Loss of my mum, my world

I hope it helps @VictoriaB1 :people_hugging:
For me photos just add to my heartbreak :broken_heart: :sob:


@Anna_321 i feel the opposite, I feel like photos of my last holidays with mum or mum staying over bring me some comfort, knowing that I took these pictures, not knowing that they would be my last. So glad I did.
Did you manage to do something special with your mum in her last 6 months and capture any of it on camera?
I understand how some photos can add to your heartbreak, but I look at mine and feel thankful that I have the pictures to bring those days back to life in my head and my heart xx

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Hi @VictoriaB1 and @Anna_321 @Ally6 and all, hope youā€™re doing well today x
Regarding photos and videos - I did take quite a few videos and photos over the years, but looking at them can be difficult at times. I seem to go through phases where I look at them constantly to not looking at them at all. A few times my brother has put videos up on the tv and weā€™ve watched them together. At present I havenā€™t really looked at them.


Itā€™s just too painful for me. All it reminds me of is what I no longer have. :broken_heart:

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Hi, do you have that link for the work book please. Thank you x

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Hi @Niks7089 hope youā€™re well.
Here is the link,

if it doesnā€™t open just type in google - Loss Foundation and it will take you to the page x

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@Niks7089 thanks for reminding me about them too :+1:

@Niks7089 how have you been coping? how is your dad ? :pray::tulip:

Struggle to sleep not eating well just so sad


@Feelings :cry: Itā€™s such a tough and sad part of our lives which cannot be put into words at all. A lot of us have found that this chat room is the only place we can get some solace as we are all struggling together.

I also struggle with sleep every night, for me eating was especially difficult at the beginning when you just feel sick to the stomachā€¦ do you have any support at home? I know you said you had daughters who also need your support.

Please try to eat something small throughout the day, I know itā€™s not easy but you need to look after yourself as much as possible xxx sending you love and my best wishes šŸ©·

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Hi, not great to be honest cannot stop crying sleep is horrible. Dad has had his moments. I havent been home much. I have a job that i work from home 3 times a week. X

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How are you getting on @VictoriaB1, @Ally6, @Sienna1 & anyone Iā€™ve missed?
I feel like Iā€™ve gone backwards these last few weeks & am back in the pits of hell.
Love & strength to you all :people_hugging:


Hi @Anna_321, Iā€™m with you, Iā€™ve had what feels like the worst few weeks since mum died. Sending you love.
How have you been feeling? Itā€™s so incredibly hard to explain to people, these past few weeks I feel like Iā€™ve had nothing to give to anyone or anything. I feel so lost without my mum, I miss her so much. The thought of getting through another month, year without her is torture. I feel like there is no end in sight. And Iā€™m getting rattled at people thinking that as time goes by, Iā€™ll feel better, I actually feel worse. Is this how youā€™re feeling? I wish I could say something that would help, youā€™re right about it being the pits of hell xx


I feel the same @VictoriaB1. I feel scared too. Scared to be in a world without mum.
I donā€™t know how Iā€™m ever going to move forward & reintegrate with the world.


@Anna_321 i feel scared too, I can totally understand that feeling, itā€™s awful isnā€™t it, itā€™s giving me anxiety. I keep thinking to myself that I have nobody in my life that will ever put me first and back me unconditionally, advise me unconditionally, or love me unconditionally like my mum did, regardless of how much my fiancĆ© and best friends love me. Iā€™m never going to be able to re integrate with the world like I did before.
Have you got anything to focus on this week Anna or someone you can talk to? Any strategy to get through the week? Here if you want to have a chat and get each other through the week, Iā€™m trying so hard to keep busy but then in the next day I donā€™t want to get out of bed. Iā€™m really clinging on to the belief that my mum is watching over me and getting me through this xx :heart:


I feel like my emotions are so raw and vulnerable

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Im with you, @VictoriaB1 and @Anna_321 - its felt like the longing and pain is getting worse and i just have nothing left to give :sweat:

You may already have seen this, but if youre interested theres a free webinar this week by grief expert David Kessler. He ran a series of free webinars over Christmas which i found helpful. As its in the US i think its around 11pm UK time but if you register you get access to a free replay. You can register here:


@Ally6 im so sorry that youā€™re feeling like we are, itā€™s beyond words and sending you love and prayers. Iā€™m just grateful that we have this platform to talk to each other, and understand, which is something only we know. Thanks for sharing this webinar, Iā€™m going to register and dial in, it might offer us some guidance to get through this. The longing and pain is definitely getting worse, it hasnā€™t got any better for me, I canā€™t see any end to this. Weā€™re all here for one another xx


I think its that no end in sight thats getting to me most. Theres no reprieve - if i hang on and get through another year of this, its not like mum will suddenly walk in the door and it will all be over. It just wears you down. :broken_heart:


@Ally6 thatā€™s exactly how I feel, itā€™s unrelenting, and itā€™s not going to change x