Loss of our son aged 27

Hi Victoria
Your words are so true. I feel my daughter around me alot. My daughter and I went for another angel board reading last week and it was amazing. It proved that my darling girl lives on but as you say in a different form. Before I picked Charlotte up she wrote a word on a piece of paper and put it on her bed. She didn’t tell anyone what it was. She asked Kathryn to spell out that word. The planchette on the board started to move and then stopped. The medium said Kathryn go and have a look. Charlotte took her hand away from the board, after a couple of minutes the planchette moved and spelt the word! I verified the word when I dropped Charlotte off. Kathryn got so many more obscure questions right that I knew without a doubt that she was there. It is a comfort.
Deborah :heart:


Hi Zoe,

What lovely photo’s, what a joker he was like my Sam.

I’ve put a picture on of him and Mathilda I found yesterday which put me on the floor and I’ve also put one on of

Sam and Jason


Oh Victoria

How true those words, someone once said to me that they can see us but we cannot see them so yes we are living with them just in a different way.

Maddie, yes it is horrendous and yesterday I found a photo that I hadn’t seen before and it just absolutely floored me and I couldn’t stop crying, even now the tears threaten whilst writing this, it doesn’t end.
Love Helen

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Oh hello everyone , Zoe beautiful photos of your beautiful family , it’s so hard when one time we all have a perfect family . I would always say to my husband , oh we have our lovely family around , beautiful grandchildren , Dawn was a different matter she was suffering , but still managed to carry on doing the things she so loved . Then 2016 , our lives fell apart , and part of me went with her . . Victoria such beautiful words , anything to comfort us Helen such wonderful photos of Sam and Matilda . It’s so lovely seeing them happy atleast they were happy for the time they had on the hard hard earth . Bit of good news today , Sarah text this morning and said she will come up next week and bring Jessy . I couldn’t believe it it’s been 3 months since Dawns anniversary , when I got so upset that no one in the family contacted us that awful weekend . So I must behave myself now and not ring up with my awful depression say OMG things I should not have said . I am just going to order a new book , Spirits Beside Us , it has got very good reviews . Will let you all know Maddie xxxx

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Deborah , what a great exsperiance , I know when we did it . , was like a phone line to Heaven , but everyone else app po it . But I know it was real what Dawn said to us , I felt her so near it was unbelievable . We were so glad we did it as I know it was the real thing . Xx

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Dear Maddie, such good news that you are meeting up with Sarah and Jess. I’m glad that Sarah has come round. You need it each other now more than ever xxx

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Thank you for your lovely words yes a perfect family… … oh helen your photos beautiful sam and his beautiful girlfriend. Will be hard for you tonight try and enjoy…lovely words victoria .so glad maddie you will see sarah . Thank you marina for replying …kate sam had a nature and spirit of an angel he was calm layed back and very very funny … my beautiful boy …thank god for this site my lovely friends .Deborah i want to believe and see a spiritualist . Have a nice weekend …big hugs zoe xxx

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Oh helen our boys how can you look so healthy. four months sam was gone. Cancer is horrific .cant understand they do research but not enough money goes on it .it makes me so angry . All our children was too young no matter what age we ment to go first x xxxx

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Yes Zoe , so true the worse possible illness . Dawn passed away because she suffered with her weight , she spent out £19 thousands Just to end up losing her life as she had no after care It was her Dow nfl , is wasn’t straight away . . But had her Nina op double twisted bowel which we thought would end her life 19 operations and so much more . She was so strong , but her body had just had enough , she passed away , her organs shut down and had malnutrition as she couldn’t eat , But it’s hard as we 2 days before she went into the deepest of comas she was talking to us and making us laugh . How can we e ver get over something like that . Maddie xx


Oh maddie this life so cruel it really is .im so sorry all what dawn went through . And you as a family . Its all to much eh . Just want to know they are all safe .big hugs love zoe xx


Dear Maddie, I can’t begin to imagine how terrible that must have been for you and Dawn was such a beautiful girl. I think the worst part is feeling so helpless. Lots of love to you xxx


Maddie and All, it’s the hardest, saddest time to watch our beautiful child’s life slipping away in front of us. Seeing them full of life, become ill, fight and be full of hope and optimism to then have everything change and destroy them, is absolutely devastating for them and so painful for us. Jo never complained, never said “why me?” I wish I could be as courageous as she was but I know I never could be. I will have to live knowing she was the bravest person I am ever likely to know.

Wishing everyone some peace
Love Chris xx


Oh Chris yes our girls must have been the bravest , like your lovely daughter , Dawn never complained , just got on with it . It was me and her father saw that she was suffering , But what can you do , I wanted to do so much kept telling her she looked awful please get help . But she was 46 years old we thought she could cope she always sorted everyone else’s problems , but sadly not her own xx


Hi jss and all …remember jss we said our boys both like the lloyds black horse advert .sam loved the horse running in the sea … well the new lloyds advert with all the horses in the town and at the end i nearly fell over there playing sams song i am a giant by rag and bone man .he loved it we played it at his funeral .its mad its really thrown me .it mad .big hugs to all love zoe xx


Wow that is amazing :heart:I have not seen it I will look out for it and think of your Sam when I see it. How lovely . Xxx jss

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All our children running free from hurt and pain


Oh I do hope so, We still worry so much About them don’t we xxx

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Hi Zoe,

It is a beautiful photo, Ihave never seen it before sp it completely floored me. I went to Jason’s 40th, and another friend of Sam’s Emma (they were all there the motley crew) they couldn’t stop hugging me and Sam Fussell said please don’t stop smiling, that smile is Sam and it helps. but Emma said to me the spark went out in Jason when Sam passed. I am worried about him, he now has a little boy Samuel, after Sam but he was on his own I never saw him all night with his girlfriend she sat with her parents and he stayed with his mates and his family. It was bittersweet to see them all, we sat with Danny and Emma, Sam called them the oldies as they were about 5 years older than the rest!! I feel a lot better than I did on Saturday night I was so mixed up. Heyho, keep going as Sam would say.

Love Helen


Hi Helen yes bet that was a very hard night .i cant imagine .good on you for going much love zoe :heart:

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Hi everyone, I’ve finally arrived home to west Wales having gone over to Amsterdam where my son was living. He passed away 4 months ago . It was heartbreaking having to clear his flat , as he had worked so hard to get a mortgage. Flying out was quite an ordeal with all the requirements needed these days, then we had to quarantine for 5 days. Deciding what to keep and what to discard was very hard , especially his personal items . We managed to fill 4 big suitcases which are now in our hallway, we won’t unpack them for a few days as it’s too emotional and raw. I thought I was over the worse but since I’ve come home I feel as low now as I felt at the funeral . I know everyone is suffering on here but hopefully in time you will get that little bit stronger every day, sending all my love, Pete