Missing you ❤️

yes, just wish we could have grown old together - I used to say to my angel we would still be travelling together in our 80s with walking sticks and we laughed about it so hard every time and now there is no such thing! He was only 61! Empty and lonely in the house without my angel :broken_heart:


Had a visitation from
Love last night in full form well my daughter did he wants me to move on in my life and do what I use to do not forget him but try move forward in my life I know he’s always gonna be with me and I’m still emotional :sob: and miss him loads he knows I’m independent and strong has anyone else had this x


Tina just turned 60 on 11.11.63 could not celebrate as tina was in hospital been in a year fighting leukaemia said we celebrate this year an do all the things we said we would do
I hurt of every second that goes bye she was my rock xx a now my angel .not really coping tell our kids I’m ok but I’m lying x


Sorry for your loss they say it get easier in time but we just have to learn to live with our grief each day it’s nice your protecting your children but if they are older you need to reach out this forum is good to communicate and talk about things our loved ones are always with us talk to her she will here you x


That’s truly wonderful and beautiful!
My angel came to my dream last week one night after I had a panic evening turning on the bedroom light and blew the fuse while doing that. I panicked and called the neighbour for help he kindly helped me putting the fuse back in the correct position. I was so stress and anxious and couldn’t go to sleep that night - later on I fell asleep and there he was so still let me hug him tight for a long moment as if to comfort and reassure that everything would be okay. I got up in the morning feeling free of any stress and anxiety - so I thanked him for his loving and caring. I feel so loved and assured to know that he is still watching over me even he is no longer here physically! (My love, I hope that you are at peace and happy wherever you are, I love and miss you more than I can say :heart: - till the day we meet again).


He will always be with you as I know my angel will be I eventually went to sleep but he came to me in my dream all wa a good he was a bit annoyed I never listened to his advice as he was teaching me to DJ and also I sing a lot at karaokes so it’s his way of saying carry on babe what you use to do I will always miss him and love him so much would have been our 2 years being engaged next week x

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It is so beautiful isn’t it, that our angels are still with us in our dreams and still watching over us :heart:
I hope you are okay on your would have been 2nd Anniversary as you can.
Take care X


Thank you x


You’re welcome X


So sorry watching the person you love pass is the most awful thing… I lost my mum to cancer and was with her in the end…
I found my poor partner in the morning 8.7 23… heart failure… I beat myself up every day wishing I had found him in time to resusertate him.
33 years we were together I cry most evenings I don’t want to be on my own
Half of me died with him I’m not that bubbly person I used to be…:((


It’s horrible I feel for you x 26 years tina an me i sit a talk to Tina saying it should. Be not you you would have copped far better then I am x miss babes xx


that’s made me cry, you have just described the pain i am going through myself, it is the worst feeling in the world to lose your soulmate i will never get over it


My thoughts are with you I’m good for couple of hrs then sink back so so lost. It hurts dearly trying I am


Sending hugs to you it’s just awful I’m not the person I used to be :frowning:


Talk is good I feel I have new friends that and is in the same as me together I hope by texting it helps a little hugs to you all here from you soon any time xx


I know its just nice to speak wth others like ourselves who know exactly how we feel once we have lost someone.
It has been coming up for 8 months for me
I did not have any family support from my daughter here she just doesnt get the grief and has told me shes busy working and looking after her teanage daughters. I know we have busy lives but 8 months and she has phoned twice. Guess being in your 40’s you dont think about death.
My other daughter also in her 40’s stays in Australia but phones me every week. Strange no two children the same.
I noticed that only really two of my friends keep in touch weekly. Most people seem to just say they’re going to be in touch but dont.
Anyway hope everone survived this storm last night. Still wet and windy in Edinburgh and hopefully get out to sort garden later this afternoon
Enjoy your day today best as you can and look after yourself
Lynne x


Hello wet and windy in Fife today too. I have found some the same that people say they will be in touch. ,offer to help. But as time passes most don’t. I don’t have any children. Only family is one brother Take care in this awful weather. x


Hello. You sent me a message but I can’t find it x

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Hi @Galaxy75
Has your daughter also lost her dad? If this is the case each person deals with grief in there own way she may be finding it too painful to deal with seeing you or hearing your voice… My daughter doesn’t like talking about the loss of her dad it’s too upsetting for her… and i have to respect that and realise she is grieving too… give her some space and in time I’m sure she will spend more time checking on you… in the meantime surround yourself with any other support you can get… I have lots of friends which help me as well as local support bereavement groups… Hope this helps sorry for your loss


Hi @Ilovehorses

He was her stepdad but she didnt really bond with him he was her dad since ahe was 7 years old. My other daughter in Australia who was 5 years old is so different she always asks how im doing and phones weekly. When my husband was alive we never saw her unless we visted them by car. I dont drive but have gone through twice by train and visited these are the only times i have seen her since he passed 8 months ago. She was never one to contact us unless she wanted money otherwise we could go months without any contact so i am not surprised however she has never asked how i am but when i have told her was told thats a shame and to move on.
Guess we all handle grief different. Think i was upset when she said she wished her partner did not come back that hurt.
But now i just let nothing get me down anymore.
Life is too short :broken_heart:
Take care
Lynne Xx