Miss my old life

Same :sob::broken_heart: xx


We had 47 years together, we grew together, just didnā€™t get to enjoy our later years together, hubby was 65 when he passed :broken_heart:


Can so relate to all this. My partner collapsed suddenly and died on 21st April. Air ambulance attended but he didnā€™t even make it to the helicopter. Still in a state of disbelief. He was my third time lucky man too. Restored my faith in men - beautiful inside and out and irreplaceable. Like Jane15 we had plans right through to 2025. My life is empty and the future is bleak. Apologies but just not having a great weekend xx


No apology needed.

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Donā€™t apologies weekends are the worse! my hubby was working right to the day before his heart attack, he was 65 and was going to retire next February when 66, I am 56 and weekends were just the best spending time together, this just wasnā€™t the plan ! I have two more weeks before I am back to work, donā€™t know how I will deal with it x


Yes, we had plansā€¦ should have been in Venice, Aprilā€¦ he passed away instead.
Yes, i can still goā€¦ but without Nick it will be okā€¦ not great.

I feel like im just existing now. Getting through the day to have a sleepless night.

Its shit innit??
I wish i went before him. Im not going to do anything stupidā€¦ my kids are grown up but still need me.

As the song goesā€¦ just dont know what to do with myself :confused:

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Same here danny was going to reduce his hours in work yes he worked permanent nights and it was his night off the day he died he had been fine all day no sign of anything yes likewise im going back to work next week have been off since 15th April donā€™t no how it will go but i only work 2 days let me know how work goes for you but think of yourself first if you find itā€™s too much have a bit longer off

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I work 4 days, some day shifts , some late shifts, I am a reception duty manager for a hotel holiday company, just donā€™t know how I am going to feel checking in couples for their holiday together! I go back 10th June. My hubby was a job coach for adults with learning disabilities getting them into paid employment, and he was a hands on job coach as well doing manual work with them, he just didnā€™t get to retire

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Yes jane15 i live and work in liverpool

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Which area of Liverpool

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well I still call ā€œLiverpoolā€ home and Nick was brought up in the Devon country side, and me in a city, but he loved Liverpool, and the people of Liverpool loved him, March 25th we were in Liverpool, then 15th April he is gone.

I was from Old Swan , but then family moved out to Rainhill

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We live in the anfield are but danny was a bitter blue

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ha! my family are all blues, but we went to the other side ! Nick had a Liver bird tattoo and we had ā€œyouā€™ll never walk alone at his funeralā€ 9 days after Nick died my cousin in the Wirral died age 56 cancer, he went out to Z cars, a true blue

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Danny worked in ikea since it opened 37 years i work in an office for nearly 30 years so we didnā€™t change jobs much

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We had z cars at his funeral


We were both 54 but Nick took medical retirement. He would walk the dogs then paint. He loved art.

I was going down to 3 days when i got to 60 and we were going to buy a camper van. Have long weekends round the UK with the dogs.

Funny how you life changes so quickly.
None of us wanted this xx

All the pall bearers had blue ties and my girls had blue bows


I have been in my same job 31 years, and Nick was a stone mason, bricklayer and while building in a mental hospital became interested in working with learning dis he was a very caring person.

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No mandy none of us wanted this we have a canal boat we planned holidays with our sausage dog up and dow Leeds Liverpool canal

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