Lost my brother

You will have to tell him I think.

It’s good you have your wife for support and you aren’t on your own . Just having someone there to break up the silence is a comfort sometimes Do you have children?
I will probably tell my son but at the moment I can’t. He’s lost his only sibling and I worry about him. He talks about his brother but I see the look on his face when anything relating to his brother’s death is mentioned :broken_heart:

I have a 3 year old. She will miss him too in her own way. How old is your son?

Such a lovely age and close in age to your niece :heart:. My son is 26 years old and my youngest was 25.

I’m so sorry. You and your son must be going through hell. You’re doing so well to keep going.

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My eldest gives me strength and I’m so proud of him . Being on here and just writing down feelings and having support helps too…knowing that we aren’t alone. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you :pray:t3:

I have to go to bed later on at night as otherwise I’ll be going round in circles thinking about him. He was so clever, and so helpful to everyone, life just isn’t fair. The reality is it never was.

He sounds like a brother to be proud of and how you’re feeling shows how much you love him. I’ve slept on the sofa since Christmas eve… easier to fall asleep with the TV on.

I have my headphones in when I go to bed to help distract me.

A work colleague (who lost her son) told me they were advised not to think of it as being another week further away from her son, but to think of it as a week nearer to being with them again. I don’t think that really changes anything.

I can understand why they would think of it that way and it might comfort them. However you think of it it doesn’t change anything I agree but you have to find something that helps you get through each day.
Music is a good distraction. I downloaded my son’s favourite songs and listen to them around the shops… I can’t get used to not having to buy for him.

I created a playlist for my brother too that was used at the funeral. Some of the songs set me off.

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What sort of music did your brother like?
I have the songs I had for my son’s funeral. I chose one’s he liked.I can listen to them at times and I’m ok… depends what kind of day I’m having. My brother and dad had a joint service and I can’t listen to the entry song…

60s and 90s guitar bands mostly. As I do. But lots of other stuff too. How about you?

I like 80s music mostly but I haven’t a favourite artist…just what I grew up with and wasn’t really a fan of 90s.My dad listened to 60s music and some of it is good. He love listening to the Eagles,E.L.O and country music too…bit of a mixture.
Did your brother play guitar or do you? My son was a secret Taylor Swift fan so I had one of her songs at his service… his friend said he always listened to it. He also liked Tupac but I decided against that as I had elderly relatives there…he would have laughed at the thought of my mum listening to it…

Im so sorry for what your going through i lodt my little brother he was 17 at the time in 2015 it was so sudden. Im 30 now and just now starting to deal with the grief honestly dont know where to start. Losing someone you are meant to protect never gets easy :heart:

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We both played guitar. So sad that I will never see him again.

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Yes Tupac probably not fitting for service

How were you when it first happened compared to now?

I’m sorry to hear about your brother- such a young age :pensive:. It’s difficult to process when it’s unexpected… my brother passed away 2 years and 3 months ago…he was 38 and the youngest.

How are you getting on?