Loss of my mum, my world

I just miss mum so much, it’s so lonely. I just want to hug her and hear her tell me stories of things she read or watched on tv, usually about the Royal family, she loved the Queen x I keep getting that urge to tell mum when I get home, or when I see something in a shop, I think I can get that for mum… it’s just none stop.


and always a new crime series to watch, she would mark them as reminders or write them down haha x when she was in bed and unwell we used to watch them together with snacks and tea


@Anna_321 you said exactly what I said at the same time x we get each other and it’s such a comfort to know that


@Anna_321 i hope you’re eyes and skin gets better, I’m applying plenty moisturiser and dry eye drops, had the same problem for the past few months.
Can I say that the meal sounds delicious :ok_hand: such fond memories that will one day make us all look back on and smile hopefully without the tears and pain :two_hearts:


Does anyone know how to change your profile name on this site ? I signed up with my actual name but used a different user name as I thought people usually made up a name, to be fair I didn’t even think it through much as I was just looking for some help x I think it’s meant to be more anonymous but we are forming some real life friendships here x I know it sounds a bit silly ! I’m extra cautious online x

I actually thought the same about people becoming hard inside after such a traumatic event like what we have gone through. It reminded me of a girl I worked with, she lost her mum and she appeared on the outside to be really cold and hard hearted at work, she wouldn’t really form friendships, she kept herself to herself and didn’t really trust people. Looking back, I can better understand her now, it’s actually so sad she was misunderstood. People would avoid her as she was so negative, it makes me sad thinking of it now. Hope she is doing well wherever she is x


I used my real name :grimacing:

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Our mums must be friends in heaven x it’s all energy and spiritual connection, I feel we have it and I’m sure they feel it too x I’m
Hoping so.


I think what you did was what we were supposed to do but tbh my head was mashed when I set this up last month & if I’d used another name I think I’d have confused myself :woman_shrugging:t2:
Leave your username as is & let anyone you want to know know when you feel ready to share that.

Agree with what you say about your colleague. She’s could have lost someone significant or suffered a trauma.

Hope you can both sleep a bit tonight :people_hugging::two_hearts:


Wow that must have been a very classy / posh cat to have such a graceful name :rofl:


If love could have kept our mums alive they would surely still be here :broken_heart:


I love this thought @Sienna1
I think they’ve made new friendships in heaven :two_hearts:


100% agree with this @Anna_321 :two_hearts:

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Oh @Sienna1 this has given me a smile this morning :grin::+1: I love the cats babe and I agree with Anna, leave your chat name as sienna. Would you rather us call you Jasmine or stick with Sienna? Both lovely names tbh :+1::kissing_heart:


@Anna_321 @VictoriaB1 haha maybe I will stick to the cat for now lol x it was a big fluffy black and white cat neighbours cat haha not sure of the breed but I loved the name too ! X


I love this @Sienna1 stick with it :grin::+1:

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It’s like my spirit animal ! Haha
I just had an awful morning, afternoon, but I am now out of the situation. I had such a rough night not feeling too well, I thought to myself I’m not going out and maybe I will write down a few things and have a thoughtful day. My aunt and uncle called the house phone and said they were coming over in an hour, luckily my dad answered it and I was able to get out the house in time! I know I was acting like a right psycho, it just gives me anxiety I can’t deal with it, 1 hours notice is not enough. I panic about the Tesco delivery coming let alone random people. They don’t understand my mental health issues at all. The reason they are coming over is because they probably want help with a legal issue to do with children and my brain just cannot do it. It’s a bit selfish of them too as there is no thought about- is she actually ok. I ran out not even fully ready. It’s not right

I ranted to my partner over the phone and he was trying to calm me down as I wasn’t breathing between my words, it’s getting worse for me. I just want to be left alone :confused: I’m now going to the library which is quiet and will find a corner to read my book, I find it relaxing in there. I’m actually glad I got counselling next week as I feel I need it. I think I’m borderline losing it. I’m still conscious of my behaviour which is a good sign, but I need help :face_holding_back_tears:

He told me to put my phone on aeroplane mode go read, have a coffee and don’t think about anything else - that’s what I need. It’s only my partner and yourselves who understand me x thanks for making me feel listened to, I mean it from the bottom of my heart, I’m grateful x


@Sienna1 I can totally relate to how you felt when you’re told people are calling round with no notice. We don’t have it in us to magic a smile or really care about making polite conversations, let alone offer support to others, when actually inside we have a huge hole that has ripped the very heart and soul of our being out. We just don’t have the capacity we would have had before losing our mums. Your partner sounds amazing and so supportive, what great advice and suggestion to switch the phone off and get a coffee, a quiet spot in the library and have some you time.
I hope you enjoy the afternoon doing just that xx
Sending love :kissing_heart:

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