Loss of our son aged 27

Thank you Michelle. I’m really trying generally but not today. :two_hearts:

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Thanks Kate. I feel better for just saying on here how I am feeling and knowing that you all understand :two_hearts:

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We are wrapping our arms around you , we have all been through it . Such early days for you Deborah , but we are all still here with a struggle , that’s hats what our girls would exspect . Sending you love Maddie xxx

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Thanks Maddie. Sending love back xx

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  1. List item

Hi Deborah im so sorry your having a bad day I had one in thurs and Fri i went to my cousins funeral and she was quite young but it was at the same place we had Jonathan’s and I sobbed n sobbed my brother had to hold me up all my family understood but the people i didn’t know we’re staring at me but I couldn’t help it today Sat my heart is breaking curled up in my bed crying like it was yesterday he died my husband keeps saying it’s my fault he died don’t know what to o I hope for a better day tomorrow I do have good n bad day as we all do please take care linda

Hi Deborah, I hope you are having a better day today. As the others have said, we all have those bad days where the grief just engulfs us. We just have to be kind to ourselves and wait for it all to subside. I have found that the gaps between my bad days are much longer now.
We are all here for you and I wish with all my heart I could take your pain away.
Sending you lots of love xxx

Thank you Victoria. I’m having a better day today.
Love Deborah xx


Dear all old and friends and new friends who have joined this club that never wished we had ever heard of,

It is hard to believe that over four years ago when we last our precious son, Daniel that there would be nearly 4,000 messages of heart ache but also support helping each other to carry on. Tomorrow Daniel would have been 32 years old. It will be doubly hard for my husband as it is of course Father’s Day. There is not a day goes by when we think of him and the future he might have had. He was just on the cusp of being an adult and we often wonder what sort of dad he would have been. We miss him so much and we wish we could turn back the clock to see him laughing and giving his great welcoming hugs. Somehow we have no choice but to carry on. I know he will be waiting for us when it is our turn to leave this world. Sending much love and hugs to each and everyone of you Wynne xxx


Hi Wynne, it will be sad that tomorrow is Daniel’s birthday let alone that it coincides with Father’s Day. I hope that your cherished memories of the times you had with him help you through the day. No-one can take those memories from us. I know, we also have the painful ones which are so hard to bear.
I feel for my husband and all the Dads out there who will feel the ache in their heart tomorrow as we Mothers do on Mother’s Day. I will be thinking of you all x



Awww Levi that is so beautifully put Linda

Hi wynne we lost our son at 28 it was only 6 month ago I miss him so so much and my heart is aching for you I often wonder what sort of dad Jonathan would have been he love kids his niece jasmin.was the most special she loved him as much at 28 he had started to think about marriage and kids but was took from us so suddenly I ache for what he’s missed out on I am sure you do as well I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow God bless Linda

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Will be thinking of you too tomorrow. Our Lisa would have been 33 on 10th July. Nearly 2 years for us now.
So hard sometimes.
Love to you Wynne. Sending love.
Kate xx

Hi Wynne,…Our children never die they are still with us,we can still talk to them, it’s just that we can’t see them and that is the heartbreak.
Thinking of you tomorrow
Much love…Marina xx


Hello dear Wynn , , haven’t seen you on here for such a long time , but I will be thinking of you all today on this Daniels birthday . With love Maddie xx

Dear Wynne, so lovely to hear from you. I will be thinking of you all today and this evening will light a candle for your Daniel xxx

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Dear all,
Hope everyone is well and have managed to get through another difficult day, especially thinking of you Wynne aa you remember your precious son today on his Birthday :heart: its Matt’s birthday on 1st of July, these anniversaries just keep coming its so hard as its just another reminder that are beloved children are no longer with us but they will remain in our hearts forever :pray::heart:
Much love to all Michelle xxxx


Dear all friends here. I was caught off balance yesterday and struggled to keep control as I had Brooke with me.
She had an eye examination at the hospital , something that was picked up at the school eye test.
So the lady was asking me if Brooke was prem, by how many weeks and was it natural or a section.
I suddenly found myself so choked I couldn’t answer straight away. Luckily wearing a mask hid my facial expressions.
Eventually I managed to say 34 weeks and 5 days, mum was not well and yes it was a section.
I think it was just the recollection of a time of absolute terror on my part, wondering if we would lose one or both of them.
We were lucky though , Lisa was fine and an amazing Mummy in those last years.
These things to hit us when we are not expecting them but somehow we get through.

On a happier note, Brooke is delighted she is getting glasses! Lol. They are so sweet.

Love to all.

Kate xxx


My son Ryan aged 27 died 3 months ago, like your son he travelled the world and loved life - unfortunately mental health tormented him. A Psychic friend has told me Ryan is at peace and sends me messages. Some days I get comfort from this and other days I despair I will never see him again. The grief comes like a Tsunami - I just feel so sad my life will never be the same again - it’s just a tragedy , life can be so cruel, but I’m trying to take comfort from feathers, robins, messages but it’s now a bizarre life I live clinging onto my son :cry: