Loss of our son aged 27

@MJG unfortunately it always does but somehow we make it through another day x


As time passes we learn to live with this sudden surge of sorrow. It has never left me and I think it never will but life goes on and it gradually lessens, we gradually come to cope. This is the greatest loss a mother can ever have and I have no idea where the strength to carry on comes from but come it does. I think maybe it’s still early days for you, I’ve walked this road for many years now and happy thoughts will come.


Dear friends. Havent read any posts for a few days but here i am today. On holiday in Gran Canaria with Jemma and Brooke. Brooke is having an amazing time and is more and more like her Mum. We have met a lovely you g family with a wee girl Brookes age to play with. I explained to the Mum that Jemma is Brookes auntie and then the tears flowed whilst i said that her Mummy had passed. It was ok, i got through it but the husband had gone somewhere then was going to take their daughter and Brooke to the park so he said to Brooke you need to ask Mummy if its ok. Bless her she was fine, just said thats my Auntie Jemma. Poor guy was so worried he had upset her after his wife had explained the set up. Anyway, kids cope a lot better than we do. They live in the minute.
Love to you all.
Kate xx


What a lovely little girl, such happy times. I missed so many years with my grandaughter when she was growing up and you can never get that back. Your so blessed to have time like this with your precious little grandaughter.


Lovely photos, Kate and glad you are having a lovely holiday with Brooke. We took Charlie to Spain at half term.
As you know, we have Gemma’s little one, Charlie and she also has Coren, who is much older. At times I feel so sad for them. But I tell them that they have just as many chances and the same opportunities as any other child, and I hope that doesn’t sound too harsh. I know how much they love and miss her.
Charlie and I took some daffodils for Gemma yesterday and he said he loves to go and see her! Bless them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sending much love to you Kate, so glad your having a lovely holiday, Brooke looks so happy bless her little heart :heart: love the photos :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i can imagne Lisa is smiling down at you all xxxx

Dear Victoria,
It looked like you had a lovely time in Spain, im so glad that Charlie finds comfort visiting Gemmas resting place, i know it was a difficult decision to make at the time but i hope it also brings you comfort too my dear friend :heart: xxxx


Dear friends, it is two years today since my beloved son Oliver died. I visited his resting place this afternoon - he is buried in a woodland burial site. It is lovely and peaceful there - primroses, forget-me-nots, birdsong and even little muntjac deer wandering around. I took some sprigs of blossom from my garden. I still cannot believe we have lost him, he was so full of life and fun, so honest and brave. We all miss him beyond words, and I know that others on this site know exactly how that feels. Thank you for listening.
Goodnight, love and peace to you all - Susan J. :broken_heart:


Hi kate glad your having a lovely time .kids make things seem easy dont they cant believe how much Brooke has grown bless her thank god she has such a great family .enjoy it kate time is precious love zoe xx


To all friends glad victoria that you have fun with your grandchildren .one of mine was 8 today and i still send them card from sam i put money in it .he said nan sams so clever he sent me .money from heaven what a lovely thought .sending all my love xx


Hi Susan, the anniversaries are so hard so well done for going to see Oliver’s special place. I couldn’t go on Gemma’s anniversary this year as found it too hard. I think seeing her name always feels so stark and brings it home to me. I have been since though, with Charlie.
We know that when we take flowers, they are eaten by the rabbits and deer but we like that idea as Gemma loved the countryside so much and especially the wildlife.
Much love to you all xxx


Dear Susan,
It sounds like Olivers resting place is very special, sending you love and strength to help you through, the anniversaries are so hard but we are all here for you :heart: xxx


Dear Zoe,
We do the same, our daughters will be 24 on Wednesday and we still buy them a present from Matt and give them cards from him, they always put his name in all the cards they send to me and their Dad, Matt will always be part of our family as Sam is yours, i feel it helps to keep them current :heart: :pray: sending much love xxxx


Dearest Michelle. Will be thinking of you over the next few days. Another year has passed. I sometimes think that the time has made things harder. So long without our children.
Hope you have all your loved ones around you.
All my love.

Kate xxx


Hello my lovely friend :heart:, thankyou for thinking of me, like you i can’t think where the past 5 years have gone, not sure how we have managed to get this far, the pain certainly doesn’t ease with time we just get better at hiding our feelings to protect everyone else, at least we can come on here and share how we feel with friends who share our awful journey, sending you much love to help you through as i know you will be thinking back to this time 5 years ago :broken_heart: take care, big hugs :heart::people_hugging::heart: xxxxx


Just come back from Amsterdam, my son Simon passed away from a brain tumour, he was 36 and lived in the city. His lovely friends collected money to erect a bench in his honour at Vondell park in Amsterdam. He died just over 2 years ago but it’s as painful now as it ever was. I act normal when I’m with friends but inside I’m dead. Nothing can prepare you for the loss you feel everyday as everyone on here knows, sending you all my love


I do understand how you feel, Bluebird. My son Oliver died from a brain tumour in April 2022 and it still feels as painful as ever. He has left a huge chasm in my family - we all try to be strong and to support each other, but Oliver was so loved and is so missed.
How lovely that Simon’s friends have erected a bench in his memory. You must be proud. But I know you are heartbroken. As you say, nothing can prepare you for such a loss.
I wish you well, and send love to all on this site. We just have to keep going somehow.
SusanJ :broken_heart:


Hello Bluebird 1
My son Sam died nearly 8 years ago from a brain tumour he was 34, so I know exactly how you are feeling, for me as time slips by although it appears easier there is always that tinge of sadness even now when I talk of him which is everyday. And yes the words ‘act normal’ is about the right words, we acta part even though inside you are breaking. Nothing prepares you for cancer or losing your children however it happens, its not the right order. My son Sam was living in Sweden with his wife when he travelled home to tell me he had been diagnosed then had another seizure and couldn’t go back so he stayed here and his wife came over. We got them a flat around the corner until the last few months when he moved in with me.
All my love Helen


This is what I can’t understand,there is so much fighting going on ,when humans real enemy is poverty, cancer and other illness . If only we can all work together to fight these things . Instead of buying weapons , more money can be put research .


Dear Pest
Absolutely agree :broken_heart: