Loss of husband

I too was Gym Bunny ran London 2 ; I have no Enti eat rubbish I feel bry


Yeh like you say there will be a few people who will have a shock when they lose their loved one :frowning: dunno why people are like this ? I give up on the humam race half the time ! I just despair how people can still be mean even though you lost your husband ? :unamused: the worst thing that can happen in your life x


I just can’t understand it either. I must admit until this happened to me personally I never fully understood the pain (and I think a lot of us will agree with that) BUT I never even thought of saying to someone “You’ve got a new life, get on with it!” or I’ll be there for you to the funeral" or “You’re young enough to meet someone else - it’s what he would have wanted” (I bet everyone has had something insensitive said to them, instead of the person just saying “I’m so sorry or its so sad” I haven’t any family what so ever but some of you have even been let down by family members, you poor loves as they are the ones after our loved ones, whom you would expect to care. It such a shame we are finding virtual strangers here are the ones that are helping us most, or is it such a shame? Maybe I should say it’s such a blessing! We’ll keeping helping each other and hopefully in time maybe some of the raw pain we are feeling will ease a bit. Love to you all xxx


1983: Big hug xxx

Oh i know my father said other week … well hes gone now ! As if you can just forget 35 years of marriage ! Whrn i cry nearly everyday for him :frowning: he should know better when he lost my step mum 4 years ago and he was in pieces … :frowning: people are just so tactless !

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I think we can say that others on here are a blessing and we may forge new friendships with people we can trust and who understand.
I am lucky with my family, not that there are many of them, as they completely understand that I am still tearful and find some challenges too much.
A neighbour called yesterday about the 70th birthday of the village member I had been invited to and can’t face going. She and the birthday ‘girl’ both understood but the neighbour wanted to know whether I would still like to be included in the village collection for her, which was lovely. She then told me she would likely be in my situation soon as her husband’s cancer has returned and they think a year at the most. I have promised I’ll be there for her (and not just until the funeral as you were told. Honestly!)


Take care, one foot in front of the other, that’s all we can do. Big hug xxx

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Aw thats nice your family understand ! I wish mine did! I just get so angry with them. Spoke to a lady on cruse helpline the other day and she said they just avoiding it ! Its pathetic i think. On the plus side i had a lovely day with my mum today and guess what i bought a puppy ! I hope it helps my grieving and makes it a bit less painful ! Love to all xx


@Deb5 I hope your puppy bring you joy. We had a cat for 18 years but didn’t get another when she died as we planned to travel. Just before Christmas I decided to get a one, personally she has done me the world of good. I don’t come home to an empty house, I talk to her (you’ll know what it’s like, when the phone rings and your voice has gone, with not talking to anyone all day!) At bed time she’s there. It’s the best of a bad job. Hope you all have a not too harder day xxx


I feel your heartbreak and the voices of you all I am sending out a Group hug for us all close your eyes and feel it even if it only lasts for a second ; You are not alone in your grief we are all going through such sorrow all we can do is keep strong and try to smile when you think pf your loved love :heart:

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Is everyone buying or rescuing puppies? Everyone seems to say buy xx

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Yeh thats why i got anothrr dog to keep me company. It works. Never gonna stop missing my darling husband though but helps with the pain … im glad your cat gives you joy too xxxx


Well the rescue dogs are actually really hard to get but worth a try! I got fed up of waiting so i just thought sod it ive got bit of money - gonna buy one - from reputable breeder though ! Xxx


I bought a puppy and two weeks in its still such hard work. He is 10 weeks old and he arrived two weeks after Steve died - we’d already paid for him by then. I do laugh and smile at him so he does bring me happiness but I feel like a hostage in my own home and I just hope i feel better about him as time goes on.


What breed is he? Xx

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Good luck and lots of love to all of you xx

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I have a black labrador called Digby


He will get better surely and more independent wont he ? Company though xx

@Charm. No I don’t think so, you must do what works for you, some people find comfort in getting a pet, bit not everyone. We are all just trying to help each other threw this terrible time, some advice will work for one person & not the next, you must just do what I right for you. Take care, big hug x

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@dietcokegirl84 I think you are just at such a bad place at the moment, everything is a million times harder than it ever used to be, your emotions are all over the place, I hope it gets better & you can get there. Great big hug xxx

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