Missing you ❤️

The same but past 2 days just keep breaking down I miss my angel xx


Empty house and loneliness is horrible - I hate it!


Sending love back :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Take good care x

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I had a couple of wobbly days too - got up with hopes and plans came afternoons started to feel hollow :sob: :sob: :sob:X


100% I hate it… during the day I keep busy and go out but eve are by far the worse for me… and first thing in the morning I can’t bring myself to sit at the dinner table alone so I’ve bought myself one of those lap trays and sit and watch tv…:frowning:

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@Ilovehorses hi, I’m exactly the same, I can’t sit at the kitchen table now, it’s too sad, it’s TV dinners hate it!

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I feel your pain I’m starting to socialise as takes my mind off things but that is still a reminder as it’s places I went with my angel xxx​:sob::sob::sob::sob::notes::notes::notes:


I have my dinner in a plate on my lap in the lounge then quickly rush up to my sanctuary (bedroom) every evening to sit on the bed and watch TV till I finally fall asleep. This life is sad, so empty and so lonely - horrible :sob: :sob: :sob:


Hate it every day :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


I feel so lonely when alone and I still feel lonely when surrounded by people :sob: :sob: :sob:X


Working from home today, started at 8 am now taking the first coffee break - feeling so alone, empty, terribly sad and lonely :sob:. Knowing it’s going to be non-speaking for the rest of the day is not easy - I’m feeling so miserable :weary: yesterday was nice in the office talking to colleagues and today is the opposite :weary:
It’s one of those bad, two steps back days today. I can’t bear another bad day tomorrow so have booked a cinema ticket for one - hope that helps a little :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:one can only hope these days sadly :broken_heart:


I am so grief stricken today not sure what suddenly hit me - extreme loneliness maybe?
Can’t stop crying :sob: reading an article ´10 reasons why the second year of grief can be the worst’. I’m coming up to 9 months tomorrow and my second year won’t be long now - I’m dreading it :sob::sob::sob: can’t attach the article but if you’re interested it’s on ‘grief and sympathy.com.´website.
Take care everyone x


@Angel1309 I am finding it hard to cope today as well. I just cant seem to get my head around 1day being sort of ok and the rest being awful. Hope your day get’s better. Ann x

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I can understand that, I am at 6 months and last 2 days were awfull, I have a lot of support from family, but this is a deep lonelynes, that only that person could fill, hope this becomes more bearable

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Exactly what’s happening to me today :sob:
Thank you & hope your day gets better too.
Sending love and strength xx

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Yes no matter how many people we have around us but grief is ours and ours alone.
We can only hope and pray that it will get better over time :pray::pray: xx

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I get what you mean i put on a brave face if I stay in I’m constantly crying which is fine but it’s drains you my angel wouldn’t want me to be sad till I see him again also a friend of mine has made a ring out of his hair he was bold but decided to grow it see what it looked like bless his heart so when he shaved it again way before he passed I kept some he makes me feel closer xxx

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I keep my angel close by wearing his t-shirt to sleep in, his fleece jacket around the house and his scarf wrapped around my neck when out in the cold so my angel is with me 24/7 :orange_heart:
Take care xx

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I have both our wedding rings on a chain around my neck, my wife’s fits perfectly inside mine, mine is to small now, they will stay on me until I die, maybe she will where it again, thankyou for your kind words, they are very comforting


That’s so beautiful.
Sadly, our wedding rings and my engagement ring were stolen when we got burgled many years ago while we were away on holiday. We left the rings at home as we were going to get them enlarged. My angel gave up his ring when we received the insurance money and bought me a beautiful ring instead - he was always giving through out our 37 wonderful years together and I used to say to him I was feeling so guilty to take and was not given a chance to give him in return and he would always say he was very happy to have a such a good wife :orange_heart: blessed him :orange_heart:. This ring will be on my finger till the day I join him again.
Not at all, we are here to support each other - please take care x