Miss my old life

sadly yes, My Nick worked with Adults with learning disabilities as a job coach getting them into paid employment, he was a stone mason by trade, and wouldn’t be a pen pusher job coach he would roll his sleeves up and get stuck in. He was working on the Friday, and had the heart attack Saturday morning ! he never got to retire.

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Thats when we got married in our home :cry: x


@Jane15 thats so sad, im sorry x

But my Nick has no hair and glasses too !!


Looks a lovely guy.

Life is shit innit mate.

Ive got to get dressed and walk the dogs.
Im going to Nicks grave later to fill it with more soil and flowers.

Take care, chat soon xx


yep I am going out with my son he wants me to ! life is shit x


17 Months ago !!


What a beautiful pho


Sorry photo

I just feel robbed we only got 17 months of marriage after a 20 year engagement! x


However long you’ve had its never enough we were married over 40 years we got married when we were both 21 but we had such plans he was going to get a season ticket for everton holidays on our boat going to benidorm which we loved he was so looking forward to everything and for once we had no money worries but he got to do non of those things the only blessing he didn’t no he was going to die and he was happy we told each other every day that we love you


Yeh im learning to stop listening to what everyone else says and just do whats best for me. I think.i have relied too much on other peoples opinions … now ive just.decided im gonna just do things how i want … but i do get so lonely without him - do you ? xx

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Unbearable most of the time i can’t bear the tv or listen to music as we always listened together the house is just so quiet but at times its the only place i feel safe I’ve put his ashes in our summer house as that was our happy place listening to music and talking haven’t sat down there since he died i feel no joy in anything don’t want to see my girls or grandchildren i saw them nearly everyday as we picked them up from school life is so bad at moment


Two weeks for me too to return to work since my partner passed away suddenly 5 weeks ago. Not sure I’m ready to face everyone yet. We were due to go to Devon in June and meet up with some friends. I’ve decided to go for a few days as planned on my own. Don’t know whether I’m being brave or stupid but I can always come home which is where I feel safe. Also should have been returning to a tiny Greek island in September. I’d like to go and scatter some ashes in the sea. Last time he went in the sea was there which was important to him. I would probably be better going on my own as think I would be terrible company and I don’t really have anyone else to go with. Everyone has their own plans and I think I need time to reflect what has happened. We were always happy just the two us and say ‘it’s me and you against the world’. Like others just missing little things- drinks round the fire pit- chats in the conservatory while listening to music. Life is very lonely and empty now.

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@Jane15 gorgeous :heart_eyes: :heart:

Very lonely but just for Nick, nobody else xx


Yeh so am i for my husband but its longer for me than u and you eventually realise you cant get them back no matter how much u want to !! i would like to try meet someone eventually - you get fed up of your own company …


I know that feeling so well, my husband died over 6 years ago & i miss him so much. When he died everyday felt like a week & a week felt like a month.
As i say we miss the life we had.


It certainly is :frowning: xx

What a lovely pic ! :wink: aw … must be hard for you :frowning: xx