Missing you ❤️

Love those ideas I wish I could make them myself I’m looking out for a silver smith course that makes memory jewellery…
That must be so hard not having anything


So cute, love sloths xx


My old school mate made me my ring out of fiancé hair when he tried growing it so when he eventually went back to bold I kept some as a piece sake glad I did now I have his engagement ring to me his daughter wanted I said no as she had everything else I took a few small memorial things and was called a thief x


That’s such a lovely idea. I hope you will have peaceful and reflective 2 days with those precious memories.
Best wishes xx

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It’s a good distraction from the feeling of emptiness, sadness and loneliness.
Please keep sharing x

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Yes I did enjoy it thank you.
Will try ‘Maestro’ next I have heard it’s a good film.
Hope you enjoy soul music. I love music too but so far haven’t been able to focus on it like I used to - maybe it takes a little more time to get back into it.
Take care x


I find cross stitching very therapeutic. Here is a project I am hoping to complete soon. Just need to stitch the hammock.

Hi @ Retired2
Im hoping i will find craft that i enjoy doing.
Felting to start with.
I was at a MacMillan event yesterday to see Tapestry done with artist Andrew Crummy who was diagnosed with throat cancer and he worked with other cancer patients to tell their stories via tapestries.
Very interesting and worth a look at the tapestries done and ongoing.
I managed to do a couple of stitches to ongoing one so part of history.
Take care
Lynne :heart:

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I love any kind of music my fiancé was a DJ and played all sorts of music he even done a
Few radio shows not radio 1 but other shows and are down loaded on mix cloud so I often find myself now and then listening to his shows or other music my fav is fleetwood Mac it brings me comfort whilst I grieve his death was so sudden without any warning :warning: it’s good to talk on here with like minded people no negativity just guiding people to make them feel comfortable in their grief journey of life

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I love any kind of music too! I learnt to play the piano online since the lockdown had started but since my angel passed I haven’t been able to focus on practicing I completely lost my drive and enthusiasm but hoping very much to pickup where I left off someday :musical_keyboard: :musical_score:
Yes this forum has been an amazing platform for us all who are going through this sad journey to share and support one another. I don’t how I would have coped otherwise :broken_heart:
Take care x

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Funny you all said that tina loved james blunt x tube on tv sat 3 hrs both seen him live he great call me sad took tina photo hade a slow dance x miss here so so much people say it get easier as time goes on 63 almost been 7 weeks tina left this world if any thing I’m going backwards x

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I love James Blunt too - he has such good sense of humour and doesn’t take himself seriously either! He is one of our clients we represent (I work in a literary agency and he wrote a book).
I guess we all keep going back and forth until hopefully get better someday :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:Take care x


I go to the cemetery every weekend and yesterday I went as usual. Making sure everything was in order, I filled up the petrol, air on all four tires got some flowers, Tulips this week and off I went. Then, suddenly just less than 10 minutes before I reached the cemetery there were some loud noises coming from the back of the car, I was worried but kept going thinking it was something rattling in the boot or something lose underneath. When I got there OMG I had a flat tire!
How could that be - I only filled the tires just before setting off 20 minutes ago.
There I was in the middle of this enormous park lawn cemetery hardly anyone there - what to do how would the AA know exactly where I was?
Then a kind gentleman who was visiting the grave nearby came to the rescue and put the spare tire on for me - I was ever so grateful to happen to be around such kind human being - and couldn’t thank him enough :pray:.
As soon as I reached my angel’s grave I bursted into tears, uncontrollably - telling my angel I was so lost and helpless without him around, telling him this was my life, now and forever sad, alone, empty and so scary without him.
Thinking back I was fortunate that he was around yesterday because I went a little later than usual - I used to go earlier and there was no one else there but me alone and I used to get anxious and a little scared of being alone there.
I am going to get a best box of biscuits and keep it in the car and if I ever see that gentleman in the cemetery again it’ll be for him to thank him for his kindness.
I am so grateful to be surrounded by supportive family, friends, colleagues and even a random stranger - thank you so much to everyone :pray:
Best wishes to everyone x


Music is certainly good for the soul James Blunt has a beautiful voice…
I’m listening to an Australian soul singer at the moment called Harrison Storm…
Music can be very uplifting or emotional…
I didn’t really like the same music as my Chris but spent the first few months playing it daily :frowning:


Yes, music is certainly good for the soul!
So soothing x


Bless ya heart :heart: I use to play a mandolin at school and my fella was starting to teach me how to DJ but I’m not patient enough bless my angels heart


Hi i lost my husband 14 months ago and I am still
trying to get my life back on track but still struggling i just miss him so much lost my friends when david got poorly just feeling alone don’t go out just stay in i just wish to meet people who would like to get together and meet up and make new friends and try to help each other in our grief lots of love xxx


Hi @Wendyx
Like yourself i am finding it difficult to make new friends. My husband and i did everything together now 8 months on i feel on my own. No family close by and a couple of friends who dont stay close so only speak on the phone but they are a couple and i find now dont here from them do much. I understand they have there own lives to get on with just as i have now.
But its lonely and if i dont go out or speak to people i would see no one.
I have tried joined book club exercise class and now planning on volunteering.
But like you saw you feel so alone.
I have also joined the Jolly Dollies group dont know if you have one locally you can join to meet others like yourself who have lost their husband.
Helping each other by talking here too.
Take care
Lynne :heart:

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I know the feeling, 9 months in I am still going back and forth one day okay two days wobbly :broken_heart:. This lonely life is so hard to bear, isn’t it? Here is the place we can post to share our pains and support one another- and of course to meet people and make new friends would be such great comfort.
Take good care xx


I know the feeling ladies nearly 7 months in and I had the biggest meltdown this morning not wanting to be here anymore and wanting to be with my angel but I’m being selfish as my 2 grown kids don’t need this so I’m calling my gp for help tomorrow medication isn’t the answer but I feel I can’t cope I’m always strong for others but who is actually their for me ?? It’s a Lonely world on my own but I’m meeting a few Friday afternoon we have a Facebook group me for people in Plymouth southwest were me meet for coffee food and nights out if needed my angel loved his music :notes: and wouldn’t want me to stay in hope this group helps to stay connected