Missing you ❤️

Good on you to go out and about- he wouldn’t have wanted you to be moping around feeling sorry and isolated.
Take care x


i still do , evenings are the worst and telling him about my day, and sleeping in an empty bed without him giving me a goodnight kiss before we went to sleep


It’s not easy yesterday was a bad day as if I lost him all over again and also his dang Rudi his daughter had passed away he was 16 reunited with my angel so he’s not alone take care


Big hugs xx

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Thank you ,it means a lot to me to know i am not on my own


Bad day for me yesterday as well. 9 months since I lost my soul mate and it seems to hurt more each day. Take care everyone xx


Hi @ AnnieG1
Yes bad day yesterday too. 9 months for me also.
Had my 1st counselling session yeaterday could not stop crying. I have no cryed like thst since it happened back o 8th June 23.
Thought i was doing ok this session ahown me not doing well ataul.
This mornjng i feel prety down guess confronting what happened that day is still in my mind.
Hope you have a better day today
Sending you hugs and :heart:
Lynne x


Hi Lynne, I had counselling and cried every time. My cousellor said it helps to get it out of you but always felt exhausted afterwards. I hope today you are feeling a bit better. Proberly like me you have bad days and not so bad days. My daughter is taking me out today so hopefully mine will be a better day. Take care.
Ann x

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It’s one of them days woke up sat down stairs got my phone a going through my photo crying my hart out probably crying for help. I am finding it so hard to keep it together being two sides to me happy ish with friends a family but in the house not all the time. Feeling like this miss my tina 3 months now wishing it was me not tina sorry just a crap day


Hi @ AnnieG1
Yes counselling will be hard but it helps to get through the grief process. I hope it helps me deal with feelings better i tend not to show them to others so mostly now only cry when on my own these days.
I dont have family close by my daughter is in Australia so i miss her and family badly.
She phones ever werk but not quite the same. Last saw her for her dads funeral in July 23. I am planning a trip to see her this year. I spent last Christmas New Year on my own dont want that this year so will probably go over then
Enjoy the day with your daughter.
Lynne :two_hearts:


@Martin2 we all have day’s like this and it is very early days for you. I wish I could say it gets better but for me it hasn’t it’s just got a tiny bit easier. Some days I am back to square one others days it is slightly easier. Take care of yourself and rant on here as we all know what you are going through sadly. X


I’m 8 months in and wish it had been me first this pain is so hard to bear at times…
I try and fill my days with friends and family but at the end of the day we are all
Alone…I started drinking last night to block it out but that was a bad idea…


I seriously thought of having a drink tonight . Had a crap day . But thought better of it . It would only make me sick and have a bad head in the morning . And the loneliness and horror of this life now , would still be here. I don’t actually drink either. X


Hi @Ilovehorses
I know the pain just never goes away sits behind the surface.
I thought 9 months on would be feeling better but somedays i feel like im back to day 1.
Life is just so tough without them.
I dont have any family around so finding it hard on my own dealing with any problems that crop up.
Just been referred for counselling now so see how that goes.
Take care
Lynne :heart:


No I hardly drunk either I can’t hold much more than 1 glass of wine…we used to joke I was a
Cheap date… I even ordered water on New Year’s Eve once he always laughed at that…


New year’s eve was always seen in with my husband having a drink and me a cup of tea. … A few months after my husband died, I filled a pint glass with proseco and downed it in 10 minutes . I suffered the next day . And it didn’t even help me sleep . Just made me feel like :poop:lol. x


I think I would have passed out on a :beer:
I don’t want drink to become my friend though I just can’t see past this loneliness and I’m sick of friends saying it will get better in time and your find someone one day… They have no idea :frowning:


That must be tough with no friends thank goodness we have this group to keep us all sane…I hope the counselling helps I’m still waiting on the list…


Why do people think we even want someone else . It’s not like replacing a pet . What I know is hard. But to replace our partners ,it makes you wonder what sort of a relationship they have with theirs . I know people do find ( I don’t even know if it’s love) again . But I think it has to happen naturally if at all . And our partners would always be in that relationship . How could they not . A new relationship wouldn’t happen if our partners hadn’t died . It makes me think of the meatloaf song . Two out of three ain’t bad . These are just my thoughts . And as for it getting easier . I don’t think so . We adapt to this new different life , doesn’t mean we like it or it’s easier. Yes some people haven’t got a clue . Sadly one day what they have thought , might just come back and bite them . x


Absolutely totally agree what are they actually thinking…I must admit one of my friends that said that , said living with her husband is like living with her dad ( he is 23 years older than her ) and she actually said when he dies she can start living her life again! I was lost for words…
Another so called friend of mine told me I was bitter and twisted and good ridence all because she hadn’t been there for me and I told her how hurt I felt… I’ve known her 14 years! Needless to say I’m no longer friends…