Lost my beautiful Mum yesterday

Im like you, scared of what moving on will mean, scared that if go back too soon will look like im over this and im not, scared if dont go back im letting work colleagues down an what they will think, just scared of being scaredšŸ˜˜


I can relate to you both and feel exactly the same about returning to work, as if it will look like Iā€™ve ā€˜recoveredā€™ when I never will :broken_heart:


It doesnt matter when i go back then does it cause the problem isnt work related its heart related and my broken heart will never mendā€‹:broken_heart::broken_heart:


I can totally relate to everything you just said I feel exactly the same, I will never be ready to go back but Iā€™m going to have to eventually the girls I work with are really supportive and have been since I started working there, so I know I wonā€™t get any stupid comments off them and they know Iā€™m not coping as everytime Iā€™ve gone in to have a coffee with them Iā€™ve had them all in tears itā€™s the fact how can I hide be hind a smile, I did for a long time before my mum died but I canā€™t do that anymore,

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Ye i also work with a great bunch of women, some more like real friends than just colleagues. I know they will support me, not bombard me with stupid questions, but its the love theyā€™l show me that will upset me the most, the cuddles, the arm across my back as they walk pastā¤ļøthe sympathetic glances to check im ok, which ofcourse i wont be. I know theyā€™l be there for me if i need them. Ive just gotta take this first step, get it out the way, without a tomorrow there will be no moving on and i cant let mum down by falling at the first hurdleā¤ļø


Hey Louise can I just say Iā€™m so sorry for your loss sorry I was meant to send a message earlia my little one has flu
I get weā€™re your coming from I just feel it was yesterday that me mam died itā€™s been 5 months now

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Hi cheryll
5 months isnt thst ling at all and im sure il still be feeling like you in that time, sorry for your loss. I have decided im going back to work tomorrow, it seems that no time will be good and so theres no point in putting it off. Im only sitting here at home day after day things going through my head, so maybe being at work will help me, weā€™l see, and if not il just get signed off again. Thank you for messaging me. Take care, big hugsā¤ļø

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Yeah the girls I work with are the same they have been my been there the last 5 1/2 years given more support than my own partner has given me they have always been a shoulder when Iā€™ve needed it even when they have had their own stuff to deal with, I just canā€™t take that first step maybe the next couple weeks will give me this chance to try get my head straight get my dad used to me not being there every day, start getting myself back into a routine before I go back to work listening to you pull yourself together and make a plan thatā€™s what I need to do, I need to be the person my mum would want me to be she wouldnā€™t want me suffering like this, yeah Iā€™m going to feel like this probably for a long time but Iā€™m just going to make myself ill if I carry on neglecting myself not making my well being a priority so thatā€™s my plan next few weeks a little each day to be kind to myself to make time for myself and maybe then I can take that first step x

Aww lovely im so glad that we can inspire each other, messages ive read are from some truely brave people all looking at ways to take the next steps. The first tiny steps can sometimes feel the hardest but look how much taking them will build up our confidence to take further steps. Yes its gona feel strange and its gona feel this way because were now negotiating a life without our loved one. Just gotta remember with each step they will be with us, in our hearts and our minds, and theyā€™d be so proud of usā¤ļø

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Itā€™s brings me hope chatting to everyone on here I am on medication sometimes it doesnā€™t work Iā€™m always on flight mode donā€™t switch off Iā€™m taking things day by day
I end up crying because I canā€™t hear her voice one more time but Iā€™m in denial I donā€™t want to let her go thank you so much for your kind words


This brings me comfort
My dog also misses her too


Hey Lucy so sorry for your loss
Taking things day by day is good always be kind to yourself as well
My mams sister has been a star she been supporting me and my children as well my friends are only a phone call a way
I feel so lost I spent every Christmas with her felt a bit strange this year

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Aww cheryll that pillow is lovely, such a beautiful picture of your mum, bet she strutted her stuff in that dressing gown. Memories my lovely are such special things now arnt theyā¤ļø

Memories Iā€™ll treasure for the rest of my life she was my inspiration every gift Iā€™ve got is because of her

She learnt me to sew me and me mam would make these for all my 4 girls Iā€™m sewing for my friend now whoā€™s due in march

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I do believe there with us , little things happen inexplicably, almost saying Iā€™m here looking after you and carry on through the grieve , thatā€™s a comfort , each day that passes isnā€™t a further day apart , itā€™s a day nearer weā€™ll meet again, best wishes

I believe that too sometimes
I smell
Me mams perfume cold air goes past me when Iā€™m upset sheā€™s with her husband now I know she be looking down on me and the kids Iā€™m so
Pleased to say she got to see her great gran son my grandson Hugo

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There lovely hun, your mum will be so proud that your keeping up with her good work, must give you comfort to create these lovely things with the skills your mum taught youā¤ļø

Iā€™m multi tasked hun

I made these story boards for the school Medusa was my favourite titain vs titain the kracking was made with 2 Barbie dolls

I decorate too

Well, your deff very talented and very busy by the looks of things. Im quite artistic myself, i make cakes, which is a skill my mum taught me, and for the grandkids i like to decorate. Mt mums cakes and pastries were amazing, better than any shop bought stuff and her coconut tarts were the bestā¤ļøunfortunatly im crap at pastry so wish you were still here mum to make me some amazing tartsā¤ļø