Loss of my mum, my world

We had a soloist sing these 3:
Hymn called Do not be afraid (for I have redeemed you).
Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran.
There you’ll be by Faith Hill.

Found it hard to pick the music in all honesty as the words mean so much at a time like this.


@Sienna1 with the counselling just give it a go. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be a certain way. You’ve lost nothing by trying it & in all honesty professionals should be able to provide some solid coping strategies.
Treat it like a small step towards being able to restart living. Also they are a stranger so you can be totally honest with them & there’s no judgement from them. There’s nothing you can say to them that they surely haven’t heard before.

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I’m on the London borders with Herts / north London.

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This sounds very sad but I haven’t made a single plan since mum died. I say no to every invitation. Thought we were supposed to have snow today/ Saturday but now I think it’s just going to be freezing cold & icy :frowning:

Do you have a long commute into London @VictoriaB1?


I love both of your song choices @Sienna1 & @VictoriaB1. I found it hard to pick the music in all honesty. I have become very sentimental since mum died. Words mean so much now.


What lovely songs and choices @Anna_321 and @Sienna1
It’s so moving to hear your stories, thank you for sharing

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@Anna_321 January is a month that I could easily wipe off the calendar so I’m with you on not making plans or doing much.
It’s around 4 hours one way, so I tend to do London sites once every 4 weeks, I’m wfh as much as possible tbh x


I say no to everything too except with my partner and brother, I don’t go anywhere. I think it’s part of our healing and we should do what we feel is right for us xxx 🩷
I’m going to make a vegetable soup now, need something warming, I’m not a veggie but I don’t have anything else and I can’t be bothered to go out or get a delivery haha

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Wow that’s a long journey! x do you have to stay overnight ever ? I enjoy long train journeys once in a while it’s quite relaxing if it’s not peak time x

Enjoy the soup @Sienna1, it’s absolutely freezing up north and snowing :kissing_heart:

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@Sienna1 yes I always do a stop over, I love London for a few days. I work for the railway so I got lots of nice train journeys with the job and a healthy 75% on personal travel so there are some benefits :grin:


I love a veggie soup. What are you putting in it @Sienna1?

That’s a long commute @VictoriaB1 so it’s good to hear that you can wfh.

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Amazing perks of the job x 🩷 I was with BTP a few years ago :+1: not my recent job but one before. Great job working for railways x hope you can get support so you can manage x I love London too, especially the old parts with cobbled paths and just walking around getting lost in the little side streets x

I’ve put in any veg I could find - potatoes, onions, celery, carrotts, green cabbage, garlic, veg stock, I will add some peas towards the end x I have broccoli but going to miss that out. It’s in a slow cooker so should be done by 5ish x chuck it in and let it do its thing.


@Anna_321 @VictoriaB1 I have made myself cry today as I put some music on, floods of tears, it’s so painful, holding back during the week and it just all came out. It’s a lonely and dark place

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@Sienna1 a good cry is exactly what’s needed some days, and as you said, we tend to bottle it up in the week. I tend to cry every morning with the reality of another day without mum. Music is a massive trigger for me too, I hope that you can channel some nice thoughts and memories to pull you through today, weekends are really hard. Sending you love and strength, we’re here with you x

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The soups sounds delicious :+1:
I work alongside BTP too, they are housed in the buildings I’m responsible for, including the armoury which is quite exciting :grin:


Are you part of the transport benevolent fund? They were brilliant when I was there I was a member and used to get help to pay for complementary therapy I needed at the time. They had all sorts of help on there which you may find useful- if it still exists ! I left in 2021 x

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That’s almost exactly what I put into my veg soup. :slightly_smiling_face:If I have stalky cauliflower I add that too & blend it at the end.


Thanks for this, I’ll have a look as I’m not part of it at the minute :+1: x

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