Missing you ❤️

Wow so impressive :+1:

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Absolutely it’s so hard… we used to go away every April or May it’s hard to believe last year we were walking the coast path and enjoying Cornwall :frowning:
I miss our special holidays together…
I’m deciding weather to book a break away just me and the dog on our anniversary this may…as I know I will find it hard would have been our 34 th anniversary…
What are we all to do :((

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Thankyou so much :slight_smile:
I attempted a Robin but I’m not so happy with him… here are my mushrooms I enjoyed doing them.


I haven’t decided yet whether to be brave and book a long weekend trip somewhere - still very anxious about going alone. It feels so sad to think about our lovely holidays together :broken_heart: maybe, just maybe I might plug up the courage and book at the last minute x

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That’s just cruel and heartless not to give you anything…but death changes people when my dad died (he remarried)
I asked his new wife if I could have a couple of his tops one being a jumper his mum and my nan knitted him… she wouldn’t let me said his wish was for it all to go to charity…
she buried his ashes in her back garden and then moved a year later so I heard…
The only thing I had of my dads was a lock of hair I asked the coroner to get me…


Very nice felting my 1st attempt yesterday for 2hr session not so good but i will keep trying.
Was at a cancer day with MacMillan regarding scottish artist Andrew Crammy artist who has done tapestries to aware cancer treatment have under gone treatment for throat cancer. Worth a look on line as very interesting. Managed to put stitch on working tapestry.
Looking to book a break away soon eithout my husband and alone will be a challenge but need to try
Take care everyone and hope you have a nice sunday
Lynne :heart:

Wow, another impressive ones!
And most importantly, you have found something that you enjoy doing - a great distraction from this horrible feeling of sadness and loneliness!
Please keep on sharing, thank you.

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People can be cruel and heartless - but at the time like this?
One thing I so regret these days is not keeping a lock of his hair when the coroner had offered - wasn’t aware that was what people do! I could have had it made into a pendant and he would have been around my neck forever - massive regret that was! :sob: :sob: :sob:

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My recent hobby is crocheting I have crocheted two tops since my angel passed 9 months ago, the third is about to be completed thanks to YouTube tutorials! I find it so therapeutic while doing it.

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Hi @Angel1309
I am hoping to get our wedding rings and my opals my birthstone put into a pendant to wear. Also have done a quilt made from his shirts he wore so this is on my bed now.
Take care


Last week was a very lonely week feeling very sad and lonely as my best friend who I talk to regularly was away abroad! On a whim I booked a cinema ticket for one and went to see ‘Poor Things’ yesterday - I think I might have found a new escapism :neutral_face: So good to be shut off from the outside world while in the cinema :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Lynne
That’s absolutely a great idea!
And the quilt - he’s next to you every day too, how lovely :+1: :+1: :heavy_heart_exclamation:x


That is so sad and very cruel indeed if you still have the hair you can do what I done have a ring made with his hair in or a necklace that way you will have your dad with you always yes grief does make people bitter I’d never do that
If I was left his stuff I would have shared ashes etc just pure greed I miss him dearly especially weekends as he was a DJ so use to go with him a lot just wish I could have been their more often I miss his dog too he will be 16 next week x


@Ilovehorses that is fab


@Angel1309 Its so hard all the anniversaries isnt it. It would have been our 50th this year so I have decided (selfishly) to take myself away to a lovely retreat and just try and relax. It was also his birthday the day before our anniversary so it will be 2 days with just myself and our memories. Take care. Ann x


Hi @ AnnieG1
Sounds good somewhere different.
I was married 35 years together 37 and i just retired last year 3 months before be passed he took early retirement at 63 little did we know 4 months on he wouldn’t be here. So no retirement together now. I too am hoping to take a break soon then ovet to Australia where my daughter son inlaw and grandchildren are last year we were there together will be strange going on my own now but i must be strong and keep on going. I could live to over 80 so another 13+ years.



Thankyou I appreciate that…it’s nice to do something to keep your mind occupied…

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Hope you enjoyed the film
I’ve been three times in the last two weeks.
The latest one I saw was pricilla Elvis presley wife… used to love a bit of Elvis because my mum did… I’m more into soul music now…

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Be kind to yourself that sounds like a great idea and very relaxing…
I’m not really sure yet I wish I had the confidence to fly on my own… I will probably drive to the Cotswolds it’s so nice there and only a 3 hour drive from me…