I've been trying so hard, but I can't keep going

It’s been 7 months for me since I lost my husband Mark. I have his picture as my screen wallpaper on my cell phone. I kiss it everyday or more. I haven’t put away his clothes, watch or shoes. They sit where they were the day he passed away. It seems like yesterday he was found gone by the neighbors in our home. It’s almost like I’m waiting for him to come home to me. My heart says one thing my mind knows the truth. I hug and kiss his dog Sadie more than she probably cares for. She gives me comfort. So I understand what everyone is feeling. I don’t know when it will get better or if it ever will.


it can be done through a group on messenger and possibly whatsapp. ive seen it done but never done it. ive only ever used teams fir council business

I have Gras photo as my screen saver too. I also kiss his picture. Omg i never thought it would be this hard. Like all of you i want to go back in time to when he was still here. Xxx

Wecwill havecto find out how its done it would be lovely to chat to you all in real time xx

I have hubbys photo on my home screen on my phone. I stroke his face every time i move onto the app pages. Dont ask me, it just happened. Maybe its a sign!


I could do with a sign too maybe then i wouldnt feel so lost. Xxxx

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i believe i had signs, about 3 month after i lost him, and i in avreally bad place following my fall i woke up in a start hearing someone shouting im here, so clear i even got up checked door bell and house no one there, then a month after again at just gone 4.30 i wasxeoken by him shouting Ronnie, that was his name for me along with other ones, but always Ronnie when he was wanting to be heard. Then about month ago realising the silence was noisy when i accepted he was still here. The significance of 4.30 ish was he died at 4.32 am. They had to be signs, and I’m sure he answers me when i talk to him. i have to believe, or i wouldnt cope at all.


Wow i am hopi g i get a sign that Gra is still with me. I need to hear is voice i need is touch. I need him to tell me everything is going to be ok. Xxx

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We’re all longing for the same thing. To have them back or some contact.
I have his photos on my phone too. One where he’s looking straight at me and smiling always makes me ache inside wanting to touch him again.
So much heartache for us all. All in this together the same suffering and the same thoughts going round and round.
Had a really bad bit earlier tonight. Couldn’t stop the sobbing and getting really panicky and down. I’ve had a drink. Can’t help it I need something to take the edge off,


Yes, I have a couple of cans of lager in the evenings. Strange how these waves hit. I always start to get butterflies and then my hands shake. Doesn’t take much to throw me off balance. A small problem, being unable to find something or do one of his usual jobs.
It’s just pants.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better one.


I went back to yoga this morning, haven’t been since January. The teacher knows me well and I told him afterwards that I am suddenly feeling a lot better now. Then I got in my car and started to cry.


i have to believe they were signs, i have diubts i keep asking him will be be there waiting for me, i have to know he still loves me. I get an answer in my head saying he will because we are together you and me and our love is eternal. Thats what he wrote on labels abd cards and our song was high by lighthouse family. i couldnt go in if i dont have that, fir as much as i try to do things its meaningless if we won’t be together again. i still want him back, im nothing without him.

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It’s good that you went back to yoga. I get what happened when you got back in the car. I did the same when a friend left my house after a visit.
Sometimes it’s because you put on a brave face when they are there, sometimes it’s because for a few minutes you did feel better, and then the wave hits again, feeling even bigger.
Hugs xx


I have absolutely no doubt that they will be waiting for us with their arms wide open, when we go to join them.


I believe I’ve had a few signs, I try not to dismiss them as coincidence, but a few have been much more than that.
The last one was on Saturday, I’d watched the football and was settling to watch something about the royals, Saturday is a terrible night on the tv.
All of a sudden my cd player switched itself on and started playing 'Young Girl " a song I love, especially because Roger was 10 years older than me. I totally freaked out. Nothing like that has ever happened before.
I’m sure it must have been a sign.
I have had a word with Roger and told him although I want signs could he please try not to frighten the life out of me when he sends one.

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i so hope so, im sat here crying now fir no reason, i cried in church Sunday because they said a prayer for me to help me cope with the grief, i cried on the trip to our place told people it was the aircon . i can cry at the drop if a hat these days, i know hed not want that, he say stop your blarting come for a hug, then he let me cry it out on his chest hugging me all the time. i miss that, i miss everything. This grief is dreadful, its a physical pain that comes in waves its 1 step forward and 2 back, the 21 weeks seems so long-ago yet no time at all. if only i could turn the clock back id never let it happen hed still be here with me. im having a really bad day and for no real reason


Oh @ronnie4

I’m exactly the same. The tears just come and come. I think I’m ok and someone will ask how I am and they start again. In the middle of the Co-op the other day, it was a bit embarassing.
Like yours my husband hated to see me cry, and he’d be hating seeing me cry so much now.
But I can’t help it they just come.
It’s 19 weeks for me and the pain just doesn’t go does it?
I am starting to cope but I miss him terribly and that makes me cry so much.
I have goodish days and still lots of bad ones. But I know I’ve got to move forward. I just don’t know how.
Sending a big hug


I had to go to the dentist, the one we both attended for years. I had not told them about my husband. She asked if I had anything nice planned for the rest of the day. That was all it took. Snotty tears all over my face, wailing and sobbing. The dentist and nurse were so kind. But when I went back through the waiting room all the other patients were looking terrified of their turn!
If it wasn’t so tragic it might have been funny.


Awww bless you those painful memories of last time i was here i wasvwith them. And when people are nice those tears dont stop coming. Xxxx


These are words i have to believe so i can get through the day

I am always with you
Every step of the way

Until we meet again …

My presence will
always be with you,
like a shadow,
guiding you through
all the twists and turns
of life’s journey

You are never truly alone,
for I’m with you in
every heartbeat

Even though
I’ve left this life,
the bond we share
remains unbroken ~
regardless of distance

Until that day when we reunite ,
hold onto our memories and
let them light your way

I’m always with you,
just a heartbeat away

Until we meet again …

~ Hello to Heaven ~

#hellotoheaven #mikayla #alwaysremember #cardinalsigns #alwayswithyou #everystepoftheway #seeyouontheotherside #sayhellotoheaven #formichael #forryan #untilwemeetagain