Lost my brother

My niece is 2 and a half

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So young bless her :broken_heart:

I know, it’ll be a gradual thing for her. So difficult to know, she doesn’t know how bad it’s been, her little smiling face.

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You will have lots of stories to tell her about her dad.:blue_heart:

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The thought of the stories we won’t have is so painful.

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I have a beautiful heart pendant necklace w my dads ashes in it. Thats a nice idea matt!

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I hope you are as well as can be @Matt1 and @Seester . Had a rough week last week but back at work now and grateful for the distraction. X

Do you worry about it getting damaged or lost?

Glad you’re a bit better this week. I have been a bit so far, mainly because of work. At any moment I’m a glass half full half empty. Mostly half empty if I’m honest. I don’t believe in happiness anymore.

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Glad work is helping you and hopefully with time you will find happiness in life again. It’s hard to imagine that at the moment though.

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Makes me feel guilty in a way

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It will happen without you feeling guilty. It took me a while after losing my dad and brother but I had more good days than bad and I know they wouldn’t have wanted me to be unhappy. back to those bad days again with my son but I know in time I will be able to talk about him without breaking down.

I woke up this morning and burst out crying. I felt like he was leaving me all over again. I don’t know why.

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It hits you like that… Just comes out of nowhere. It’s still so raw.

How have you been today?

Today was better than yesterday as I had to enquire about a plot for my son’s ashes and had to collect them after work so it was all a bit much. Broke down at work but people were understanding.

How about your day… I know you said you hadn’t had a good morning. Have you got a supportive work place?

I’m working from home since I started a new job recently. They know but don’t really know. Sorry you were upset, we haven’t got the ashes just yet, will be hard to know we have them.

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Would you prefer to be working with others or more comfortable working from home?
Do you have anyone with you for support?

I have my oldest son here…he works from home too 4/5 days and hasn’t really told anyone apart from his manager and a few close friends -he’s very private and prefers his own space.

I wasn’t going to have my son’s ashes at home but it’s going to take a while to have a head stone engraved and arrange the interment so I’d rather have him with me until then.:heart: just haven’t told my eldest as I worry how he might react.

I’d probably prefer to be at home as I can take breaks.

My wife is here. She helps me when I cry, but she can only imagine the pain.

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