Missing you ❤️

Thankyou It’s horrid as we all no

My sentiments exactly! My angel was my soulmate, my world, my life my everything now without him life is meaningless :broken_heart: doing everything on my own ever so lonely everyday. I too talk to him mornings afternoons and nights but who cares what the neighbours think they can’t possibly understand what we’re going through.
Please take care X


And you angel it’s hard I’m finding it I’m a male men don’t cry they do I can say. Life is meaningless my life empty think why do I bother if was not 3girls. Il be in bed xx stay strong i am or trying or just putting a brave face on life x

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Well done, you!

Martin, I know what you mean. Loss of weight, bone sticking through skin.
My wife Sue cooked me the best food imaginable.
I want to scream at my loss of a beautiful woman.


48 years together for me and Sue. Unbelievable loss.


Snap down to 68 kilo doc last week a scan tomorrow Diebeties Wednesday it’s my own doing I no people say you look I’ll. an want to say yes I am but I reply I’m ok keep going I am trying


Sorry to read your post. I lost Sue 13 months ago. Strangely, had a period of strength for 3 months then it all came back.


Bless your heart I miss my angel too I was at a bus stop earlier this evening talking to a friend haven’t seen her in a while was talking about my angel and a dog by magic a white feather came down in front of me on Maine road i took that as a sign when a white feather appears angels are near it broke my heart he was too young to go only 51 how do you carry on when I got home earlier broke down I feel guilty for going out etc xxx


Sending big hugs & strength x

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Hope your scan goes okay today
It’s tough going through things like this alone.


Scan got wait now Diebeties 10 this morning let’s hope they can get what’s going on hope you an every one ok xx happy ish Wednesday x


Hi Martin2,
Wishing you all the best with your tests and hope the results are good news for you.
Best wishes


Not sure where your based but the sun is shining in Dorset makes all the difference to my mood… good luck


Waiting room docs up in Portsmouth get this morning out the way may get in garden do a bit


Hi Martin2,
No chance of me getting any weeding done today, it’s raining here in Aberdeen.


Hi @ Georgi
Raining and cold here too in Edinburgh.
Another day at home.
Take care
Lynne x


Hi @Martin2 and @Broken2222 sorry I have only just seen your replies. I have been on the site but did not read this particular thread. I get confused now with all the different topics and with not posting on here for such a long time. Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my post. It’s very dull here today and rainy which doesn’t help. Oh how I long for my previous life back but that’s never going to happen. I so miss my lovely husband. I have this constant heaviness in my chest which after two years I thought might have lifted. But no, it still sits there. A constant feeling of dread. Well now I’ve brought the mood down, I do wish you all a better day. Love and hugs.x


Bless sending hugs to you like spring here. Nice but no we going to get rain later making the most of it x one thing one big thing my tina not here to share it xx