will they still look the same? Can we touch eachother in the afterlife? Can we hug and speak to eachother etc? Silly questions I know but for me the only thing I want in the world is to be able to hug him if / when I ever see him again :broken_heart:

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Hi Dottie

I am so pleased you had a good reading.

No I’m sorry I don’t know him.

Sorry I got distracted and can’t remember the question and can’t see it from here back in a mo lol x

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Hi I am sorry you feel that way I had no intention of offending just helping and I am not charging anything for anyone on this site just answering their questions . My services for people asking for a reading on this site are free . I’m sorry if I didn’t make that clear I’m just wanting to help xx


I’m feeling really crap at the minute. I just hate life so much. It’s weird as I don’t want to die anymore, I just want him back. I know that’s impossible so it’s making me naggy and irritable.

I almost feel trapped in life. I can’t die because now I’ve gone back to being scared of death. It was only in the early days of him going that I really wanted to die and wasn’t afraid. So now I’m forced to live this life I hate as I can’t do anything else.

I keep thinking if there’s an afterlife, that will be enough to get me through I think. Although I’m not loving this " we won’t be like married couples on the other side" that annoys me.

I have had no signs either.

When my husband was alive I accused him of fancying this woman the once, I seen her the other night and she was telling me how much he loved me as he always used to talk about me. I felt so happy on my way home and cried. By the time I got home I’d convinced myself that she was probably just saying that to be nice and he still might have secretly liked this woman! :see_no_evil:

Why do our brains do this? Maybe we can’t cope with the pain so if we try to tell ourselves they didn’t love us etc it will be easier? It’s too much to actually bare at times. :weary:



Hi yes of course they are around us all the time he can hear and see you.

They love it when you talk to them and they love to help and guide you through your life .

If you take a spiritual awareness course at one of the spiritualist churches you will be able to understand how to use all your senses and hopefully you will be able to feel like little tickles on your hand and face and that’s their energy telling you they are there always with you just a thought away…

Only my opinion but it is shared by a lot of spiritual mediums …

Personally I didn’t believe any of this I was a really hard nut to crack on my first course I couldn’t feel their energy it’s very subtle and it takes time to learn but I believe we all have the capability to learn if we want to


Hi Sally-Anne63
I think it is so kind of you to come on here & want to help people. Since I lost my Phil I have had lots of signs but I end up doubting them because in general if you tell other people they try to convince you that it is your imagination. I have had what’s app readings with 4 mediums. The first one said the energy wasn’t right & stopped the reading. I had 2 more readings off very nice ladies but they just didn’t tell me anything to convince me that they were connecting with Phil. The last reading was with someone that is very up & coming & has now actually stopped doing private readings & is concentrating on his shows. He did tell me a couple of things that could be true but could also be for anyone really. I haven’t given up yet & plan to see a medium that has been recommended to me face to face. I just wondered when you said about the energy needing to be right. Is there anything I can do before a reading to help with this? Any advice you can give would be gratefully received.
Net xx