Missing you ❤️

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my angel to a sudden heart attack on 2nd May 23, now almost 9 months in and I am still in shock and disbelief that it happened. He was so lively and going about life planning everything from travelling to retirement to the very last minutes of his life.
Life is so cruel indeed :sob:
Please take good care and stay strong x


I am so sorry for your loss. I can understand how you feel when there is no one to chat, laugh or share anything with. We all are going through the same horrendous trauma - it’s a cruel world for us who have lost our beloved.
Please take good care x


Morning @Angel1309
Hope you managed some sleep last night.
I got about 5hrs broken sleep but at least some rest.
Bit of bad night yesterday my neighbour let me know that he thought his wife who is 75 had a TIA attack and was waiting on ambulance to come. I sat with them till it came then came home. Seeing ambulance outside again brought back when they came 8 months ago when my husband passed away at home so was a bit upset and had a cry :cry:
He has just texted me to say she is fine no attack and not sure but waiting on doctor at A&E.
Feels like life seems to be testing me these days
Here’s hoping today is a better day
Take care
Lynne x


So similar, my angel went to work one day over 8 months ago and had a sudden heart attack at lunchtime while out walking. He was found by the roadside by a stranger who called 999 but it was too late - he couldn’t be saved.
I totally resonate with you not being there with him during his last moments really hurts. I have gone back (part-time) to work 3 weeks afterwards and these days I am still in shock and disbelief that this happened.
Our whole world fell apart the day we lost our beloved :sob: :sob:
Take care x


There are bad days and okay days it’s difficult for us all to try and get through but I agree we must look after ourselves and make the most of the time we have left. We can’t now have them beside us physically but we still can hold and cherish the memories we had all these years together forever :two_hearts:


Lovely words and so true try all and have a good weekend

So sorry for your loss. Just wanted to say - what an absolutely fabulous idea to have a ring made!! I so wish I’d thought of it. Sadly, I didn’t keep any of the ashes - I didn’t think about that at the time. Hugs, Ann


Getting their sorry for late reply not been myself past 2 days I seem ok in front of others but when alone in my bedroom I break down part of me went with him the day god called him home he wasn’t ready to go 51 is still too young his daughter has disowned me and won’t speak ever again she will be 16 next month and so will his dog Rudi if he’s still alive poor thing although I called him a ambulance the night he passed feel so guilty I wasn’t their but from what the medics told me and what I saw wasn’t a nice sight come the end my poor angel :innocent::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


Thanks Ann i absolutely love it I’ve just ordered some matching earrings…
Have you a lock of hair?
I’ve got a lock of my partners also I believe you can place them into lockets .

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Same here, people keep saying I am doing so well - little do they know behind the closed doors I feel so hollow and empty :broken_heart:.
Sorry to hear about the situation with your fiancé’s daughter - very sad at a time like this. Stay strong x


Snap if only they new

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@Martin2 , I agree, if only they knew!!


Thank you this forum really helps xxx

@Martin2 @Kathy6
We seem to be walking around with our masks on!

I am so grateful to this forum - not sure how I would have coped so far tbh!


Same as did go to our one here one to one went in at 10 came out at1 It was hard and they listened take little steps x said please come again an talk witch i am going to Wednesday x good to talk will say and good to text on here too just feel lost the same as all on here x

It’s good to talk - I personally find it helps so much x

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Ok when I left came back home and it’s Back the same again x Thanks for the reply

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Hello @Georgi
So sorry for your loss 47 years is a long time
It’s really hard to come to terms with never seeing them again…My partner died 3 months before his 68th birthday of heart failure finding him was the worse day of my life we had been together since I was 24 and he too helped support me through the death of my dad and mum and all the ups and downs in my life… he found out he had Crohn’s disease at 30 years old and had major surgery the day our son was born so he couldn’t attend the birth… but was later there at our daughters home birth… he then developed kidney disease later on in life he never ever complained about his illness which at times was awful… we had no idea he had heart problems… but he said he had a bad feeling he would die before his dad who was 101 years old… I dismissed it saying don’t be silly of course your out live your dad… we planned to marry in 2020 then Covid cancelled it… I really wish I could of been there for him… Life seems so unfair doesn’t it sending hugs to you

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@Angel1309 masks on most of the time, with a big tendency to slip, sending love x

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