Lost my brother

Hi @Matt1 . I’m as well as can be thank you. Being at work helps it’s just the before and after that I find difficult…
How have you been?

I’m the same. I wake up miserable and then work distracts somewhat and then when it’s finished I go back again. I’m not as bad as I was, admittedly, but far from ‘normal’.

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I hope you have been as well as can be today. Do you have any plans for the weekend with your family? I find weekends the most difficult to get through.

I will go my see parents with daughter and relax in the evenings. The weekends can be hard as you say. When I’m alone I feel worse.

I’m sure your parents enjoy time with your daughter :heart:. I have a friend taking me out for coffee Saturday. My eldest prefers his own space and I can’t sit in the house as my youngest would have been home from working away.

Yes they see her every weekend. It must be hard being in the house at those times when he would have been there. I feel that too when I go to his house, or at weekends at my mums when he too would have gone, or at the match where we sat next to eachother.

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I lost my only brother 6 months ago very suddenly. He was my only sibling and 6 years younger than me. My mum and dad looked after him due to his mental health. They are now all gone. When my mum was dying she asked me to look after him. I was there every single day helping but it wasn’t enough. Everyone says i did my absolute best but he isn’t here, is he.

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Sorry for your loss. It sounds as though you did all you could, and you have been through so much.

They aren’t here physically, but I think they’re somewhere. There’s no way we can be sure, but no way we can say they aren’t, either. I believe I will see my brother again one day. I’m not religious. If there’s anyone who can find a way, it would be him.

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How are you

Fine thanks. Started selling off my brother’s vinyl collection today. I know his collection needs to go, and the money will go towards his headstone, but it still feels like letting him go.

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Hi, I’m not too bad today thank you. Had a bit of a bad week last week and with mothers day approaching it was difficult but it’s out of the way now. You think you’re fine and then it hits you from nowhere.
How have you been and how was your mum Sunday? I hope it wasn’t too difficult for her.

Hi, I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. I’m sure you did all you possibly could to support him and you mustn’t be too hard on yourself. We all wish we could have done more for our loved ones but it doesn’t help us torturing ourselves with what ifs. Do you have anyone else around you for support? X

That must be hard having to trade his collection.

It was hard for my mum but she tried to put it out if her mind with the kids being there. But I heard her say quietly to a relative later on that thinking about it all day is exhausting.

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I was quite bad yesterday. I spoke to a bereavement centre and I’m trying to join a weekly support group. I have a call with them next week.

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Bless her :heart: it was your mum’s first the same as me - just no getting away from it as it was advertised everywhere. I didn’t want my eldest to see me upset as I’m still his mum and always will be to my youngest… but it was difficult.One of my brothers bought me a pendant necklace with my son’s initial- that was so thoughtful of him.

I hope you get the support you need from the bereavement centre and it’s good you recognise you need it. I have a few friends I can talk to about everything… without them I would struggle.
A friend of my son sent me videos of him and they give me some comfort… hearing his voice. I was scared of forgetting what he sounded like. He’s swearing in them but nothing I hadn’t heard before.

I got my mum and dad photo albums with hundreds of photos of him in, so they have that now instead of having to look through a phone. We are getting some of his ashes put within jewellery so just waiting for that to come through.

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I think it’ll help me to speak in a group setting. Hopefully I can get into one for a while.

The videos with their voice are definitely the best things to have.

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