Missing you ❤️

I’m Plymouth uk hun we have several here x and yes so sad he was only 51 I miss him every single day


It is tina now in front room I no I’m up can’t sleep yet again arrr


I am Portsmouth was thinking the same

How beautiful what a lovely looking lady she is…they will always be with us I truly believe that.
My partner wasn’t a great believer in the after life… but I believe his energy is here with me even if his physical form is no longer here… he comes to me in dreams and through vibrations…
I miss him so much :((


Thankyou x yes I hope there is I’m hoping when my time is here tina there with open arms to grasp me then we can start our new journey again god it’s painful xx hope your little better today


I was on a better day today then my friend told me she has skin cancer and it brought up all
The emotions of losing my lovely mum to the same and how much she suffered she was so brave…I wish I had her bravery


Sending love & best wishes X

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Friday is a usual day-off and every week since my angel passed away 8+ months ago it’s been too lonely and depressing to stay in so I have been pounding the streets every Friday. Today, to my surprise I didn’t feel the need get out of the house so sat and relaxed in the garden for a long while - one positive step forward thanks to the beautiful sunny weather :blush:. Although I started to feel empty and lonely again later on but at least it was much later in the evening rather than early afternoon as before. Praying for :pray: for the bright and sunny weather to stay so that I can stay in more. It’s so tiring to have to go out just for the sake of not having to be in. I will be so grateful for another day like this - another step forward every week, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Well done mine been a roller costa day ok this morning then something triggered me sent me back to being sad an lonely x

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Hi @ Angel1309
Im like yourself have found i didnt like being in the house and just had to go out anywhere just to avoid home over the last 8 months i can just about cope with evenings at home but days are different.
I guess trying to like my own company is taking some doing hopefully it will get better soon.
Tomorrow i am planning on staying at home enjoy the garden tidy the garage anything to help me find the courage to keep going.
Take care
Lynne x


That is exactly how I feel, I lost my husband of 47 years on May 1st 2023, he was 68yrs old,still a lot of life to live if not for the cancer, he had 5mths from diagnosis, chemotherapy did not work for him.
I feel at times so angry at that horrible disease for depriving us of our retirement together, I officially retired as of 22/04/23, my husband got 2 years of his retirement, life can be so cruel!!!
Coming into this new year without him has been even harder than the first 7 mths without him in 2023.


I no how you feel my wife Tina was in hospital 12 months leukaemia told there was no more they can do sent us home in 8.12.23 Tina made it until 15.12.23 just turned 60 11.11.63 miss tina so so much. To day I feel so down want to join Tina so so lonely no one to talk to no one to hold hands no more cuddle no more kissing so so lost there was so much we had to do an now robbed x

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Hi @Georgi
So sorry to here of your loss.
My husband was 63 and passed away suddenly unexpectedly 8 months ago. He had justvtaken early retirement in Aug 22 so he had 10months of his retirement and i just retired same time.
We were meant to spend our retirement together travel do things we planned bit it was not to be.
I have managed to get through these last 8 months but really dont know how after 37 years more than half my life together now finding life on my own so strange.
This year has been trying thought was doing so well but the wave of grief hits when you least expect but you just need to keep going.
Life is precious we dont know how long each of us has but i know i have to make the most of my time left helping others so i will go back to my volunteering with MacMillian next month.
Please take care look after yourself :heart: be strong
Lynne x


It’s horrid sat her looking at Tina photo talking I hope tia listens it’s horrid cooking well I’m not easy meals did go to hospice this week one to one surpose to go to day did not sat here bowling me eyes out ask me self why tina is no more pain. X but

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My husband went to work one day 8 months ago and had a massive heart attack and died instantly. He was 67 and we were waiting for the birth of our first grandchild. We had been married 40 years. The not being able to say goodbye and tell him i loved him one last time really hurts. I have just recently gone back to work part time. It is so hard still.


Hi @ Martin2
So sorry for your loss of your Tina.
It is so hard getting through these times.
Everyone on this website knows exactly the pain heartache :broken_heart: grief loneliness you are experiencing and we are all hear to listen help and advise best as we can.
Some of us are further on some of us are just beginning the life on our own but we all know it feels.
Please look after yourself stay strong


I will try it’s just so so hard x

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Hi @Martin2
I know sometimes it is very difficult but you must look after yourself.
I find some days worse than others, and the tears are not far away :broken_heart: sometimes but i know that we dont know how long each of us has left but we must make the most of the time we have.
I used to volunteer for Macmillan before my husband passed and have decided to go back next month hopefully this will help me to be actively involved helping others.
I know it is early for you on this new life but you will find something to help you.
Take care


Thank you. I hope you have a better day today x


Hi Lynne
It’s tiring to have to go out just to be out and no where really to go :unamused:
I think the weather plays a big part in this so let’s hope for the Spring so we all might just be able to take a (big) step forward :crossed_fingers:
I hope you have a good day in the garden today.
Stay strong x