Missing you ❤️

One step forward two steps back how exhausting :broken_heart:

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coming up to 10 months on 2nd March, I miss you so terribly my love. Not a day goes by I don’t think of you and us, what we talked, laughed and did together - all these beautiful memories of you have given me the reasons to carry on each day. I love and miss you so much my angel :heart:
This time of the year we would be sitting down to discuss and decide where we would be going for a weekend break at the end of March - now sadly I am sitting on my own and contemplating where I should be going, alone! - still trying to push myself to book somewhere, the only comfort I have is to think that wherever I go you will be by my side though not physically but on my mind my love. I have told myself I will be living, doing everything for both of us fulfilling our hopes and dreams as if you were still here with me that’s a promise. I love you and miss you so much my angel and I hope you are at peace and free from any suffering wherever you are my love :heart:

Love you forever til the day I join you my love, my angel :heart: :heart: :heart:


@Angel1309 Wishing you all the best for your planned trip, I hope you can get some comfort, I am trying to arrange a trip with a friend, but there will never be the pleasure of another holiday with my husband it’s heartbreaking isn’t it. Sending love x

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I’m so very sorry for your loss. I lost my beautiful wife in June last year to cancer. She was my everything not just my wife but my best friend. I watched her slowly deteriorate knowing there was nothing I could do but be there for her till the end. She asked me to continue with my life should anything happen to her. She said she wanted me to be happy but I’ll never be happy again without her. We loved our holidays and I’m going away on my own in September but my wife will be with me in my heart


@Kathy6 Thank you so much for your kind wishes. Holiday will never be the same again without our beloved. I do hope your trip with your friend will bring some peace and relaxing time as you can.
Love and hugs x

Thank you for your kind words. I am so sorry for your loss too. My husband was my everything and I am so lost without him life is so meaningless without him by my side. I lost him in May last year so suddenly to a heart attack and never had a chance to say goodbye.
I hope you will find some comfort going on holiday with your beloved wife in your heart she will probably be watching over you wherever you are.
Please take care x

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It’s so hard isn’t it… I spent yesterday eve looking for somewhere to stay but couldn’t bring myself to book anything…
Like you my partner and I enjoyed arranging holidays three times a year…The thought of travelling alone feels me with dread…

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Sorry for the loss of your
Wife I lost my partner 8th July last year
He was also my best friend and partner for 33 years… I didn’t get the chance to hold him close when he died I found him in the morning… but I do know he would want me to move forward no matter how hard it is… I think he would be so proud of how I’m coping and managing… I did manage a few days away on my own a few months after he passed but didn’t cope very well I guess it was way too early… and I ended up coming back home… I just don’t find I’m excited to go I’ve got a holiday booked in September with my sister but I can’t say I’m excited which is sad :pensive:

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I managed to book holiday in July to Belfast
This will be my 1st one on my own since husband died in june 23.
Not something i ever thought id be doing on my own. Not really sure how i’ll be but i hope i will cope ok.
Take care
Lynne x


Yes it is hard but we’ll have to do it sooner or later I’m sure our love ones would want us to carry on and they will hopefully be watching over us wherever we are. I totally understand where you’re coming from, I am dreading too and still trying to convince myself to go ahead and book some where soon.
Please take care x


I hope your holiday will bring you some peace and comfort we all need a holiday after this dreadful journey we’ve been on.
Best wishes x

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Well done lynn I really hope you have a lovely time :slight_smile:

Yes we do I guess I might just book something but I’m still deciding weather to go alone or take my doggie… I like to mooch around craft shops but difficult with a dog… but he is great company.

@Ilovehorses Dogs are so loving and compassionate we have three office dogs that I am so thankful when I go into the office one of them tends to hang around with me when I’m down - I think he can sense when he’s needed :slightly_smiling_face:
I hope you have a great break you can somewhere where there are plenty of shops that allow dogs.
Take care x


Was going to book to go somewhere at the end of March but just realised it’s Easter’s that weekend so will have to abandon the plan as it will be too expensive to go that weekend. It’s coming up to the 1st anniversary of my angel’s passing soon (2nd May) can’t bear to be home alone so might just go away for the day. Then our 36th wedding anniversary in July, his would’ve been 63rd birthday in September and mine in November - won’t be able to be alone at home on these days either :broken_heart: what to do :broken_heart:
Take good care everyone X


Hi @Angel1309
Whats really strange i was waken from 4am this
morning thinking something similar for 8th June when it will be our 1st anniversary since he passed. I already done what would have been our 36 anniversary last August and still to do his next birthday in 27th April he will be 64.
Like you dont want to spend any more of these special days alone anymore so woke up thinking of were to do away either for the days or weeks when they come around.
I hope you manage to get away as i am also planning time away.
Take care
Lynne Xx


Hi @Angel1309
My husband’s anniversary is May1st and I know that will be a difficult day for me, I plan to visit his grave that day. I am dreading it and can’t believe that a year has almost passed!
I found January very hard as not only did I come into a new year without him but his 69th Birthday was on the 4th and our 48th Anniversary was on the 15th, it was a very tough month! I can understand how you are feeling and reading others stories & feelings helps me to know the things I feel are all normal.
Every one of us are getting through this the best we can there are no set rules, just do what you can to get through each hurdle xx


Hi @Galaxy75 I was talking to my friend about going to Paris for a day or two on the anniversary of his passing and to my massive surprise she was offering to accompany me. I couldn’t believe it and was so grateful to her kindness and so now I am looking for a good Eurostar deal. That’s the anniversary trip sorted - what a relief :pray:.
I hope you manage to book somewhere nice and have a peaceful time on your trip on 8th June.
Please take care xx

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Hi @Georgi Yours is only a day before mine. It’s hard isn’t it to think about that fateful day - so heartbreaking :broken_heart:. Time is flying by but someday I still feel like it’s only yesterday that it happened. Goodness I can’t imagine how hard January must have been for you all the poignant dates are all in the same month I am so sorry and hope you had friends and family to support you through those days.
Please be proud of yourself to have got through those difficult days.
Yes, we all are getting through this the best we can - take good care everyone xx


Bless ya heart I took myself out on my angels birthday nov and had a down day for mine which is 2 days after Xmas his year anniversary July 19 so taking myself Paignton for the day and my daughter and niece and sister all going down to looe 17 June for day out as that was she last place me and my angel went before he passed away suddenly it’s so raw for me even now I blame myself should have done more etc etc we didn’t live together but I was always at his untill the last 2 weeks before he passed