Missing you ❤️

Truly Georgina, I am determined to come out on the other side of this too so will follow your footsteps and hope I will get there one day - thank you for the inspiration :pray:


Hi @StarGate
Will be thinking of you too on Christmas Day and i will be there too if you want to chat. Not sure of my dinner Meal for one guess i love to look at all the christmas lights people have put up do a walk around to clear my head and see lights in gardens.
He would have decorated our garden not sure i can this year. Light a candle to remember him maybe just watch some rubbish tv or play some music. It certainly will be different for us now.
Take care and hopefully get some sleep tonight Lynne x


@Loum81 that is disgusting to discuss at this early stage. Has she no heart . 20 years is along time to be with someone . So sorry you are part of this struggle with us all


Big hugs xx


I feel the same it’s just 3 months since l lost my husband and sometimes l think it can’t be true as over the last 3 years he spent a lot of different times in hospital but always came home. Now l sometimes feel this way still but l know deep down he won’t be back this time … it’s so hard to get used to … so lonely


Yeh you almost can’t believe.it can you ? My husband has various thing too and he akways fought them. Its so sad for us all and so damn lonely - thats the hardest part - being by yourself i damn well detest it and miss talking to him so much - thats always been my thing - right from the beginning x xxx


@Georgiana and @Deb5 I feel the same. My Ron spent so much time in hospital over the last few years but always came home. Then he didnt. I really miss talking to him about all the little things in life as well as the big things. He used to get up in the middle of the night because he couldnt sleep and come down and lay on the sofa and I still expect to see him there most mornings. The loneliness is just awful isnt it.


Yeh its something else ! Just miss their presence dont you ? Their little faces, their sweet words, their kind ways ! Wow … what we have lost is beyond cruel ! If he had been older i couldve accepted it more but he was only 60 …my poor little darling xxx

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Know how you all feel.
Missing him every day and night.
Hate the silence no none to cuddle share what’s happening :confused: no one now just by myself. I have evenings weekends dark nights winters eating alone.
Dont think i will ever get used to being on my own. We were a partnership we wanted to be together forever and its taken away from you too soon.
Take care
L x


@Deb5 Sorry for your loss at such a young age as 60 is young. My Ron was 83 but it has still hit me much harder than I ever felt it would. He was my soulmate. Together for 50 years, married for 49 but I still didnt want it to end. He fought so hard over the last few years. Just so lost without him. I cry most days still and its nearly 5 months now. Dont know how I am going to get through Christmas.


Yeh its hard and i don’t suppose its easy at any age but particularly cruel at his age. Feel for my kids who lost such a loving father and they are only in their 30’s. As my daughter pointed out at the time - you still got your parents mum and youre 60. But tbh i might as well not have for all the good they have been xxx


Hi @Deb5
Sorry to hear your parents are not any help to get you through these hard times.
I have my mum too she is 87 and gas dementia she has forgotten my husband now so :pensive: sad and now keeps saying sge doesnt want to live and wants to end it all really not what i want to hear.
My daughter who lives about 1.5 hrs away is no help and i have seen her once in the 5+ months and i had to make effort to visit her.
Families are not always there for you.
Learning to cope on my own is something new always had my husband on my side
Thanks for listening
Lynne x


Yeh its a lot easier when your husband is by your side isnt it ! My parents are divorced and they are both quite selfish people … far too selfish to make a fuss of me ! My mother has spoken to me sometimes on the phone but hasnt visited me ! And i always feel like she doesn’t want to know really ! My father told me 2 weeks after the funeral - hes gone now !! Ha ok … so i will just forget i was married to him then and brought up 3 kids with him ! Mind you hes in early stages of dementia too and the stuff he comes out with :frowning: quite cruel really :frowning: zxx


I agree, i have had friends reaching out to me everyday and my mum i have seen once in the last 7 weeks, when i visited her. Im 41 and my partner was 54. Ive known him since i was 17. The hole hes left in my life is enormous xx


My husband was only 58 . It’s not fair at all


It’s an enormous hole and I will never be the same without him . I have very few people concerned about me . His brother never messages me and my sister has stopped visiting


Aw … its awful isnt it :frowning: my husband had literally only just had his 60th birthday as well ! Its too early isnt it ? In this day and age anyway !!! The support i had off my family has been awful. Whats wrong with people ? My husband was my rock and my soulmate. I dunno if i will get over all this … i feel like it has ruined my life … well actually i dont really feel like i got a life anymore :frowning: do you ? Xx


@Jol So sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel. I lost my husband just 7 weeks ago. Like you he left a big hole in my life. The pain of losing him will never go away I feel nor will the heart break and loneliness. He was my world and after 40 years of marriage, my other half (literally), life partner and soul mate. I also have family that do not keep in touch with me - his sister and brother have never messaged me since the funeral. He has one other sister who occasionally messages me. That’s the reason I o post on this forum. I’m glad that I found this forum. The support has helped me as well as keep me sane. Everyone understands what you are going through as we are all going through this awful nightmare at varying stages. Reach out to this community as much as you feel you need to. We will support you. Take good care of yourself. Sending you love and hugs. xx


@Deb5 Totally agree with you. I don’t think I will get over the loss of my husband. Can’t see the future. How do I create a new life when I want my old life back? It’s awful. Take care. Big hugs xx


I know how you all are feeling.
I want to think it will get better.
Families you cant choose and make them understand the pain and grief :broken_heart: think unless it happens to them they wont know how hard it is to even just survive and i would not wish this to happen to anyone.
Today i was out waking and met a lady in my street who had lost her husband in March we both agreed you need to live each day as who knows it could be our last.
Anyway sending hugs and best wishes to everone tonight. :people_hugging:
Take care