Missing you ❤️

He named you a beneficiary of his private pension in his will - they should have just honoured your partner’s wish and paid the money to you full stop - whether you were married or not, the will was there to be executed!

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Sending hugs & strength
Take good care & stay strong x


Well I was married 47 years and never got a penny and no explanation of why?
Seems they change the rules to suit themselves, I still feel and will always feel it is because I have a works pension of my own and someone in an office somewhere had decided she has enough she’s not getting anymore but I worked from leaving school and worked hard for that works pension as did my husband in fact he worked from age 15, the system is totally unfair !!
It shouldn’t be down to this new department to pick and choose who gets and who does not that is not a fair system !!

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That sounds about right - I was told that as he had contracted out I should then be receiving from his employer. They seem to think if you already got it from his employer then they don’t need to pay us. It’s not about entitlement; it’s about we don’t want to pay you because we think you probably have enough already! Totally wrong on every level!

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@Georgi Sorry to hear that, as you say it’s a terrible system. I guess we all vote for them, if that’s any consellation

Just for peoples info:

New State Pension Rules

Still not a fair system if you’ve lived with your partner for 33 years and changed your name and had two children with them… yet if you’ve been in a civil partnership for 1 year you are entitled to it… or in Scottish law I would have been alllowed it! So behind the times in the uk! The most upsetting thing of all for me was signing his death certificate I was put down as an informant this would have upset him as it has me!


Confused does this mean that Tina pension is due in few years it gets added to mine

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Sorry if I’ve confused you… I was just annoyed I’d been with my partner unmarried but together for 33 years with two children I also changed my name to his surname 30 years ago and I still wasn’t entitled to his state pension… yet if you are in a civil partnership for only 1 year you can get some of your partners state pension… this is what I was told by the DWP


Hi guys not posted for a while but read the chat every day my husband kev died 6 months and 2 days ago at 67 was given 6 months to live and lasted 2 so so sad beautiful man i was 18 when we met married at 20…just reading your info on state pensions and as u all say …kev worked from 16 payed full pension all his life and got 12 months…i didnt know about social security berievment pension but will look into it im 60 this year but dont work as im a special guardian to my 3 gransons who weve had 10 years all take care tiny steps…sometimes backwards…sleep as well as you can a d hopefully spring is coming lighter nights xxx

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Sleep well everyone
Its blowing a gale here hope its gone tomorrow
Take care
Lynne x


I don’t think it matters who you vote in they never follow through with their promises anyway, just do what they want regardless!
Gotten to the stage there is nothing to choose amongst any of them, I certainly wouldn’t trust any of them !!
Thanks for responding to my post.


I was with my
Partner for 3 years but didn’t live together his youngest had it all I wasn’t allowed anything

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I love decorating. It’s very soothing to paint walls and see the difference. You really do need to know what you’re doing though! I suggest you have a look on YouTube as there are some guides on there.
Good luck!


Maybe i’ll get to enjoy it!!
I’m doing some felt craft work not that great but will keep trying.
Also was at a cancer day were Andrew Crummy a scottish artist who does tapestries on behallf of cancer was doing am even with Macmillan Cancer in Edinburgh was really interesting and even managed to do stitch on Tapestry.
Pretty tired today.
Reminderbon phone 1year ago today was in Fiji with husband shed a :cry: tear.
You really dont know whats ahead do we !
Take care
Lynne X


It’s heartbreaking isn’t it to be reminded of wonderful places we used to be or things we used to do with our beloved. Life is so short and we never know what’s around the corner :broken_heart:.
This time each year we would now be planning for a city break trip around March/April. This year … no city break trip…no where :sob:….dreading to think about summer vacation :sob:
Stay strong everyone x


I know from experience that crafting is a great help. I have done it for years, long before Tony died. In fact, a few years ago I designed some greetings cards and they were commissioned as several actual articles in Craft Stamper magazine and others. Those were the days! Then we moved, a lot of work needed doing to our home ad the card designing went out of the window! Looking back, I should never have stopped!
More recently I took up cross stitching and that truly kept me sane while I was sitting with my poor comatose husband in the last three days of his life. He loved my stitching, and for fun, had a go himself. Needless to say, he was far better at it than I was as the back of his work was neater. So many memories.


Hi @AnnR
Happy Memories
Hope you have good nights sleep :two_hearts:


Thank you Lynne, You too x

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Creative stuff is really therapeutic isn’t it…
I’ve started felting before Christmas my first attempt at making a sloth and I’m quite impressed with myself just copied one I saw online…


What a lovely relaxing hobbie I’ve never been any good at sewing…your cards sound wonderful it’s never too late to start it up again…
I’m really enjoying felting but I’ve torn a ligament in my left arm the trouble is once you start it’s hard to stop!