How lovely that people are remembering your son not only today but always. I hope you can have a peaceful day
Love to you Pest. Stay strong.
Hello im Tracey and i lost my son in 2022 i was just wondering if it gets any easier as the years go on cos at the moment it isnt and im not coping well
Sorry if this is insensitive i dont mean any
Dear Tracey I lost my precious son almost eleven years ago and things do get easier to live with. You will never truly get over the loss but you will learn to live with your grief. Even now as anniversaries loom that wave hits me again and out of the blue the overwhelming sadness hits but yes things do get easier to bare. Itâs not insensitive to ask and I send you love and hope for the future.
Hi love i lost my mum 8 mths before Jamie and it hit me hard but i cant get over my boy .He was spiked in 2014 by his b/f and put in an induced coma long story short the antifreeze killed him xx
Thanks Frankie 2Right now it isnât babe xx
Thatâs a truly awful thing to happen. I wish there were words I could say to make things easier but I cant think of any. Trust that things will get easier.
Thanks but after 2 yrs and been via coroner courts no proper action it says it all about the Freeman
It does get easier in some ways my love.
We will always grieve our lost children but somehow we learn to live beside our grief. Its like its in a cupboard you dont open so often. When we do it hits you all over again but then we dont go and open it so often so its easier to deal with.
You have come to the right place as we all understand here.
Much love,
Kate xx
Hi Victoria,
Thank you for sharing this, it is comforting to know that our loved ones are amongst family and friends and when its our time they will be there waiting for us xxxx
Hi Trace,
So sorry for the loss of your precious son, am glad you have found this site, if you read back on some of our previous posts about how with time you do mange to get through somehow, like Kate says you have to keep the box closed and just peer in now and then, keeping busy is the key to survival, when i first joined i didnt post and would go right back reading earlier posts and this really helped me to realise i wasnt alone on this journey. Much love
Michelle xxxx
Exactly what i was saying to our son in law today. Its his birthday and he and little Brooke went out for lunch. He is still so much in love with Lisa, he canât yet move on. He did try around 14 months ago, but he canât let go of Lisa yet. For us as her parents its a comfort but then this beautiful handsome, strong and kind young man, needs to love again. Bless his
Dear Kate,
My heart breaks for your son in law, he sounds like a lovely young man, Mattâs girlfriend came to visit us today to bring some lovely flowers and a Valentines card to place at Mattâs grave, she is with someone else now, they live together and she seems happy, but bless her she still writes in the card how much she loves Matt and always will its such a comfort to know our children were loved so deeply whilst they were with their partners
sending you much love my friend xxxx
My son died last July. He would have been 48th on the 23rd January. He had moderate learning disability. But he was so well loved , he death was by cancer . The drama group he attended all wanted to make a birthday card for him.This is just a few of them. Bless their hearts they loved
Dear pest it was my sons birthday on the 31st of Jan and itâs just coming up to the anniversary of his death. No matter how many years go by Iâll never stop missing him and this time of year just makes me sad. The sun is out today which cheers things a little. I wish my husband was still with me, it was easier then.
@Pest that is so beautiful, how wonderful that they wanted to show how much they loved him x
Good Evening Dear Friends,
Just wanted to touch base to check everyone is doing ok and let you know you are all in my thoughtâs especially with Mothers day approaching, sending love and strength to all Kate, Victoria, Maddie, Helen, Chris, Purple, Zoe, Jess, Nell, susan, Pest, Joeyâs mom and Jim, sorry if Iâve missed anyone off, love Michelle xxxx
Hi michelle and all friends on here old and new i hope your well and coping with such sadness .i dont know how i would of got through the days and nights without you all. you have all been my lifeline i will always be so grateful its three years on 27th april i lost my beautiful boy sam. He was 25 .he would have been 28 on tuesday 12th march .i cant say the pain and sadness ever goes away you just cope a little better with time.we should never outlive our children its the wrong order .they will always be with us in our heart pockets.i wish you all a peaceful mothers day .think of you all often much love big hugs love zoe