Lost Mum/Dad - Daily chat (part 2)

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to share some facts on the coronavirus to hopefully calm some nerves.
:microbe: Corona Virus Truth Bomb :microbe:
I’m so shocked at how out of proportion this has got.
*Huge annual events cancelled in multiple countries
*Easyjet Shares down 18%
*Chinese Grand Prix cancelled
*Rugby Games cancelled
*Total cost to airlines so far $30 Billion
*Total flight cancellations 260,000 flights
*Cathay Pacific have over 50% of their fleet grounded - HK need this airline to be on top form more than ever now with everything going on over there.
*International border crossings closed and people turned away from countries.
*Turkey and Pakistan have both closed borders with Iran
*People panic buying
*Nurses in Hebei Provence apparently having their heads forcibly shaved to prevent further infection
*So many industries and trades affected- Retail, Healthcare, Tech, Tourism and E-Commerce are just a few examples.

We could easily cause major disruption to the global economy if we carry on as we are…this will be a HUGE problem.
So here’s the rough reality:
This thing has killed around 3000 people, out of what is now verging on 80,000 confirmed cases…

That’s a death rate of around 4% - 3000 out of 80,000 since NYE when the first case was reported.

So let’s say hypothetically for arguments sake say that in the first quarter of 2020 the Corona Virus has killed 3000 people…
Let’s presume, just to be dramatic that the spread continues despite overwhelming international effort… and that mortality rate goes up by 50% with each quarter, unlikely but we’re being dramatic about this…
So that’s
Q1- 3000 people

Q2- 4500 people

Q3- 6750 people

Q4- 10,125 people

Let’s be even more dramatic just for banter and 4x that number - you get 40,500 people… based on the speed it’s spreading and killing those numbers are waaaaay over what is more than likely the reality.

Sod it, let’s 10x that number worst case scenario - we’re now at 405,000.


:bangbang:Another example of the worlds media creating fear and panic for whatever reason or as a way to distract us from something else​:bangbang:
This post isn’t for scientific accuracy, but to help people understand PERSPECTIVE, in the grand scheme of things. It’s about proportional response to a crisis and how this effects the global economy.

Also guess what happens to cases that don’t die? They literally get over it… 80,000 confirmed cases doesn’t mean 80,000 people have it NOW… it’s the amount of people who have caught this new strain of FLU since NYE- that’s literally it.
Most of them have now been discharged!

Remember Swine Flu? Remember Foot & Mouth? All these were just as ‘dangerous and contagious’ when they appeared, but where are they now?

Don’t let the media, or the government scare you with scare tactics!

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Watt that’s what I think too. I don’t get why the newspapers are whizzing everyone up in a frenzy when colds and flu kill more people.

I have woken up with terrible anxiety. I desperately need a break away. Just something else to focus on.

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I know you are trying to reassure, but this I believe has been taken from a Facebook post which has now been pulled.
The fatality rate is still being assessed, as there are many unknowns.

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I saw something on Facebook this morning that was reassuring. I’m not going going to panic yet I do think it’s scaremongering at the moment.

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How is everyone today?

Hi everyone, last few days have been extremely stressful and have cried such a lot like straight back to square one. All that runs through my head is I want him back but know I can’t. Life sucks!!! x

Hi sam
I felt like that the last 2 days but today I’m sad, but feeling a bit less desperate.
These are just the waves that come and go sam x

Hi Sam. Some days are just hideous aren’t they. You can feel desperate and frightened. That longing of wanting to see someone. But you can’t see them ever again.

Last week I honestly had suicidal thoughts in my head which scared me but passed. But I’m incredibly anxious today and sad. Had 3 days of straight crying. Guilt is back. I have counselling next week which always helps with the guilt.

It’s scare mongering tactics.
It’s to make people go out and panic buy.
It’s to create more racism.
It’s to scare people into buying face masks.

It’s our government and the media.
Are you really trusting these people? The same people who bullied someone so much they took their life two weeks ago.

All I’m saying is to think about it.

@Daffy123 you can’t really trust any figures they tell you tbh seen as it was such a cover up at the beginning. It’ll never amount to the same as the cold/flu which attacks mostly older people and people with lower immune systems. Same with this new ‘flu’.

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My interest in pandemics goes beyond reading standard media pages.
I try and seek out more academic info to gain a fuller picture.
I watch WHOs daily broadcast most days and they have used of course very cautious language.

Earlier on, I also had times when all I wanted to do was be with my dad. Not suicidal per say, just kind of wishing the time away to be reunited - If that is even possible. We could talk about all the possibilities for hours. I tried meditating (no clue how to do that never did it before), deep concentration, all sorts - nothing really worked. Its frustrating.

I’m not personally worried about the actual virus itself but rather the effect is having on the world and the markets. I’ll only buy a face mask of I’m going to do some sanding, don’t see the point otherwise. Not much I can do about it really apart from the obvious precautions that work for all other viruses. It really annoys me though that some countries just try to cover things up or not take it seriously themselves. Those are the countries that make it worse for everyone else and just help the virus spread further.
It was 6 months to the day yesterday that mum left. I have relived the ending all over again. The world seems a much quieter place these days. I was just thinking earlier that even if I was the other side of the world and mum was still alive, the world would be right again. Just knowing she was somewhere would make all the difference. Knowing that she is nowhere to be found on the planet is profound and makes everywhere I go seem quieter. Does that make sense? 6 months, it’s hard to believe that it’s been that long now, half way to a year!

If your academic info comes from the same place I got mine, then it’s still being controlled by someone else who’s unquestionably untrustworthy. I was like you said, trying to reassure others as it’s going too far. People just need a little perspective which tbh I’m surprised I even still have anymore.

Have a good day

Hey Shaun,
I know what you mean about the world feeling broken. I still have my mom but she is broken too. She is sad and feels alone and there is nothing I can do about it.
I also work from home. The past year before this tragedy struck us, my dad and I spent alot more time together than we had before because my husband started a new job that has a commute and I suddenly was free for lunches. Plus we were building a house and he liked to come see it as it was going from nothing to sticks to walls. It is very hard to get your mind on the finality of it all. You just replay the memories in your mind like a movie.
I hope you can get some sleep.

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My Mum passed away five months ago today. Time has gone so quickly. My world has turned upside down and I walk around just feeling physically wrong.

2 months today for my mum. Think about her everyday. Life will never be the same. Wish I had said and done so much more but I know we all think like that. Just have to struggle on each day at a time. I am single and an only child so does not help although I do still have my dad who lives with me and it helps being on this group and making the friends I have.

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10 weeks today. Missing dad always. Still heart broken x

So many of us lost a loved one on the 1st of the month! I lost both parents on a 1st. I’ve opened a small beer. I nearly wrote a small bear, so the booze must be working!

Drinking a beer is also much preferred in the states over drinking a bear. :slight_smile:

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Ooh I fancy a beer now