Missing you ❤️

I have friends like they it will get better in time and you’ll find someone better one day better what the hell would they know every couple argue and have bad days no relationship or marriage is perfect I lost my angel nearly 8 months ago suddenly he was only 51 so so sad I miss him dearly every single day still Cant believe he won’t be ever coming back his birthday Xmas new year and my birthday was so sad and quiet it doesn’t get easy you just have to learn to live with the grief as grief is love with no place to go


What a thing to say and how cruel of your friend


Exactly what the hell would they know… they haven’t experienced loss like it!
I hate this life I miss him so much :cry:


OMG . how awful is that , and to say it to you . That’s how this life is so unfair . If your friend not happy in her life , then she should just change it . She has a choice . She could leave him . We never had a choice ,our partners were stolen from us . And your well rid of that other person . She defo not a friend . Bloody awful world we are left in without our partners . It’s just as well this site is here , with people that do understand . x


Totally agree I was shocked!
We have no choice but to try and live some sort of life…
I’m definitely glad I’m not speaking to my so called ex friend anymore… I should have said something before when she wrote on my fb post… i wrote finding it difficult today packing my partners clothes into boxes and she wrote on my post… it’s not all about you I’ve lost my best friend today… other friends told me there was a
Lady she used to walk her dog with who died… that post really upset me…


WTF yes you don’t need self centered people like that in your life now . You would of thought she would of showed more empathy if she was so upset about her other friend . I’m so glad I don’t have any friend . I’m a billy no mates .lol. I do have work colleagues, but they are not always nice to me . We were talking the other day about an old kids TV programme called the Raggy Dolls . They were joking saying who we were on there . I said I’m sadsack . And they all bloody agreed . I thought a bit insensitive, but it’s now what I expect from them . I was always the funny person that made them laugh . But I think they have forgotten who I used to be .


Exactly You would have thought so wouldn’t you… it’s slightly awkward though as my other friend is also best friends with her… but was very diplomatic and said your both special to me and want to keep it that way… if a
Friend of mine spoke to another friend that way I think I might have something to say to her…
How horrible of your work colleagues …to be honest that’s exactly what they are just work colleagues…I can’t say I know the raggedy dolls


Yes I would of had to have a quiet word with her as well . It’s a shame she might of been able to smooth things over a bit with you both . But really it’s her problem now you aren’t friends with her . You have enough grief to deal with without her adding more hurt to you . The raggy dolls was out in the late 80 s I think . Seems like a million years ago , when life was good and I was happy x


Very true ,no one ever replace my husband Phil ,he was my strength and support,He will always be my husband even though he is not by my side any more


Yes that’s what I think also . We were that close to each other . I always said we have the same DNA. We met as teens and he made me into the woman I was . I say was . I don’t know who or what I am now . x


Thank you for your reply


Hi would have drink with you all on here by the sounds of it we all didn’t crap day yesterday sat just watched tv but thinking what if could I have changed the out come. Should have more with the time we had together I know tina was in hospital fighting A whole year with the ending what hurts an keeps going over an over tina said we was good together and had a good life. If she could see me now I broken wreck x same as everyone on here some one to listen an reply try an stay strong thanks for listening so glad I did not hit the bottle would have been not good might numb the pain for a bit then thoughts take over xxx


Hi Martin , yes really crap day yesterday . But posting on this site did help . I didn’t get to sleep till after 3, was watching Chicago fire. Obsessed with it now :smile:. Trying to have a better day today . Promised myself a pamper and two hour bath later . Only if I do the housework :grimacing:lol. …Back on the treadmill of life . But put it on a sloooow setting . …Martin it’s still such a short time since your Tina died. You will be feeling like that . I can’t say it gets better in time , cause it hasn’t for me , but we learn to adjust . Over two years for me , and I still think of the what ifs . And like yesterday I was a broken wreck . Look after yourself and make sure you eat something today , and yes keep of the drink . It only numbs the pain for a short time .apart from your :wine_glass::candle:at 7 x


Thankyou. May jump in hot tub an boil for a bit x happy sunday


@Galaxy75 Hi, hope the counselling goes well for you. Bad night for me. Why do I always wake around 2 or 3am and then my brain starts working overtime
and goes back to horrible times. Then it takes me ages to get back to sleep. Feel a real wreck today. Hope you all have a good day. x


I used to wake the exact same time as you every day just staring around the bedroom chatting to him… I seem to be sleeping a lot better lately by deep breathing before bed and visualising lying on a beach …
I gave herbal sleeping tabs a go as well


Hi @ AnnieG1
Thanks today been a bad day.
For no reason just cant stop crying really upset today. Hopeing it will pass as we all have these type of days. But i’ve not had so many but last 2 days have been worse almost like earlier feel back to day 1.
I dont sleep well either mind to active at 3am. Dont enjoy eating or Making food alone. So just snack or dont eat i know it makes me lose weight 2 stone do far.
What a day trued to do some garden work but just not upto it. Gardening makes me sad it was something he loved and i dont hopefully i will grow to like it as we have a large garden full of empty vegetable raised beds i have covered with plastic as cant motivate to do anything.
Here’s hoping you all have a good Sunday.


Hi I hope you don’t mind me jumping in on your conversations? I didn’t have a good day yesterday didn’t see anybody and just felt so alone. Not sure how today will go but hope for a better day. Like you Lynne, I lost a lot of weight to begin with but have gained some again now. Also my sleep pattern is all over the place. I sit and think to myself “how has my life ended up like this.” It wasn’t supposed to be like this.x


Hi it’s not nice must be something to with this weekend mine started Fri an here it is Sunday slept down stairs in front room seems like I’m going backwards not forward x try an have Sunday think I’m going in kitchen try doing Sunday dinner for 1 like most of us lost weight can’t be bothered to cook going to try. Now down to 67kilo not good all I see now is bone showing through skin got to do something about it an eat a bit more an regular x look after yourself means all of you on here reading this talk later. Here goes cooking or burnt offerings x


Also just seen this an borrowed it but words so true