Loss of my mum, my world

I can’t really listen to music now unless it’s total nonsense with no deep meaning. I seem to be hyper sensitive to most things these days :face_holding_back_tears:

We ended up getting a fair bit of snow this evening just as I was putting my nephew to bed. Luckily it’s the weekend so he was allowed to play out in it for a couple of hours. We had some snowball fights & made a snowman & he said he hopes it’s snowing in heaven so nannie can have some fun too with the dogs (she had 2 German shepherd dogs who used to love the snow). :sob::broken_heart:


Aww @Anna_321 that is so heartwarming, and to have a nephew who stays over with his auntie, is also something very special. Not everyone has this, the comment about it snowing in heaven is a 10/10 for me, I’m going to take this one as a positive and happy thought, did it give you that feeling?
I hope we’re all snowed in for days tbh, it’s coming down here now :grin::snowflake::snowman_with_snow: little piccy below :grin:


Awww that’s so sweet :disappointed::cry: your nephew has beautiful thoughts xxx yes music is difficult to listen to, opens up alot of emotions.

I need to try get to sleep as I’m meant to go back to provide a statement for that tv issue, depending on the snow I guess ! It has settled a little but not enough for a snowball fight or snowman, that’s beautiful memories you got there too x


Wow!!! That’s amazing ! Ours isn’t so bad but I guess we will see in the morning x hoping I don’t need to go out and I’m snowed in hehe x

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Also love German Shepherds x we grew up with an Alsatian - my nans x


Same, I’m hoping for a snowed in day tomorrow :pray:
How could anyone not love a family dog, German shepherd, Alsatian :service_dog::heart: gorgeous breeds and dogs :heart:
My pooch is nothing like these strong presence dogs, she’s an absolute melt, cocker spaniel :joy: and she would sell me out for a pork sausage any day :joy::joy:


Awww I just love dogs x cocker spaniels are cute 🩷 I really want to get a dog, think it would make a massive difference to life x


Lovely pic. Just realised all mine have the kid in them so he can show his friends what an irresponsible woman I am letting him play out when he should be in bed :rofl:

I don’t think our snow will last until tomorrow as it’s supposed to be very mild with heavy rain.

Tbh whenever he brings my mum into the conversation it makes me cry. The poor kid is also missing her so much. She saw him several times a week & my sis, hubby & he moved in to help when we got mum home from hospital. He used to stay over most weekends & during the school holidays. Breaks my heart that he won’t grow up with her in his life. He has no other living grandparent.

@Sienna1 I hope the police take the statement quickly so you can put the whole incident behind you.


It’s still snowing so I managed to take a photo in the dark.

All dogs are wonderful & such great company. :grinning:


@Sienna1 i would highly recommend :+1: they give you so much, hard work and expensive :joy: but in hindsight, i needed my little pooch so much when mum died, we got her about 2 months before mum died as an 8 week old puppy. Might sound crazy to some, but she has this look of mum that I can’t explain and because mum was so poorly when we got her, she never got to meet her. 5 days before mum died she actually saw Penny on face time, and it’s as if everything fell into place just before she died. It’s as if we were meant to get her to get us over losing mum because she gave us a purpose to get up every day after mum died x


@Anna_321 that picture looks perfect :ok_hand: snow on the ground and the horses :see_no_evil: wow. Are they yours? Xx


They were my mums😭


@Anna_321 who’s judging? All the pics at whatever time of night, it’s family and it’s real. Time is so precious, let him stay up until he falls asleep :grin::+1: you will be that special auntie who gives him the memories of his childhood that you can’t re write, looks and sounds like something you and your nephew will cherish :heart::+1::kissing_heart:


Wow, did your mum ride them? This is so heartwarming and special. I love horses but never ridden one, always to scared :joy: they are beautiful xx

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That’s amazing x :cry: I bet your dog has saved you many times xxx I really badly want one as my side kick ! My mum wanted a dog and she kept saying it, even had chosen names and we were close to getting one but didn’t manage it x mum loved golden retrievers 🩷
@Anna_321 snow looks magical and the horses xxx animals are angels on earth


So true xxx he won’t forget that 🩷:tulip::tulip::tulip:

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I love this, as much as we are completely broken and lost within our souls in grief, and at this time in our lives, we all have so so much to be so grateful for and without doubt, because of the wonderful incredible mums we have had, who have nurtured us and taught us everything we know. We have to draw from all of these wonderful pieces in our lives to get through this. Our mums created 3 strong amazing people, and we are doing them proud xxx


@Sienna1 I think you should get a dog :grin::see_no_evil: not my place to say, but it sounds like it’s meant to be. What names did you have for them ? Xx

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You are right x this is meant to be, I will take you saying it as another confirmation :smiling_face:🩷 x so my mum told me a list of names when she was in ICU a year before she passed and I kept the list
Buddy, Bailey, Max, Poppy, Brownie, Maisie
Maybe I’m meant to have 6 dogs haha x buddy was the fave :+1:


Such cute names. I think your mum has set you up with names for your pets for the rest of your life :grinning: