Missing you ❤️

@Galaxy75 I joined Jolly Dollies a couple of months ago and have emailed some of the ladies with a view to meeting up but had no replies at all so have given up on them. Hope you have a god time with your ones. Ann xx

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Hi @Galaxy75
I am so thankful to have such a special friend to talk to. We talk most evening and meet up on Saturdays when she is free. She has a family so cannot always make it so I go with the flow, in fact we are meeting up later on today for a late lunch. I am in the library atm and so looking forward to meeting her later.
I have been thinking lately about volunteering on Fridays at a concert venue (I used to work at a Symphony Orchestra) if they’ll have me. I am a music lover so I thought it might help feed my soul spending my free time being involved in a musical environment.
I hope you have a good time meeting the Jolly Dollies group :slight_smile:
Take care xx

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Thanks my meeting is next Thursday for lunch with 6 others. It will be good to meet others like myself who know exactly what we are going through.
I hope your group i London get in touch soon so you can meet other people to chat and meet up with.
Take care
Lynne Xx

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I hope so too :crossed_fingers:it would be good to meet & chat with other people who understand what is like going through grief.
All best Xx

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Went to the cemetery this morning just like every weekend and went to the gym after that, then decided to go window shopping as I dreaded the feeling of loneliness if I stayed home so didn’t feel so bad when I got home late afternoon. Moreover, tonight was the very first time in 8 months that I could actually watch one of my favourite TV dramas (Vera), which I haven’t been able to watch since my angel passed away, and was able to focus from the start to finish. I hope this might be the beginning of a small improvement for me and I am praying it will keep going in the right direction :pray::crossed_fingers:
Sorry to keep going on a bit but just had to let it all out.
Best wishes to everyone X


I commend you, these are very positive steps. Well done. I hope you continue to gain strength! Hope you have a good week. Sharon.

I lost my wife 2 days ago it’s sooo painful :broken_heart:


Like you mentioned, i like to stay out most of the day too getting back late afternoon as now dont like being in house on my own. It never bothered me before as i guess he was always around mostly he would be working in garden but still around.
Now he is not here i cant settle to anything.
I have tried to read watch tv do a jigsaw but nothing holds my attention for long.
Yesterday i did watch Vera which i also like mostly from start to finish.
Maybe need to get some structure to my days need to keep mind active but just so tired due to my sleeping pattern.
Take care

Hi @Ronnie.k Im so sorry that you have lost your wife, I lost my husband 3 months ago due to liver cancer so I know how it feels. It’s painful and devastating and I don’t know how I have got through 3 months but I have done so, somehow. I wish you strength and love, keep posting on this site it really offers support . All the best x


So sorry for your loss but you have come to the right place and will get lots of support from people who feel your pain and will.be there for you on this journey love Hope5 xxx

I’m sorry for loss Ronnie.k. I lost my husband 4 months ago so, like everyone on this forum, understand the journey you are embarking on. Feel free to vent on here, it really helps me to write my feelings in this safe environment. The support received will help you to understand the stages of your grief. My loss is still raw but I am beginning to feel a little more independent now. Hopefully you have family and friends close by to help you through the funeral arrangements and beyond. I wish you my best thoughts in the days and months ahead.

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Hi @ Ronnie.k
So sorry to hear of your loss.
Early days for me 7 months now but i have survived many 1st tines anniversary birthday chrismas and new year.
People here all understand what you are going through as they have all experienced similar feelings.
I hope you have support from family and friends to get you through this time.
Take care

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@Ronnie.k so sorry to hear of your loss. It’s such a difficult time and 3 months down the line it isn’t any easier . But chatting to people on here who are going through exactly the same helps.

Take care

Thank you Sharon I am keeping my fingers crossed.:crossed_fingers:
A great week to you too X

Hi @Galaxy75
I know the feeling! Being on my own in the house never bothered me either because he was always around somewhere. Now it’s unbearable :weary:
I’m glad you could watch Vera from start to finish that is a positive step forward :+1:
Have you tried herbal teas? It seems to do the trick and I can sleep a little better drinking them throughout the day!
Hope you get more sleep- take care X

I am so sorry for your loss. We’ve all been there and know what you’re going through. Please take one day at a time and try not to suppress any feelings just go with the flow! We are here to support each other so please keep sharing - I find it helpful enormously to post on this wonderful forum.
Take good care X

First day back at work (from home) today after 17 days break, was very busy after a long break but I kept glancing to my right where my beloved used to sit :weary: seeing his computer screen but no one behind it I suddenly felt so sad and empty. Only yesterday I seemed to have taken one tiny step forward but today two giant steps back :weary: hopefully tomorrow will be better in the office when surrounded by colleagues :crossed_fingers:. This lonely life is so heartbreaking and horrible :broken_heart:.


Hi @Angel1309
Yes life is bad without them by our sides especially when we are do used to being together.
I stopped work last year as reached state pension age but thinking i need to keep occupied with something to do and meet others so maybe back to volunteering especially at weekends whe the loneliness hits worst.
Hope your work goes well tomorrow
Take care
Lynne Xx

Hi there, This is my first time on here. it’s coming up to one year since my husband passed away out of the blue. I keep repeating it’s a year it’s aYEAR but it’s so unreal it just feels like a few weeks to me. The family tell me I shouldn’t still be crying now but I can’t help it ,it just hits me when something reminds me of the things we won’t be ever doing together again. We were married for 56 years.I’m in my 70’s now .I find myself bursting into tears when I am struggling to do yet another job in the house ie; changing the bulbs, the smoke alarm .The other day the water just ran cold.My husband could just turn something on the boiler and the heat would rise. I had to find the hand book to fix it. I miss him so much,he loved DIY and was working on things right up until the day he suddenly passed away.
Like you I miss the things we did every day together and now he’s no longer there to say … come on lets go out somewhere and no longer can we talk about what we’ve done in the day or plan for the next day/holidays etc,
I am pleased to hear that you also wear your partner’s T shirt or fleece because I have a jumper of my husbands and when I’m really lonely I wrap the arms around me and even though the smell of his aftershave is no longer on it, the comfort I get from that is lovely. Now that I know someone else does the same thing I know I’m not going over the top.
Time will help us to get through this ,although we can’t see it at the moment. love and hugs x


Hi Lynne
Everyday I wish he would still be here with me. I think about him 24/7 and whenever I think about taking a holiday it breaks my heart to think about going without him as we used to love travelling so much so it’s never going to be the same from now on and I hate it :broken_heart:.
I work 4 days/week but will probably go down to 2/3 days week at some point when the loneliness is more bearable. I’ve applied to volunteer on Fridays at an Orchestra and hope to receive a reply sometime soon :crossed_fingers:
Thank you I hope so too.
All best
Toyah X