Missing you ❤️

Oh dear it’s sunny here in England :england: Plymouth

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Take each day as it comes they say the second year is worse don’t know why take each day as it comes could take years no one can put a time on grief I only lost my fiancé last July the emotions are
Like waves drowning in pools of tears grief is love with no place to go I have my fiancé engagement ring in with mine and a ring a friend made
With his hair in as I didn’t get his ashes as his family had them and banned me from going to his funeral etc so sad :sob: my heart breaks every day he was in his own when he passed and told me the same evening he was scared I tried to get their and failed him so did the paramedics as it was too late :sob::sob::sob:


That’s made me tear up I’m am so sorry you had that if make you smile you got something more valuable then ashes you have his hart next to yours an they can’t take that can they x sending hugs to you x


I’ve just weeded and raked up lots of leaves I’m exhausted… time for a
Cuppa :slight_smile:


Now come an do mine I’ll have coffee on tap nice one amazing bit of sun an warmth x


Hi @Galaxy75
Sun did come out in the afternoon but my motivation was gone !


Mine too
Still cold here
Maybe better day tomorrow although forecast showers
Hope you have a nice night
Lynne x


Thank you for replying. It’s so hard without our loved ones. I still cry but maybe not as often but it comes on me when I least expect it sometimes. Take care.x


Hi I noticed from your profile that your wife had leukemia. My husband had AML but didn’t die from that. Take care of yourself Martin.x


Mml AML chemo after chemo platelets blood transfusions one min it’s working then it’s not sent to London for a trial drug the white cells to high sent back from 3 .1.23. Tina was told till 8.12.23 here new home was the QA came one day for birthday And anniversary tina birthday about 6 days both hoping for a cure never prayed as much but he not answering Sorry for your loss too and sorry for everyone loss on here life unfair very unfair tina messages I keep reading over an over and there this one

I can’t get out of my head may get this tattooed on my leg keep talking on here I find it helps a lot don’t make it better your thoughts creep back x


Wow that’s my birthday date very spooky just know she’s at peace but will always be with you I wish I could bring back my angel but I can’t I know he’ll be up thier DJ and everyone else will be dancing around


It’s horrible I lost my wife a few months ago and the pain just hits me when I’m not expecting it it hits so hard


Another awful day. Woke up from an awful dream this morning. I dreamt my darling husband and I were both being horrible to each other. It was truely horrendous. I’m not saying we never argued but on the whole we never really fell out in all the 50 plus years together. Where did that come from? I just can’t stop crying. :sob:I hope you are all having a better day than me . X


@Bailey2 6 Weeks for me. Just the same. Seems to be getting worse as the weeks go by.


@Derek364 Hi just over 9 months for me and I thought it was getting a very tiny bit easier but them wham a day like today and I’m back where I started. Sort for your loss. X


When I get like that Annie, I try to find something to do, go for a walk, tidy the garage, but when it hits you in the evening all I can do is go to bed early. Does mean I’m usually up at 4 but the mornings seem better for me.


All ok this morning come home started hovering thoughts came rushing back right mess again babes if only you no xx don’t like it down here wondering around just lost x


Crying myself to sleep in the early hours the other night then in my dream my angel was laying next to me so I said omg how could I let the whole day go by without making the most of giving you a massive hug, then I hugged him so hard until I woke up in the morning, feeling so comforted and happy to see & be with my angel again even for a little while :orange_heart:.
This sounds crazy but more than once when I was scared, stressed or crying myself to sleep I always saw my angel in my dreams being there for me as if he wanted to comfort and reassure me that all was going to be okay - I woke up feeling comforted every time that happened! My angel is certainly watching over me. I miss you so much my angel I wish you were here physically for real by my side days and nights growing old together :orange_heart::broken_heart:.


@Angel1309 that must have been so comforting for you . Xx

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Morning all weekend here let’s hope we all have a nice one sun out but cold out bit of a frost We must all Cary on I no wish I can have a dream like that it would make feel so much better it will I no x talk later

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