Lost my brother

A photo album is a lovely idea and yes much easier than going through their phone.
I’ve ordered a ring with my son’s ashes…i chose his favourite colour for the stone :heart:. Have you chosen a ring?

I’m grateful for them…even if they are a few minutes long of him swearing. It’s like he’s still here with me. I have one of my dad and brother when dad was in the hospice… winding each other up. I love listening to my brother’s laugh :blue_heart:

Hopefully you can get into one soon and yes it will be easier talking to people going through the same. You can only try.

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Yes the videos are priceless. I only wish I had more.

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Have you asked any friends of your brother? It’s only because I mentioned to my son’s work friend I have any of him. I spent ages looking through my brother’s Facebook friends for photos of him when he passed away.

Yes i got lots of photos from his friends. Don’t think there were any videos though.

I’m grateful for even just one - as long as I can listen to them :blue_heart:.

Yes me too, although it hurts to hear his voice, I have to so I don’t forget.

Hi, how have you been this last week?

Up and down mostly. Had a bad few hours at the weekend and this afternoon. How have you been?

I’m sorry to hear that. Has anything triggered it or just how you’re feeling? I usually find certain things or words set me off. Have you started the counselling yet?
Birthday was a few days ago so another first out of the way. My son’s memorial ring arrived on the day - lovely coincidence :blue_heart:.

Birthday must have been hard. Glad you got the ring.

Anything can trigger it for me l, like emotional music or tiredness. Sometimes it’s worse than others.

Just had my mri scan this evening, glad that’s out the way for now.

I didn’t realise you had to have an MRI scan, I hope it went as well as can be/ everything is ok :pray:t3:. Can I ask what it was for? Understand if you don’t want to say.
My ring is dainty but I wouldn’t wear it to work. I have a pendant with my dad and brother’s ashes together- just so surreal at times thinking about the 3 of them and how small my family has become now.

I’m getting a ring soon with my brother’s ashes in. I won’t risk taking it anywhere potentially I could lose it. It must be hard having gone through what you have and having to try to get through.

I had a scan to see if I have a heart defect. My brother died of a heart problem and we don’t know if it’s congenital.

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That’s sensible getting yourself checked and :pray:t3: all is well with you and you and your family have peace of mind.
Yes I would worry about losing my ring too. I went up a size as I’ve lost weight since I lost my son so although it still fits it’s a little loose at the moment. I have a stone with his favourite colour :heart:.
I hope you have a better day today x

That sounds nice. You can get them resized if you prefer it on another finger. I bet mine doesn’t fit either when it arrives.

I’m sure I will eventually put weight back on. I’m eating better than I was a few months ago and I’ll only wear the ring on certain occasions. Too special to wear to work or shopping etc

That sounds very sensible. When I get mine, it’ll be the most precious thing I have.

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Hi @Matt1 , just checking in. How have you been this last few weeks? Have you heard anything from the counciling group?
I’ve been off work which doesn’t help but back soon.

Yes, I’m going to the bereavement group on Monday evening so hopefully it’s helpful. I got myself a book on stories of sibling loss which I started to read this evening, and got my mum a book on loss of a child which I’ll give her tomorrow. I’ve had a bad day today and cried a lot. Sorry I didn’t respond earlier. How are you?