Miss my old life

so did my cousin Graham they all had the Everton ties, Nick said when we were up in March that we would go back up for Grahams funeral , and as it was Nick died 9 days before my cousin

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I’ll always remember the night before he died he watched the match everton got beat by Chelsea 5-0

That sounds lovely.

I live over the water from loverpool as me & Nick called it!

Not far from new brighton.

My sons a blue and we loved the red men… but we all got on ok.

Niall, my son does boxing. Nick was his no.1 fan and supported him so much.
Nialls dad has never shown an interest.

Bloody heartbreaking :broken_heart:

Remember that :cry: everton/ chelsea

My best friend lives in moreton and dannys sister lives in new Brighton my dads partner lives in arrowe Park she’s still suffering as my dad died September but she fills her days by going out she has a lot of hobbies which help her

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Ill never forget that result ever

:blue_heart::sob: neither will my son

It was Darby day and my cousins last words was Everton would beat Liverpool 2-0, my cousin also had a learning dis, my hubby Nick could relate to him , he was always good at sport betting, Graham passed in the early hours, and that night Everton beat Liverpool 2-0! my Nick would of let him have that! and yes the family Grahams bet on and it came in at 45-1 !

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we all have a lot of similarities ! the Liverpool, footie thing fine but losing husbands not !

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Yep my son thought more of Nick than his own Father! His Father my ex husband was found dead in his flat in January age 56! I felt nothing but relief, and for my son he lost a father and step Dad within 3 months, and it was when Nick died he said " oh so this is how he should of felt when his Dad died!

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My ex husband is still knocking about… functioning alcoholic.
Used to ignore Niall for months if he was on a bender.
Nick was a constant in his life 10yrs old to 22yrs old. Made Niall into the man he is today. Nick was a good influence.

I was relieved when i got divorced. On my own 2004 until 2012… meeting idiots, not letting my guard down.

Couldn’t believe how happy me & Nick were.
I knew him from secondary school… went to a school reunion 2011… stayed friends until 2012… i kissed him… :kiss: haha he said he was waiting for me to kiss him first!!

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There are some bad days and some okay days but never good days :sob:
Dogs are known to be affectionate and great company especially when we are at our lowest hope you had a comforting time with him/her by the canal xx

yep here we go again “dickhead” thats the ex hubby ! was an alcoholic wife beater , when my son had to go and clear his flat out he found he was also a cocaine user! Nick was in my sons life from age 5, he is coming up to 28 now , when it was his own fathers funeral (i did NOT go) he said he struggled what to say about his Dad, but with Nick he could say plenty

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So true… any old d**k can make them. A real man brings them up.
We had years of Niall crying because his dad told him to go home, coz he was on a bender or didn’t want to see him at all.
Me & Nick were there for Niall always.
Heartbreaking as Nick didnt have his own kids, he would have been a fantastic father.
My daughter is 34… so older but she loved Nick too… they were happy that he made me happy.


That just shows what a good guy your Nick was… your son had plenty of lovely things to say about him.
We still talk as if Nicks here, its early days. He was such a character. Hard to believe we wont see him again :sleepy:
He made us laugh so much everyday

I am actually sleeping with a big percy pig in the bed next to me wrapped in one of nicks t shirts cos i can still smell Nick on it, I hate rolling over and his side of the bed is empty, so as a 56 year old woman I go to bed with percy pig, so I can feel something next to me!


Thats sounds a fab idea… we have a king size bed with just me in it… i put pillows on nicks side but yes… ill buy something and put one of his tshirts on it.

Im a scruff… ive been wearing Nicks hoodies and tshirts!

I miss his breathing, so calming. He never snored… calmly breathed! I should have recorded it. It used to get me to sleep.


I am wearing his football shirts in bed, when he was in icu, i grabbed a bag and put, pants, socks, his wash bag and a hoodie in there, as it was he didn’t need the things! but before his life support got turned off, i went real cold and i was only in a t shirt, so I took his hoodie out of the bag and wore it, I am still not really sleeping i can if i take a pill, but i have been trying to wean off them!


Hi MandyC15,

Very sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my darling wife last July, to secondary breast cancer. Can’t believe I am coming up on a year now :cry:
Your post struck a chord with me for a number of reasons, not least the most obvious one being the loss of our partners around the same age. Wendy was only 55. Also, my adult son still lives with me - he is 27 and he too has an Asperger’s diagnosis. I do feel as if we are coming to terms with our loss - someone said to me last year, “You will never get over it, but you will find a away of dealing with it.”. I think that is what I am working towards now, albeit it is extremely difficult.
The single biggest issue for me is dealing with day to day trivialities - something that would only ever have been a minor blip for us, now feels like a major hurdle to overcome, because I am dealing with it on my own. I am quite a resilient person, as was Wendy, and we were both capable of dealing with domestic “crises” when they occurred, but it was so much easier when we were in it together, we would overcome anything.
I hope your son is dealing with it OK. I am immensely proud of how our son has dealt with it (his mum would have been too :heart:), but I know he struggled initially with how to react - he was heartbroken, obviously, but seemed to also feel the need to “exaggerate” his behaviour to make sure people knew how upset he was. That may sound strange, but anyone who is familiar with ASD conditions may recognise it - it was like he had a pre-conceived idea of how someone acts when they are grieving and continued to act it out, even if it wasn’t exactly how he felt.
I totally get the “…shaped hole in my heart” - I feel the same, like I have to reinvent myself as a single entity as opposed to one half of a very happy couple. It is just awful.

Take care.


Hi DWG I completely agree about the day to day trivialities. I am only 5 weeks in and before this tragedy was really organised and decisive. We always said we were a good team and worked through whatever came our way. Now making a simple shopping list is difficult and was really floored when I decided I should cut the hedge and realised i didn’t know how the hedge cutters worked, as I’d never used them previously. It could be shock from dealing with a traumatic event so recently but I don’t feel like I’m making any progress and my head is all over the place.