Loss of our son aged 27

Dear friends. 5th Christmas without our Lisa. Tbh, i was fine. Having Jemma with us and going to friends for drinks on the day made everything feel ok.
Brooke here on boxing day and yesterday, i was kept busy. Lovely to see her open her second lot of presents at our house.
Life goes on without them physically with us but they remain in our hearts and memories, young forever

Love to you all dear friends.

Kate xxx


Dear kate and friends,
I have had a nice Christmas with loved ones and we lay a place at the table for Matt and feel his presence alway, you are so right they are not here physically but remain in our hearts forever more :heart: stay strong everyone as there will be brighter days ahead, sending much love to you all :heart:
Michelle xxxx


Dear Michelle, Kate and friends,
I came through Christmas okay too. I had a few tears but picked myself up and carried on. We spent the day at my sonā€™s house with Andrewā€™s parents and my ex husband and his wife. Probably an unusual set up for some but it worked for us and we have all become friends.
Gemma is always in my heart and this is the first year she has her ā€˜special placeā€™ in the churchyard.
We went with Charlie to take a reindeer, Tiffany took a beautiful Christmas tree and her father took flowers. So it is looking beautiful.
I hope everyone who have lost their previous children can read these posts and know that their loss will become easier somehow,
that they will feel more at peace.
It is difficult to put into words how much you all mean to me :heart:


Dear Victoria, Kate and friends,
I know we are at similar times on this journey and as you say Victoria we hope others can find hope that hearing we have survived will give them strength to keep going, we are not healed and the pain is still imense but somehow you will manage to keep going :heart:
Victoria im so glad that having a resting place for Gemma is helping give you all comfort and its a focal point to gather on special occasions to remember your darling girl and she would be so happy that you were all together :heart: :pray:
Sending much love to you and all friends on this wonderful site :heart:
Michelle xxxx


Hi jess always think of you too we have been here at the same time .three years in april lost my beautiful boy he was just 25 when he past . From sarcoma a very rare cancer. He only last four months to watch him in pain and loose everything he loved .heartbreaking. we have to carry on no choice i live for my daughter and grandchildren .but the pain is so strong the waiting so long .i hope you carry on trying jess i know how you feel peace be with you in 2024 my lovely friend love zoe :heart:


To all my lovely friends on here old and new wishing peace and love always love zoe :heart:


Hi Zoe nice to hear from you. I have come on here now as finding it so hard again today and to see how others are getting through it. You are so right with the comment the waiting so long, thatā€™s how I feel. Canā€™t do this new year business any more , it feels like my boys going further away. I have turned my phone off and am taking a sleeping tablet and hope I sleep through it all. Canā€™t wait to get the decorations down as well. Sending love Jess xx


I know how you feel darling .ive got a virus but im glad coz i have an excuse take care beautiful .as michelle always says our boys are in our heart pockets xx


Dear Jess and all friends, I feel the same about New Years Eve. I came through Christmas okay but this is a difficult night for me so I will be going to bed early and sleep through it.
Wishing you all a peaceful 2024 :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Dear Friends,
I have struggled through Christmas and tonight will be just dreadful but I have to put on a brave face for my daughter.
It breaks my heart to see her suffer and over a year after her brother passed away at the age of 31 years she still canā€™t say his name or talk about the events of that traumatic day.
I hope you all get through as best you can and have a peaceful 2024.
Love Jayne x


Dear friends,
Sending you love and peace as we enter another year without our precious children :broken_heart: we all feel the same about New Year, very difficult time for us all as we feel we are moving further away from them with each year that passes, someone said think of it as another year closer to meeting them again, its so very hard but we are all here for each other and this is a big comfort for us all :heart: take care everyone.
Love Michelle xxxx


Love to all dear friends. Yes it was tough. Jemma was here for dinner then went down to our cottage across the road with her lovely dog. Then when she left the flood gates opened and i cried and cried. I am sure you all did too at some point.
We are strong though and able to help the more recent souls joining us here.
Hope today we can step forward with love in our hearts for our lost children waiting in the wings for us.

Kate xx


Dear all,
Here we go into another year with this endless sorrow.
I was pleased to spend time with my lovely family over Christmas, but we were all well aware of my son Oliverā€™s absence. (He died in April 2022). He loved Christmas and used to get excited getting the stockings ready for his children. My heart aches for the children, they miss their Dad, and for his wife who is bereft. My son and daughter are still grieving too, they loved their brother dearly. We try to be strong for each other.
For me, as a bereaved mother, the loss is intense, and you are people who understand how this feels. Itā€™s just so wrong, isnā€™t it? We should not outlive our children. But we have to keep going somehow.
Sadly, my husband (Oliverā€™s dad) died 18 years ago, so I cannot share my grief with him. But I do have kind friends, wonderful children and grandchildren, and a supportive partner. I will miss Oli for the rest of my life and this grief will never leave me.
I wish you all peace and strength at the beginning of this new year.
Susan J. xx :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


Reading your messages on here again reminds me that I am not alone. I seemed to get through Christmas, my 3rd without my son, okish but New Year has been completely different!
Everyone was saying Happy New Year, Iā€™ve really tried to stay positive but I just keep thinking another 365 days to get through without him, itā€™s unbearable!
I wish I could just stop this pain :smiling_face_with_tear:xx


Dear Gill. Sadly the pain remains. Hidden most of the time but triggers will bring it outvin the open at any second.
Love to you.
Stay strong. We are all here to prop each other up.

Kate xx


This was the tenth Christmas without my son and today was the anniversary of my husbands funeral and I spent the week crying. Indeed the pain never leaves us but we learn to live with it. We cry less but every so often the flood gates open and the pain is so fresh again. So glad Iā€™ve been alone, all but Christmas day, with my two cats. They were two little feral kittens that were born under next doors shed not long after I lost my son, they adopted me and have got me through some very hard times. I think they were sent to me to help with the pain.
I wish you all an easier year filled with love. xxx


Hi Jess, you have put into words exactly what I have felt since new year. I just feels that my son is getting further and further away. I lost my son in May 2022 so now itā€™s no longer this year or last year he just seems so far away now, although always close in my heart. I went through the motions of Christmas for my other son and his family and we went out for a meal on New Years Eve as my husband didnā€™t want to stay in the house. Iā€™m so glad itā€™s all over and must say I have found it all so much more difficult this year than last year.


Dear friends. Today i have been knocked back. Lisas best friends sister in law, whom btw, was in the same class at school as Jemma, had been admitted to the Hospice. The poor lass has been suffering from a brain tumour for a year or so. Today she went downhill very fast, hence her admission to the Hospice.
I feel sick for her young family and for this lovely young woman losing her brave fight. Just like our Lisa. In fact, Lisa did her wedding flowers some years ago. It just brought up all those horrific feelings we felt on Lisas last day.
I am sure you have all felt the same when something takes you all back.
Just glad you are all here so i can let it all out.

Love to you all.

Kate xx


Ah Kate Iā€™m so sorry, very tragic situation. So much pain in this world. Iā€™ve lost too many people I love and the pain is great. I wish you happier times and the strength to get through this very sad time. Sending love.

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Thankyou. I know that when i come on this site you will all get me back on track. When we suddenly stumble its so good to know you are all here.

Much love.
Kate x