Missing you ❤️

@Ladysuisei6 yes it is, loneliness is horrible and unfortunately it’s not going to go away anytime soon for all of us sadly :sob:. I do hope you will see your beloved in your dreams someday soon :pray:.
I can totally resonate with you, I too wake up very early everyday and desperately try to get busy just to avoid this horrible feeling of sadness, emptiness and loneliness but one can only do so much, so comes the afternoon the feeling is spiralling down day after day especially at weekends when there is so much time but not enough to do :sob:
sending big hugs & strength xx


yes, same here approaching the front door my heart sinks knowing that I am about to enter an empty space that used to be filled with love and laughters :sob: Life without our absolute beloved is so cruel indeed :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


@Angel1309 yes I have accepted loneliness as my default state now . I am constantly feeling very unsettled because I’m not happy where I live . I can change this , but I have to accept that wherever I choose to live , I will be taking my loneliness with me . That’s a scary thought. How terrible life is for all of us :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


It is terrible because the loneliness won’t go away
Even in a room full of people it’s so lonely because your partner isn’t with you :disappointed_relieved:


Hi @Pam14 @Ladysuisei6
Thats just so right.
Been out today with others around but still feeling so alone.
Thought about moving house too but no matter were you are its without your partner its always going to be lonely.
This life now our new norm dont know if i will ever get used to it. Just over 9 months for me :pensive:
Lynne X


I too thought of moving but that wouldn’t change how we feel and likely isolate us more, at least we know Our current neighbours! I really don’t think anything will help how we are all feeling right now, we just have to get through this grief the best we can ! But it is so damn hard, sharing our feelings on sites like this do help because we are all feeling the same & understand it, I appreciate it even though I don’t always contribute just reading that others are feeling the same helps me, so Thank you to all of you xxx


I so agree Sunday’s are awful xxx


I was just saying to a friend this afternoon that Sundays seem the worst day. Not so much going on and too much time to think.


I find Sunday’s drag on . I think they should be called sadday now . They used to go so quick , spending loving time with partners , before the work week started again . Xtake carex


I find everyday is like a Sunday as I’m retired and all the days now slide into one x


Thats how I feel also, I officially became a pensioner 23/04/23 and lost my husband of 47 yrs on 01/05/23, cancer is a cruel disease xx


I have that to come in about five years . Retirement. If I’m still here!! Can’t bare to think about it , x


We had such plans all the things we were going to do . It’s a very


@Ladysuisei6 yes, me too I have accepted and am now trying to rebuild the new lonely life, sad by there’s no other way :broken_heart:. It’s scary but we all have to keep going! Take care xx


We all are going through the same sad, cruel and lonely journey - take good care everyone xx


Your so right loneliness follows you where ever you are who ever your with, what ever your doing… that’s the hardest part for me…
we no longer have anyone to share our time with… I hate Fridays and the weekends… during the week I try to keep busy with friends but they all have there family’s I’m sure most of them expect me to be moving on by now as the calls are
Less and less…I’m retired too and was so looking forward to spending more time together… :frowning:


Angel is right, I’m trying to accept the reality of my situation. It’s painful, I cry and I’m lonely but all we can do is move forward, try to build new routines into our lives and accept our old life is gone.


Yes as hard as it is we have know choice but to move forward… I’m grateful everyday I’m still here to spend time with my family and immerse in nature…My partner really would want me to try and enjoy what time I have…I feel as though he is beside me guiding me to my next phase in life…I have learnt so many things so far not taking life for granted is one of them…May we all find peace, love and happiness again one day


Fingers crossed we will all get there and be okay someday somehow.
Best wishes and take care everyone x


Exactly my sentiments. Thank you.
Yes, may we all find peace, love and happiness again one day x