I've been trying so hard, but I can't keep going

Completely agree with what everyone is saying. So sorry for your loss. Everyone here understands your feelings and are on a similar journey and it’s dreadful.
It’s such early days and you are probably in a state of disbelief and everything is raw. Try and take each hour as it comes and rest as much as you can. People will genuinely want to help you so take any support you can. Keep posting as it will keep you sane.
Sending love and strength x


So sorry for your loss @Jallyo

I agree with everything everyone else has said.
Its very early days, take one step at a time and any support you can get
We are all here to listen and offer our support. We all understand, we’re all going through it

Love and hugs

Liz x

@Jallyo i’m really sorry to hear this. You must feel really lost at the moment. Just take one day, or even one hour at a time. I’m not going to say it gets better, but you learn to cope. Sending hugs.

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It is great to have this site.
we need to share with each other, when we feel no one else understands.
You are all brave to be honest, to try to reach out.
It can only be a step at a time, but it makes a difference to say how it feels to a community who have this in common.


It’s been 6 months since I lost my husband unexpectedly to an aneurysm. He died alone. We just had his celebration of life last weekend. That event has pushed me into deep sadness. My mind and heart tells me I need to be with my husband. I can’t seem to find happiness without him. He was my partner and my rock. I’m nothing without him.
I’m glad there are strong people that can survive without their loved one. I hope someway I can find the strength. He was my strength!


Oh @Sadiedog I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband and for how you are feeling at the moment. 6 months is so early on and it sounds like you were a great team and he gave you lots of love and strength.
I often wonder how so many widows and widowers get through this time without giving up - the pain is so great and the sadness overwhelming. But they do go on - in their millions.
I often feel like I’m collapsing in a heap and that I don’t really want to go on without my beloved husband but others need me, especially my kids.
I get my strength from them - and also from knowing that I had a wonderful life with my husband which I wouldn’t change for the world. Draw strength from wherever you can, family, friends, the morning Sun , a funny meme. There’s lots of support on here and it’s good to know you are not alone in how you feel - we can all support each other and you can draw some love and strength from that.
Taking a step to post here and find support is a first step in building your resilience to rebuild your life. You can do this - and we can help you along the way
Sending strength and a big hug xx


Dear Sadiedog I am so sorry you are feeling like this tonight. 9 weeks for me tomorrow and I feel the same - I can’t find happiness without him and think about him all the time. Please keep posting on here. It’s been a lifeline for me and it’s the one place everyone genuinely understands.
Sending love and strength x


It’s been over 3 months since we lost my wife , it feels ages ago and yesterday all at the same time .
I honestly didn’t think I would survive a week let alone 3 months without her , still sometimes have feelings of just wanting to go be with her but here I am still here , mainly for the kids & dog , but still here . Most days I just take it hour by hour , trying to keep busy to occupy my mind and stop the negative thoughts .


I understand and can relate, except for kids.

Big hug x


Completely relate. Just over 3 months for me and seems a lifetime but still
Go to speak to him some days then realise he’s never gonna be coming back.
Kids and dog keep me here and grounded but feeling harder than ever and wondering things will ever get easier.
Sending love to all on this sad Sunday xx


Its nearly 6 months for me, and at times I still find myself thinking ‘he’ll be back from the allotment/golf etc soon’. Its a massive adjustment to make, and if i’m honest i cant remember the last time I was a single person. We were married for 44 years.


I understand the pain you are all feeling
I’m a little further on, 17 weeks.
I thought I was coping, I’d had a pretty good week, a few tears every day, but still climbing nearer the top of the rollercoaster.
Then today, for no apparent reason I’ve crumbled and started slipping back down.

I just want him back. I miss him so much


Completely understand. 9 weeks for me today and I’m a mess - probably the worst I’ve ever been. I just want him back and I know that can never happen.
I want him, I miss him, I need him.
Heartbroken :broken_heart:


Thankyou Jody
Yes totally heartbroken :broken_heart:

Sending you a big hug x


Thanks to you all for sharing. It is so familiar, Sundays are hard.
It helps to know I am not on my own.
You are all in my thoughts, sending best wishes for a better tomorrow.


my soulmate died on 8 Feb, im still broken, think i always will be, but i will learn to live with pain better. I take to him everyday, tell him what ive done just as we used to if wecwere ever apart, and every night i tell him i love him. In my head i hear him reply just as he used it gives me some comfort, helps go on like he wanted. Ive started to go to church. a knit and natter group and coffee mornings. it helps as tgey are so caring and some have been this, or are still going through it. it helps to be with them. I love and miss my David and that will never change, we are alwsys and forever and i have to believe well meet again.


Hi, I am considering joining something, just to get out and talk to people. It’s a bit scary though. We only needed each other and didn’t socialise much. I used to have lots of friends, but he was very shy and we were unable to go out much anyway as I care full time for my daughter and she is home at weekends and in the evenings.
I also talk to him all the time and write letters instead of a journal.
You have inspired me to join something. I can’t knit. Someone invited me to join Tai Chi. Not sure about it. Hang on in there! Xx


willow112 thank you, i was very nervous, we were never apart only 4 weeks on 28 years l.i decided to go to church just to see if i could meet friends and they were brill, the knit and natter at ours you can do anything you want even just chat and its 2 hours out, its worth trying, ive been lucky here I live in large village so more people know each other. Till 2 week ago i really hated coming into the house, it was as if the silence was noisy and emptiness oppressive, Id had 2 dreams a month apart, in the first i was woken by someone shouting im here, so real i got up checking the doorbell and house, the second was 2 week ago again waking me up and sounded like him shouting my name, then i had a fews hourscat my daughters and realised the noisy silence and dreams were him trying to tell me hed never left he was with me, now i can sit alone the silence is no longer noisy and oppressive. i know people will say its in my head, but i feel safer and still loved. i still cry alot and know it will never really be better but its one day at a time till im with him again, though i still wish i could turn back time but im trying to find the strength to carry on. Please do find somewhere to go, it diesnt take the painvawsy but it help you to move forward x


I’ve just joined tonight and it’s so helpful to read things others experience too. Ronnie I talk to my beloved too. Wish him good morning and blow his chair that he used to sit in kisses. I wondered if I was making it worse for myself thinking about him sitting there. It’s so good to know others talk to their partners too.


Hi @Dino13

I talk to my husband constantly, I sometimes even tell him off.
I write to him every night. Its my connection to him. Its like a diary, I tell him about my day and how I feel.
It helps me

X x