Losing a most precious person in my life.

Well done @Sable for booking therapy sessions. It is helping me no end. I had my 2nd session on Thursday where we focused on one emotion relating to the day Alison had her heart attack. We went deep in to this emotion and worked on releasing it slowly. If I started rushing ahead she brought me back to the here and now and kept me focused on one thing only. At the end of the session I felt mentally tired and sat in my car for 10 minutes to reflect on the session before going home. I hope your counselling helps in any way it can. x


Hi. I only got told about the Bereavement support payment that is paid for 18 months, ive tried calling the tax office to see if I can claim part of Robs tax code but on hold for so long I gave up. If anyone knows of any other things we can claim please let us know.


Yeh i got it ā€¦ finishes in may or june as you say can get it for 18 months :frowning: you might be able to do via dwpā€¦ i think thats how i did it and had to take in marriage certificate ā€¦ if that helps x

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@punto I applied on line they called me but I didnā€™t like giving details on phone so they sent me a form . The personal things to add I went to job centre and they scanned them through which is allowed and then they stamp and sign your form . I was amazed I got it in a few days of sending form in . I donā€™t know of any other benefits we can claim


@punto I got a one off payment as Iā€™m under 60 followed by 18 payments of Ā£100. Also got a 25% reduction in my council tax as I am now on my own in the house.

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Yep same gor me too xx did that one stop information thing ( well kids did) and all got sorted for me x

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I dont think age matters as long as you under pension age , i am a few years older than you, i think as long as your husband paid his stamps youre entitled to it x

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Iā€™ve just gone on line but i donā€™t qualify :confused:ā€¦i was made redundant but canā€™t get job seekers as i only worked p/t and my NI payments werenā€™t enough!..i had no idea they take that into account!.. nor can i get UC! So fed up :roll_eyes:

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Reallyv? But goes on your husbands/ partners stamps paid and also think you have to be married too :frowning: tbh xx

Thats all i get. I wondered if anyone claimed anything else we were not aware was available to Widows

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It says this for meā€¦
This is because when your partner died you did not have dependent children and were not pregnant.
Because you were not married or in a civil partnership, you must be entitled to Child Benefit or pregnant when your partner dies to get Bereavement Support Payment.

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Hey is it the wrong benefit ? Because i dont have dependent childrenā€¦ theyā€™re grown up ! And i got it only a year ago !! 8 just googled it and its called bereavment benefit ā€¦

Thanks @Deb5 , i think things must have changed thenā€‹:confused:ā€¦ iv checked again and not eligible :grimacing:

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They have 2 types of bereavment support , i googled it , ring up dwp and check with them. Not tax office. If you werent married i donā€™t think you can get it though ? X

Ok, thanks @Deb5 . Youā€™ve been v helpful x

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Thats what i get a lump sum and 100 per momth for 18 months. I was martied but kids all grown up. I am trying to find out if eligible for any part of his tax allowance, the gov.uk website is not very helpful and tax office just keep you on hold, guess I will keep calling them.

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Yep so did i ā€¦ you get an allowance towards funeral dont you because they were under pension age and they will never get their state pension ;( so sad ā€¦

I only got the bereavement allowance. Not aware of any help towards the funeral

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Oh right well i did. Did that one stop thing. No idea how they work it out tbh x

Howā€™s everyone doing???
I canā€™t believe 4 months have gone by.
Things are easier i guess. I donā€™t cry so much and have ventured out a couple of evenings, though both times are home by 9.30 as hate being without Jimmy in social gatherings.
So Iā€™m just bumbling along really. I need to find another 2 day job just to keep me focused on somethingā€¦ or even voluntary work :man_shrugging:
Iā€™m still hoping things will be better once the weather improves and still very lonely :slightly_frowning_face: