Loss of our son aged 27

Awww Levi that is so beautifully put Linda

Hi wynne we lost our son at 28 it was only 6 month ago I miss him so so much and my heart is aching for you I often wonder what sort of dad Jonathan would have been he love kids his niece jasmin.was the most special she loved him as much at 28 he had started to think about marriage and kids but was took from us so suddenly I ache for what he’s missed out on I am sure you do as well I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow God bless Linda

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Will be thinking of you too tomorrow. Our Lisa would have been 33 on 10th July. Nearly 2 years for us now.
So hard sometimes.
Love to you Wynne. Sending love.
Kate xx

Hi Wynne,…Our children never die they are still with us,we can still talk to them, it’s just that we can’t see them and that is the heartbreak.
Thinking of you tomorrow
Much love…Marina xx


Hello dear Wynn , , haven’t seen you on here for such a long time , but I will be thinking of you all today on this Daniels birthday . With love Maddie xx

Dear Wynne, so lovely to hear from you. I will be thinking of you all today and this evening will light a candle for your Daniel xxx

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Dear all,
Hope everyone is well and have managed to get through another difficult day, especially thinking of you Wynne aa you remember your precious son today on his Birthday :heart: its Matt’s birthday on 1st of July, these anniversaries just keep coming its so hard as its just another reminder that are beloved children are no longer with us but they will remain in our hearts forever :pray::heart:
Much love to all Michelle xxxx


Dear all friends here. I was caught off balance yesterday and struggled to keep control as I had Brooke with me.
She had an eye examination at the hospital , something that was picked up at the school eye test.
So the lady was asking me if Brooke was prem, by how many weeks and was it natural or a section.
I suddenly found myself so choked I couldn’t answer straight away. Luckily wearing a mask hid my facial expressions.
Eventually I managed to say 34 weeks and 5 days, mum was not well and yes it was a section.
I think it was just the recollection of a time of absolute terror on my part, wondering if we would lose one or both of them.
We were lucky though , Lisa was fine and an amazing Mummy in those last years.
These things to hit us when we are not expecting them but somehow we get through.

On a happier note, Brooke is delighted she is getting glasses! Lol. They are so sweet.

Love to all.

Kate xxx


My son Ryan aged 27 died 3 months ago, like your son he travelled the world and loved life - unfortunately mental health tormented him. A Psychic friend has told me Ryan is at peace and sends me messages. Some days I get comfort from this and other days I despair I will never see him again. The grief comes like a Tsunami - I just feel so sad my life will never be the same again - it’s just a tragedy , life can be so cruel, but I’m trying to take comfort from feathers, robins, messages but it’s now a bizarre life I live clinging onto my son :cry:


Hello dear Ryansmum , I am so so sorry for this loss of your Darling Boy .I am glad you are getting messages, they defiantly give us comfort to let us know they are still around us , and that’s what will keep you going . You have done the best thing joining this wonderful sight , as we are all going through this awful thing called grief and all comfort one another. Sending Love Maddie xxx


Dear Kate

Bless you - we all get caught out at times. It’s awful :cry:
Glad to hear Brooke is pleased to be getting glasses, how sweet she is :heart: Lisa will be watching over her and you of course.

I got caught out on Father’s Day of all things. Sometimes it feels like I’ve just lost Henry and other days I feel I’ve dreamt it all …:broken_heart:

Sending love. You’re amazing.

Purple x


Dear Purple, I know that feeling too. Like I have woken from a nightmare and it’s not happened at all.

Sending love,

Kate xxx

Hi, pleased you have joined friends here. We catch each other when we fall and comfort surrounds us in our darkest moments. It’s 2 years in July since we lost our Lisa aged 31.
Some days are still hard but we learn to carry our grief within and try to live a life without our beautiful children.
Sending love. Keep posting.
Kate xxx

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Hi Ryan’s Mum, I’m sorry you suffering the terrible loss of your son Ryan. I feel your pain, it’s so difficult to get through the day. At times, its getting through hour by hour some days and all you are feeling is natural. There are many books on grief and loss. I would recommend some which helped some of us on here.
Julia Samuels - Grief Works
Megan Divine - It’s ok not to be ok
Gloria Hunniford - Always with you

Love Chris xx

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This is from one of them

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Dear Chris, I have read this too and think these words are so true. Thank you for reminding us of it. I read a few books (or tried to) but think it was too soon for me so I will revisit them.
Much love xxx

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Dear Ryan’s mom,
Sorry you have joined this club :pensive: the message’s keep me going knowing that my dear Son Matt is reaching out to me is the only comfort I have :heart::pray: I believe our children walk beside us every day and are waiting patiently for us to join them when it’s our time, this is not a full life we are living but we have to just paint on a brave smile for the sake of our loved ones and try to carry on as best we can, I’m only two years on but others are further and they give me hope that life is still with living, tge early days were the same for us all thinking every morning why am I still here but the journey does get bearable with time, not easier just more bearable, take care my friend and keep posting we will get you through :heart::pray:

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Well done Kate for being so brave for Lisa and your darling little Brooke, I am thinking of you as you approach the anniversary of Lisa’s passing keep staying strong for your beautiful Brooke and Jemma but we are here to catch you when you fall and of course Lisa has a tight grip on you and will never let go :heart::pray: i can’t wait to see her with her little glasses on she will look so cute, my Matt had them from the age of two :heart: take care big love to all.
Michelle xxxx

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Love to you too Michelle. We had a lovely time with Helen and her friends, and John of course. First time my hubby Alan has opened up to anyone. It was good to meet face to face with someone who really understands.
Have a good weekend.
Kate xxxxxx


Dear Kate, I am so glad that you had the chance to meet up with Helen. I think it is amazing that we have kept these friendships going and are beginning to meet each other. It helps me so much and has held me up and kept me going so many times :sparkling_heart: