Missing you ❤️

I wish I knew what to say …families can be very complicated sometimes… Try not to use too much energy on the whys and why nots your still like me and many others on here still trying to come to terms with our loss…
Each day will bring a new set of emotions…it’s quite normal I have some friends that have been extremely supportive and others that barely ask how I am…
I also have two grown up children one who asks how I am every couple of days the other not so much but I know there grieving too… just be kind to yourself x

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Sending love & big hugs X

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Sorry to hear about your non-support from one of your daughters - that’s quite sad that she is so close and yet so far! People tend to get busy with their own lives after a while, I used to be in touch with a few people but now most have fizzled out leaving just one or two that still message me occasionally.
Storm Isha was very scary and loud last night it kept me up until very late. I was worried about the left wall in my garden which is already wobbly but, this morning, to my pleasant surprise- it survived the storm :smiling_face:. Storm Jocelyn is expected tomorrow another day of worrying :person_facepalming:
Take care X


Hi @Angel1309
Yes guess people are busy with their own lives now sign of the times.
I still talk with my friends werkly and my other daughter in australia. Hopefully should meet new friends when i go back to volunteering with MacMillan hopefully next month. Joined a choir but only gone twice
need to rethink as paying monthly but it is a good 1.5hrs to get to and back and 1.5hrs rehearsal so in the winter cold months dont feel like going.
Storm over have had to fix bird table and wind chime which had bent in two.
Another day tomorrow hopefully it is not too bad
Take care
Lynne x


Hi Lynne
At least you still have the support from your other daughter and your friends.
I don’t know how I would have coped so far if it wasn’t for my daughter and my friends.
Volunteering is such a great way to keep busy and make new friends. I have applied to volunteer at an orchestra but unfortunately the person I contacted had an auto response saying she was on sick leave so I am hoping to hear from her sometime in the near future.
Apparently storm Joycelyn is not reported to be as aggressive as storm Isha so fingers crossed for tomorrow :crossed_fingers:.
Have a good night and tomorrow as you can X

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Hi @Angel1309
You too hope you get a good sleep tonight.
I usually have a couple of hours just not full night yet hopefully i will one day.
Sleep well :sleeping:
Lynne x

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Hope all well .well as it can be got tina ashes back yesterday ouch and fingerprints on a card put them in frame upsetting I no but a card board box for tina Now looking on Amazon another day x let’s see what today brings


Hi Lynne
Thank you I slept okay last night with the help of the ´Classic FM’ being shown on Sky Arts. I hope that you will achieve a full night sleep sometime very soon.
Take good care X

@Angel1309 I’m at 8 months now and it is still very painful . We are letting off a couple of fireworks Friday as it would have been his 59 th birthday and our 31 st. Wedding anniversary


Hi @Martin2
That’s tough isn’t it… my Other half wants his ashes spread on top of a special
Place we used to visit… but I’ve had them in the bedroom with me since I picked them up 4 months ago…I have no idea when I will be ready for this…


@Jol same here, 8+ months in and still very painful and ever so lonely - horrendous :sob:
I hope Friday will go smoothly and not too painful for you, very best wishes x


Just read your post and wanted to say please push on to volunteer. My husband died coming up to three years now and after the first six months when I knew I just had to do something to take up my time and I volunteer at a local community hub/food bank and not to be over dramatic I think it saved me. No one knew my circumstances and in some ways it was a great leveller. Gradually
my story came out and being support workers they all understood, we talked
and then had to deal with people who had all sorts of people needing help. So for two days a week I work alongside a great bunch of people who all look out for one another.

So please if you’re thinking of volunteering in whatever field give it a go,
Best wishes


I too have my husbands ashes at home and have no idea what and when I can bare to scatter them. It feels like the very last part of him.
I can sympathise with your dilemma it’s so hard isnt it, sending love x


I haven’t even collected them yet. And it’s almost 3 months since his funeral.

I know where they should be scattered and I’d like some jewellery too.

But I just can’t bring myself to get them…


Thank you so much Georgina for your encouraging message. So comforting to know that volunteering helped you the way it did. I will certainly push on with finding some where to volunteer soon.
All best X


It’s been 6 months for me I have had a ring made from a teaspoon of his ashes and i absolutely feel a comfort in this like he is with me and sharing my day… I’ve just ordered some earrings to match…
I can’t recommend ashes to glass enough.

Hopefully you can see the image


I had a pendant made for myself and Johns sister made the same way. It was nice to wear it for our son’s wedding just 3 months after we lost him. It was like he was beside me all that day. I’ve worn it ever since so part of him goes with me everywhere. It truly does make a difference :broken_heart:



I wasn’t allowed my fiancé ashes his daughter kept them and her and her mum his ex wife didn’t allow me to say goodbye shouldn’t really say this but hate them all to be honest all jealous and tainted family I miss him loads he came to visit me through my daughter last Saturday night so I’m going to see a medium a s need answers so sorry for all your losses xx


I’m so sorry that must be so hard…
I’m wondering weather to see a medium
There’s suppose to be a really good one in Winchester if your near there.


@Angel1309 thank you my love . I am working two days before to keep me occupied. These firsts are going to be difficult for us all .