Lost my soulmate yesterday morning

Thanks for your support. X

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Try not to let this destroy you. Grieve any and every way that works for you and try to stay strong for your family. Much. Easier said than done especially in the very early days of loss. Your family will need you more than ever and make your husband proud keeping his memory and love alive. I found lots of people reach out initially then in goes a lot quieter. Trusted, safe grief forums like this and bereavement support are a vital tool and precious resource to know you’re not alone and others are there for you when you need support and help too :revolving_hearts::sparkles::dizzy:

@TJ14 I sometimes wonder if things are meant to be as I went to work Saturday night which wasn’t my shift so should have been home with my husband. Sunday morning I went Christmas shopping and missed my son phone call to say that dad had collapsed. I usually always look at my phone. The ambulance took 45:mins to come. I really wish I could of saved my husband who collapse suddenly. Found out at the post mortem report that he was very ill though he was working the day before. Really hate life without my handsome husband :pensive:


I think it must be awful when it happens so suddenly without warning ! It must be such a shock ! I was speaking to a lady tonght while walking my dog who lost her husband suddenly. Ive encouraged her to come onto this chat site xxx


This forum has absolutely been a lifeline. Thank you to all the kind supportive people joined by grief showing such warm hearts and wisdom.It has helped me in ways my friends with partners haven’t been able to xx


It does make me wonder about fate.
Sending you so much love and support xx



This is what I struggle with apart from obviously Bry not being here anymore . I spoke to him 3 hrs before he got up for work and then found him already gone in the bathroom & I’ve tried so hard to get the vision out of my head but I just can’t . It comes in my head constantly but more when I get in bed. I give my head a wobble and try to bring forward a nice memory but it just doesn’t work :broken_heart::sleepy::broken_heart::sleepy: xxx


And you my lovely xx

I know what you mean as when I arrived home my husband was gone. I started CPR. They put him in the bed till they collected him then I saw him at the funeral home. Finally the day of the funeral. The worst being the funeral and when I arrived home. I try to think of another memory and say no no no. They seem to be getting less now though. Are you seeing a counselor or mental health team. X



I have my first CBT meeting Tuesday morning it’s a councillor that works at my friends work who has offered it to me so I’m lucky I’m not on a waiting list .
They left my husband on the loo which wasn’t nice , but I made him decent & sat with him until they came for him . What upset me the most when he had gone was a plastic bag they left in the bed - I just thought it was so inconsiderate :broken_heart::sleepy: it’s those little things that still get to me . I had to outside after I kissed him as could not be in the house when they took him . :sleepy::sleepy:

Glad they ate getting a little less frequent for you , did you get counselling, if you don’t mind me asking ? Feel free to PM me if you prefer xxx


Hi love you must be patient with yourself ! Its only a month since he passed isnt it ? Not long at all. Just let the tears come and dont be frightened of what you saw because i really believe their spirit is still there for u to reach out to. Its just his physical form that has gone … but i was same kept having visions of those moments when he passed. Horrible isnt it but it will go and orher memories will take their place xx

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@ Deb

It was 5 weeks Wednesday just gone . :broken_heart:

Thank you so much for your kind words . Lots of love xx


I am truly sorry to hear this, please accept my heartfelt condolences. Sending love :hibiscus::hibiscus::hibiscus:


I feel like that too and I feel so guilty about it so I’m sort of relieved to hear you feel the same - I’m really envious when I see couples like we were walking along holding hands. I so miss that touch. In fact thinking about it, it’s the feel of him I most miss.


Sorry for your loss. I lost my soul mate too. On Tuesday. I still cannot believe it. It feels surreal. My husband was 57. I don’t know what to say that can make you feel better.



So sorry for your loss. It’s such a heartbreaking time for us all. Even typing this and just over 5 weeks in I feel like someone else is typing this , it’s just surreal :sleepy::sleepy: sending hugs xxxx


Ah Rammie I’m so sorry that you’ve lost your soulmate too. It’s the worse pain ever isn’t it? We can’t change it but we can keep talking to each other and keeping each other going xxx


So sorry for your loss. Nothing other people say make you feel any better. I’ve been there and got the T-shirt. I’m 19 months down the line and still no better than the day I lost my love of my life. 47 years together. Mark was only 62 cancer doesn’t discriminate takes who it wonts. unfortunately leaves people devastated and can’t move on with our lives. I’m so sorry you are on this journey. This forum will help you. Thought are with you and you family. Xxx


I was there when Simon died. Suddenly stood up and said he was going to be sick (he wasn’t) and collapsed back on the hospital bed. Doctors and nurses came to help but there was nothing to be done. It was such a shock and he didn’t look like himself when it had happened. I don’t know wether to go and see him in the funeral home or just remember him how he was before this awful event. :broken_heart:


First off all so sorry fir your loss.i fully understand how you feeling. I lost my husband 12 weeks ago the pain is so strong and hurts very much .my husband died suddenly after a simple knee replacement at 59 .i was in two minds wether to go and see him at the chapel of rest i fought with myself i found the courage to go and visit him .im so glad i did .hopefully this will be some help to you .

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