Missing you ❤️

@AnnieG1 yes very much so :orange_heart:. It’s Saturday today I am going to the cemetery to have a lovely little chat with him later this morning just like every weekend. Will thank him for looking out for me as always.
Best wishes & take care xx


Good morning everyone, it’s a beautiful morning cold & crisp just the way I like it :+1:. I pray he will never stop visiting in dreams :pray::pray:. Yes we must all carry on with our beloved in our hearts always and forever till our days come.
Take good care x


That must be so comforting for you I wish my wife would visit me in my dreams it’s been 9 months and it hasn’t happened yet. I hope you get more of these beautiful dreams god bless :pray:


Sat and now I’m thinking of going to bed some life a saves putting heating on. I surpose hope all is well and good sat x


Hi @Martin2
Take care
Me to thinking of bed early night electric blanket. Its so cold here tonight
Usual Sat NIGHT TV will probily fall asleep


Hi Martin . I’m watching the England match . It’s only a friendly .but something to watch :grin::soccer:. It is cold tonight . Couldn’t care less about the Lecky bill . It will get paid if and when I have it . Life’s cold enough without being cold as well. Hope you manage a good night sleep x


Thanks to you both. Been an up and down day cleaning tina bike an being up set xx

Looks like new well it is really xx thinking she never ride this again sorry I keep on about Me an tina xx


Martin ,don’t ever stop talking about you and Tina . That’s what we are all here for . We all talk about our partners . They are still the most important person in our lives . You have been busy , and of course the bike will be a trigger for getting upset . Mind everything is really they are always in our thoughts and of course always in our heart. Always will be x


Thank you and I do hope you will get these beautiful dreams someday soon x


Have a great night x


Went to the cemetery earlier today to have a chat with my angel like every weekend. The weather was so beautiful today cold & crisp! I thanked him for being so kind and loving and still watching over me even now appearing in my dreams whenever I was at rock bottom. My friend has said that I shouldn’t hold him back and that I should free his soul. I am now torn between feeling loved and comforted from seeing him in my dreams… and being selfish for not letting him go. I can’t bring myself to tell him to be free as that means I will never get to see or hug him ever again no I can’t bear it! But on the other hand my angel never did anything he didn’t want to do when he was alive, surely now he must have wanted to be with me in my dreams - so I don’t believe I am being selfish, do I? Perhaps my friend doesn’t understand because she’s not grieving??
Miss you so much my angel :orange_heart::broken_heart:


@Angel1309 no you’re definitely not being selfish. I find the concept of what you describe quite difficult to wrap my head around. I’m more of a factual , scientific based person who needs to see evidence of things . I have been reading your posts about your dreams though and I feel quite envious because I don’t have this experience myself. I’d love to be able to have such vivid experiences with my Baz once more - I certainly wouldn’t feel I was being selfish for wanting more of them .
Like you say , your angel didn’t do something he didn’t want to so go with the flow and stop feeling guilty is what I say xxx


@Ladysuisei6 Thank you that’s so comforting :pray:. To be honest I can’t believe it myself that this has been happening and I’m so grateful to have had another chance to be close to my angel in some way but at the same time don’t want to feel in any way that he is not happy because of my needs. Maybe because we used to be so into each other and never needed anyone else and he knows how hard it is for me to adjust to the total opposite and wants to make sure I am okay :orange_heart: bless him :orange_heart:. Now I feel so much better that I am really not being selfish to be longing for him to be in my dreams. Loneliness is so horrible as we know it don’t we?
Best wishes and please take good care xx


@Angel1309 yes loneliness is truly awful and I really wish I had the dreams which you are experiencing. When I sleep I don’t dream of anything- I wake up very early in a panic suddenly realising I’m alone and it terrifies me :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


Came home from work this am and it is such a devastating feeling that he is not upstairs snoring. . I feel so lost without my absolute soul mate . Why is life so cruel


Hi Jol it is life cruel we all on here for a reason one way or another every day is different every door we open is a new beginning as it shuts the past is behind it and it’s nice to open that door an past flood in that’s how I’m dealing with it not saying it’s going to work with every one but it helps me try an have a good sort of Sunday talk again take care

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Me and my wife did have arguments and fall outs over the years I wish I could erase them all and say sorry but it’s to late no😥


Bailey we all have little arguments that’s life don’t beat yourself about it think of the happy times you had and I bet they out way the bad Hope Sunday a bit better


Trying to be strong by comforting with words to friends on here should take lessons out my words. It’s been a bad day sitting here 08 till now watching tv but my mind elsewhere tear. Have been rolling down my face all day. My brother knocked the door put plate of food down Sunday lunch is this my life now hand outs to make sure I’m eating well my life horrid every week that goes by is a week i survived is life going to change or have I got to change it help so lost an done


Every day is horrible but for some reason Sunday always seems the worst day