I've been trying so hard, but I can't keep going

Oh bless him at least he wants you to meet people, how long is it since you lost your beloved. Xxxx

hi jevncute, its 20 wks yesterday, sometimes it feels like an eternity and others only yesterday. i dont really want to go anywhere but i know i must that first push to make yourself do it is always the hardest the first time, but living in a large village helps . i have some faith, but going to church has heloed me make friends and many have been through, this grief , so theres always a hug. its so hard.

It is so hard isnt it, i just feel totally lost and scared. I just want to go to sleep and wake up and find it is all a nightmare. What faith are you

hi jevncote im church of england, im trying to find my faith as i lost it many years ago, and it was the only place i knew that i could meet others. David and I were always together, went everywhere together still held hands, always said i love you to each other everyday, still sent valentines etc., so i needed somewhere to be.

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Your relationship sounds so like mine and Gras, we held hands said every day without fail we loved each other. Sent valentines cards as you did. Omg does this hurt. I just want to wake up and it all have been a horrid nightmare.xx

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i do also, its all a bad dream and hell be tgere when I wake. its real znd we live this nightmare everyday, but everyday i get through is a day closer to being with David again, at 71 maybe i dont have that msny more years

im having snotger bad day 4th in a row crying as soon as i get up and everytime i stop doing things, im so tired and so cold. Its like im back at the beginning, i have no idea why. Today a photo memory of a bouquet of roses he bought just because i was wirth it, now i get no flowers, i feel worthless. Today is the worst day of them all, hed hate me crying, he used to wrap me in his.arms till i stopped, i really need that hug now. i need to learn to love myself again as he loved me. Ive just found this poem, maybe its right. o need to find some peace, but im wirrued so many things need doing and i cant afford to do them, like my landing window looks like it will fall out, i have a replacement but no one will fit it, but no money to pay for another new one, perhaps thats why im so down and cant sleep at all again. So wish he was still here, then id be able to think and feel.


A beautiful poem.
Thank you . Xx

jody I write a sort of diary every night as if I was telling him what I had done or felt/coped each day. I’m coming up to six months now and have done this since he died. Some days I’m okay and keep busy but like other people other days are really hard, especially at the weekends. I have lost my soulmate of over 50 years and it’s still very hard. All you can do is take one day at a time and it’s still very early for you. Try and remember the good times you were able to share.


Do you still cry alot. How did you get to 6 months ? Today is 3 weeks and i feel like hell.no zest for anything. Xxxx

it is a beautiful verse, i just dont know how to love myself, or if i ever will know how. im an empty shell of who I was, it is so very hard at the minute to get up in a morning and put one foot in front of the other.


I know that feeling so well 3 weeks for me today xxxx

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Hi All,
Six months coming up for me later this week and looming over me like a huge cloud.
Trying to be as positive as I can but half a year without my darling is so hard. Especially like everyone on here, when you miss them every minute of every day.

Sending love and hugs to all our friends on here. Xx


Lovely Poem. 4 months for me. Still incredibly hard. I went for lunch with my family yesterday all couples. I burst into tears. Just could not cope with any interaction especially as all couples were holding he hands. Pretty much how my husband did. I suppose I have to get used to being alone but it’s very difficult. I miss my husband so much. I hate coming home to a empty home with no one to talk to. I’m sure when I eventually scatter my husband Ashes I .:pray::pray::pray:hope to find peace then as he will. That’s in September on his birthday


Bless i am only 3 weeks in , i also find it extremely hard . I keep thinking that should be me and Gra. Xxx

Hard seeing couples or seeing them holding hands. My husband and I always held hands when we went out

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Us too howvi long just for one more kiss one more time to holdvhis hand , to hear is xalming voice. Xxx

its so hard seeing other couples laughing and holding hands, i miss that physical contact so much, we always held hands always went everywhere together . ive noticed that friends that wed go out with previously no longer call, which makes the isolation worse. its 21 weeks for me, and im finding so hard, in some ways its harder than the first weeks, as then i had everything to sort out now i just exist


Mine was 3 weeks as yesterday it is so hard. I am very isolated and alone. I feel so afraid xxxx

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Oh. Don’t be afraid. You’ll be fine eventually. Maybe speak to your Dr they maybe able to help you. It’s very very early days. Can’t say it gets any easier emotionaly but try and be strong.im 4 months without my husband and it’s not easy but a bit better. Take care.

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