Missing you ❤️

Sending hugs & strength :heavy_heart_exclamation:


That is so true, I lost my husband 9 months ago, but sometimes it feels like yesterday, Just feel so lost and I still expect him to come back - how daft is that


I had a good marriage and a fantastic wife but I wish I could go back an delete any arguments or fallouts we had I regret them so much now that she’s gone and I can never say sorry


Hi @ Bailey2
Dont think like that we all have disagreement with people and family in our lifetimes. Remember the good memories of your marriage and delete any bad ones you think you may have had.
Life is too short :broken_heart: move forward and appreciate the good times you shared.


Thank you I will try and do that I think my wife would want me to


Hi @ Bailey2
I’m sure your right your wife would want you to remember good times and the love you had for each other :two_hearts:
Take care look after yourself

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Please don’t think like that :frowning:
Life is totally shit now but i do believe in time we will all find it a bit easier to cope.
Meeting people, getting out in the fresh air
And giving yourself time and kindness will all be beneficial… It’s been 7 months today for me… I surround myself with positivity, I get out everyday, I read healing books and watch comedy… Yes I have days when I can’t stop crying and think about how lonely I am… but I’m not giving up I’m still alive I’m 58 non of us no how long we have but we can only move forward in time… and make the most of that time… yes it’s not going to be easy but I know deep down my Chris would want me to remember him yes but to move on and make the most of the time I have left…I lost my dad when I was in my 20s and my mum in 2012 and my doggie last year… we can all get through this I promise you x


That’s all we can do is fill our days and emptiness but we will all get through this I promise you x

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So sorry for your loss. Not daft at all I can totally resonate with you and I am sure we all can too!
Please take good care of yourself.
Sending hugs and strength xx

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Yes we will all get through this together.
Thank you for your support
Big hugs xx


Hi Bailey2, I lost my husband 9 months ago and have been tormenting myself with any arguments we had, like you wishing i could change them, but reading the lovely and supportive messages from everyone, I am going to try and forget the disagreements, as people have said, we can get through this - take care

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Does anyone think that looking at photos of your deseased husband or wife makes you feel worse or do you think it helps. Every time I see a photo or a video of my wife I break down but when I don’t look I feel guilty and feel like I should be


Thank you I’m getting a call back from my doctor today and hopefully get the help I need and going out tomorrow to socialise I get where your coming from And I appreciate Any information


Working from home today - feeling so sad, so empty and so lonely :sob: one of those days :sob:
:sob: The house is so quiet - life without my angel is so horrible :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Hi Bailey2. Yes I constantly look at photos of my husband who I lost almost 5 months ago now. I’m lucky that I remember the good times from each photo and it’s a comfort. I do still get angry with him for leaving me alone to deal with everything but of course he didn’t leave by choice. I went to my GP this morning and we have agreed to halve my dose of antidepressants now, as I feel I’m able to cope better. I’ve just completely redecorated the bedroom to try and remove the bad memories of his illness where I cared for him over the 10 months from diagnosis. It has helped me. I also went out today for quality time with my daughter, something we rarely get to do due to her job as a police detective sergeant, and that too really boosted my mood. I am so lucky to have family and friends nearby who have been so supportive since Philip died in September last year.
Photos of him are a big comfort to me.

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Hi i am the same i can not look at my husband photo with out breaking down it’s just so hard maybe in time we will all be able to have our loved ones photo there and cherish them xxx


I love looking at photos of my husband but cannot watch videos of him yet as hearing his voice would crush me. Hopefully in time I will be able to x

I feel the same, I have Johns photo everywhere and even talk to them too at times. I recently had our wedding video transferred to DVD and hope that one day I’ll be strong enough to watch it and remind myself of a very happy day

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I’ve made an album of all favourite photos of my angel and look at them all the time. Looking at them makes me feel happy as well as sad; happy to see him happy in all photos and sad to think there aren’t going to be any more photos added as he is no more :broken_heart:
I also love looking our holiday photos of us together and again, have mixed feelings: so happy that we both looked so happy together; deeply sad that we are never going to go on holiday together again :sob:


@AnnieG1 i only have one video of my husband. But every time I play it I cry. Just hearing his voice…

I dread the day it “ wears out”.

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