Missing you ❤️

Aw, we used to love trying new recipes. My angel once did a batch of strawberry jam (Mary Berry’s recipe) whilst i was at work. He told me he did it so i could rest when i got home. Do you know his jam wS far better than mine and I’ve been making jam for years. Makes me smile sometimes and cry with emotional and physical pain other times. I miss and talk to me angel all the time and shout every day when i got in ‘I’m back’, but the reply doesn’t come back - the hardest silence ever. Love and miss him profoundly. :broken_heart:. Much love to all xxx


@AnnR I can imagine I will feel no different at. 4 years either my love . It’s such a profound loss to lose your soulmate . We looked into each others eyes constantly and to never do that again is so painful . The silence kills me he was so animated you see . Bless us all on this unwanted journey . Xx


Completely agree. It’s been almost three years now for me and in some respect I’ve learnt to live alongside my grief but it never leaves us. For the first six months I
lived through a fog not really sure how I came out the other side. I am better than I was but still get bad days and I think I always will. Just plod along one day after the next but determined not to let grief win and try my best to move forward. Here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:

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I’m so sorry to hear of your loss
My partner passed away 6 months and 8 days ago… I’m feeling exactly the same…
I feel robbed of our life spent together in old age…I am lucky I have family a few
Really close supportive friends… but I’m exhausted of trying to fill my days so I don’t feel so alone… I lost my mum at 65 my dad at 61 and now my partner at 68 I’m also paranoid that I’m going to die in my 60s I’m only 58

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Sorry for your loss


My angel loved Japanese food so we tried to follow Japanese recipes on YouTube and most times the dishes came out alright so we kept trying different recipes all the time. He had talked about going to Japan for the second time in a couple of years but he never had that chance sadly :weary:.
Our 37 years together were full of love and laughter, he was so witty and his trademark was his witty sense of humour lighting up family dinners as soon as he walked in. I miss his jokes his voice his smile his loving and caring - I miss my angel so terribly every day :broken_heart:.
Take care everyone X


Had a bit of a scare last night when I turned on the bedroom light a sudden loud exploding noise and all went completely dark upstairs, but downstairs lights were okay. I felt so helpless and panic so asked my next door neighbour for help - a fuse was blown and he pushed it right back and suggested I get an electrician to check the light switch.
My angel would have dealt with it without any hassle - now I have to learn to deal with it but with such stress and anxiety :worried:. I couldn’t get to sleep for hours worrying about it and what else might follow. I finally fell asleep and then saw my angel in my dream I happily hugged him so hard and long telling him I thought I could never get a chance to hug him anymore. Call me crazy but I believe my angel came in to my dream when I was scared and anxious to help calm me down. I got up feeling free from anxiety from last night drama and said good morning to my angel as usual and thank him for looking after me. We used to look after each other through out our 37 years together and now I still feel loved and protected. (I love and miss you so much my angel and I hope you are at peace and happy wherever you are my love :orange_heart:, till we meet again someday :orange_heart:).


That’s wonderful, i believe you are right and he wanted to let you know he was there watching over you x

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Thank you so much for believing what I also believe- it’s so comforting to be assured that my angel is still watching over me . I love and miss him so much :broken_heart:
Take care X


I didn’t think they were watching us until the other day. I understand now xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Beautiful isn’t it to know that our angels are still with us :two_hearts::two_hearts:
Take care X


What are we to do?
Stay strong x

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The medium said he was always with me and I believe that he is as we were so close . How I wish it could be different . I would give everything and live in a tent if he could be back . I’ve got a long wait to see him again as much as 30 years . That scares me


I know that feeling. I miss the love, companionship and feeling of safely. Never felt afraid when my angel was here. :broken_heart: xxxx


I totally understand this. Life is so empty. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of my husband. It’s going to be 8 months at the end of Jan. His birthday would have been yesterday and I celebrated what would have been our first wedding anniversary earlier this month. It all just feels like trying to walk through quicksand. I’ve taken a 6 month sabbatical from work because I just can’t cope with that on top of my own feelings and emotions. Please tell me it gets better? I read that year 2 is worse, how on earth can it be worse than this? I’m lonely.


So sorry for your loss I lost my partner 6 months ago suddenly… I also read it gets harder in the second year and I’m trying not to focus on that… I feel like I’m on auto pilot going through a day at a time… sometimes I wake up and wish it was all a nightmare…
We were suppose to get married in 2021 but Covid robbed us of our special day…
Sending hugs to you x


Hi @SDG,

The 6th January 2024 marked the start of my third year without my gorgeous Christine. For me the second year has been far far worse than the first which frankly passed as a blur due to shock and numbness.

But this does not mean that it will be the same for you. While folk will post here expressing what a struggle the second year was, many folk may not post at all to say that the second year was a bit easier simply because they did not feel the need for the support that this community can provide.

Maybe it will be helpful to just focus on getting through your immediate future, that’s probably going to be challenging enough! Be kind and nurturing to yourself and avoid additional burdens if you can.

But it is ghastly. I know.

Best wishes to you.


@SDG I don’t think it will . A grief expert says it is two years until we are out of this shock and deep grief . I try and do things to ease the pain . I am focusing on things I like to do . Such as off to sheffield arena tonight to see one of my fav bands . Treated myself to a new coat/ hoodie to go in this morning. I went back to work at 5 months . It also helps keep my mind a bit easier . He was the love of my life . I miss him so much . It’s so shocking for all of us


I lost my husband 8 months ago. I took 7 months off work as couldnt face it before then. I went back last week on phased return which is helping. I am so hoping that 2nd year not worse than this year. I still feel numb and so lonely.


My thoughts exactly x