Loss of our son aged 27


Lovely words and so very true ,I am not looking forward to this Friday as my son loved hot cross buns and the first Easter with out him . It is so hard for us all.:two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Gemma loved Easter too. She loved the spring. It was her favourite time of year but we carry on, donā€™t we. Sending you hugs xx


My son loved hot cross buns as well. All these celebrations bring back bitter sweet memories.

But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand,
that an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand,
and said my place was ready in heaven far above,
and that Iā€™d have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
So if tomorrow starts without me, donā€™t think weā€™re far apart,
for every time you think of me, please know Iā€™m in your heart.


Hello everyone on here, Kate Victoria, Purple Zoe to name a few of my dear friends,

It is so hard Mother Day,and Easter, it will be 8 years for me on the 9th December, but it seems like yesterday. Because Sam was diagnosed with a brain tumour some 4 and a half years earlier I know that I probably started grieving when he originally told me so in essence itā€™s been far longer. After he died here at home with me, the doctor who came said that had he survived longer he would have been deaf, blind unable to move or speak and I know Sam would have hated that. I console myself with moments before he fell into a coma I said to him I love you Sam, and his voice was strong he said love you too. The pain never goes away but you learn that it walks beside you and gradually over the years you remeber the happier times together. On Mothers Day my elder boy Geraint brings over flowers and a card which says love from Ger & Sam, but each year I also put out Sams last card to me mum in a million it said, and on my birthday which is on 8th April I put out his last card he gave me. Each week I buy pink roses to put by his picture because pink was his favourite colour, and I get through each day with the help of my close friends and John my husband (not Samā€™s dad) but who Sam adored more so that his own dad. Itā€™s strange the things we do and rituals we keep to get through each day.
Love to all of you on this sad journey with me
With love Helen


I know it is hard , this is the first Easter with out my son. I put the cross, one of each year my son use to have for Palm Sunday,as he use to walk while they carried the cross,by the urn with his ashes in. I would have cut my arm off with out pain killer if it could have saved him . He died of secondary bone cancer,primary they think Gastric.


Itā€™s eleven years for me and the tears still fall and I suppose they always will. Itā€™s so much harder since my husband died but no oneā€™s promised tomorrow, so remember your loved ones and smile.
A happy and peaceful Easter to everyone. Sending love to all the mums on this thread.


Dear Helen and all friends, I too have kept Gemmaā€™s Motherā€™s Day and birthday cards and put them out. It does bring me a little comfort somehow and these little rituals do help.
Wishing you all a peaceful Easter xxx


This is really stupid of me but Iā€™m reading through messages and what you said about receiving a text struck home. My sonā€™s last text said enjoy. I keep hearing his voice saying that over and over.
I donā€™t know when he died yet and Iā€™m dreading what I find out. Sorry I donā€™t have a rational thought in my head.


Dear Helen,
Lovely to hear from you, i too do exactly the same and put Matts last mothers day card out and Birthday card, its all we have, our precious memories of happier times, it helps to keep them with us and keeping their memories alive, they are not with us physically but will always be with us spirituality, safely tucked inside our heart pocket :heart: :pray:
Sending much love and Easter greetings to all my friends old and new on this site :heart: Michelle xxxx


Dearest friends

We all seem to use the last cards we received. Thatā€™s really touched me to know we are united in that act of remembrance.

There always seems to be some date or anniversary to magnify our loss.

Motherā€™s Day, Easter and then my surviving son George is 36 on Tuesday. Another celebration without Henry. He feels so far away at the moment :broken_heart:

I visited my Mum today, sheā€™s in a Care Home. Regularly says sheā€™s desperate to die. She truly is ready to pass but doesnā€™t get her wish. Itā€™s so sad seeing her frail and getting more confused.

I took my grandson today (Henryā€™s son) and one of the carers asked about him. I explained about losing Henry and she hadnā€™t realised Iā€™d lost a child. She knew my brother had lost his son and said our family had loss like hers.

She proceeded to tell me sheā€™d lost a daughter and her sister had lost a son and then a grandson. She asked me how have we all kept going? but said we have to - for everyone else we love. She has a sadness about her and now I know why. Bless her. So many of us bereaved parents in the world.

Easter brings its own message - if you have a faith I hope thatā€™s a comfort.

Sending you all love and hope that peace can come into your hearts for a while.

Weā€™ve lost so much, but whilst we remain, we have each other.



Sending love to you.


Sending love to you too :heart:


Hi all i want to wish everyone a peaceful easter .without this site and all your kindness sometimes late in the night you would save me from my sadness and knowing we are all in this horrible club .sam will have passed 3 years april 27th .where has that time gone it feels like yesterday. How i would love to hug my sweet boy i always call him a boy he was 25 .still my little boy our super hero . Missed so badly by all . Thinking of you sending higs and love to you all love zoe xxx


To us they are still our babies. My son was 47 ,he had learning disability but he helped so many people.I was told by his friends at Mencap that he helped then to get out meet people and gave them confidence. A uncle of one of his friend at his cremation , said I used to say to him can you look after G and he used to say I will and he did.
I wonder sometimes why doesnā€™t the lord take the evil people the ones that cause wars.If they die of cancer it would stop a lot of wars,but then they had mothers ,fathers too. Love to you all


My son will always be my baby even though he was 35 when he passed. He will always be my little toddler that was full of energy and didnā€™t stop talking.


I hope everyone was able to smile this Easter.

Where do people go when they die?
Somewhere down below or in the sky?
I cant be sure said Grandad but it seems
They simply set up home inside our dreams.

Happy dreams.


Lovely words, Frankie and I hope everyone came through Easter peacefully. Big hugs to everyone xxx


Managed to get through Easter. 3 years on it doesnā€™t get any easier x


Iā€™m struggling again. I was driving yesterday and would have given anything to of driven to where my son lived and gone to his flat and seen him, reality really set in again. Take care xx