Lost Dad 3 days before Christmas

I dont think my mum would want anyone else looking after her granddaughter. She would be devastated that she is no longer around to do it x

I’m feeling very angry and bitter today. I hate my emotions. They are so erratic. And irrational. A friend has just hold me about an amazing trip she is going on. Her mum is looking after her kids. All I feel is anger and jealousy. I’ve cried solidly for two hours after her telling me that. I would love a break away. And I would give anything for mum to be here to watch the kids for me

It doesn’t help that it was told to me in the middle of a conversation where I admitted I was very depressed and low

People are very insensitive jooles. It’s quite unbelievable.
I miss my mum being around to look after my daughter. Not that I did things often without them but options of doing anything now have gone so I just wont do much x

Jooles, it sounds like your friend could have been a little bit more diplomatic.

I thought it was insensitive too. But she’s very much like that. The trip is all paid for by a rich friend. She’s going to LA and Vegas. She has 4 kids and is always going away and leaving them with her mum. But complains her mum never does anything for her. Her mum is 76!!!

I had literally just said how low I was feeling. And thinking of mum. She goes “ooh I must look for Katans and beach wear have I told you about my trip”.

Omg jooles!!

Sounds like someone is taking something for granted there!
What I would give to have a babysitter again. Not just any babysitter but the best babysitter in the world who had the best relationship with my daughter you could imagine. Oh what times they were.

My mum used to do loads with my kids. Take them to theme parks. Zoos. Picnics. She would sit on the floor and spend hours doing arts and crafts with them. Not as much in the last couple of years as she broke her leg. And I wonder if that’s also when the cancer started as even when her leg was better she never had the kids over again. Which always puzzled me. I asked dad the other day why that happened and he said she just used to say she was really tired. It did upset me at the time as it was so unlike her. But now it makes more sense.

Our lovely mums and dads. People don’t realise how lucky they are to still have them in their lives.

Definitely shaun

My mum had so much patience and she remembered french from 60 years ago and used to sit and help Ellis with her french homework.
She always had the enthusiasm to entertain her whereas I was so tired from work. I’m not known for my patience either.
I miss mum so much in our lives. I cant see how this will get better x

My mum remembered her french from school too.
If I start to think of all I’ve lost, it’s overwhelming. I think my brain is trying to blot out bits at the moment.

My mum
Was brilliant at maths. I could never grasp it. She never lost her patience. Yet I try and help the kids and I’m yelling at them probably because I don’t understand it either

My mum was actively learning french! Sadly she could never resume her studies after our holiday and so I gave her large collection of reading books are course materials to her french teacher. She also sadly could never resume her dance lessons for which she had collected many certificates and was due to be working on her next one.
Makes you wonder about all this knowledge and memory gained over a lifetime, wiped out in a moment.

I know daffy x

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Right Shaun?!??
All the thoughts and memories and experiences …

It all means nothing doesnt it? Years of life just gone and reduced to a few photos and bits of property.
So depressing.

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Hi everyone,
Sorry, I didn’t realise the thread would auto-close after a certain number of replies. It looks as though I can still reply as admin, so I am just letting you know that Daffy has started a continuation of this thread here: Lost Mum/Dad - Daily chat (part 2)